SmallMouth AWOL from Bay

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2012/06/25 10:41:13 (permalink)

SmallMouth AWOL from Bay

Drove up for the day Friday hoping to find a couple of smallmouths near shore. Had a beautiful day but a big zero with the Smallies. Not even a hit on my best baits at my favorite spots. Just curious, is it me? Has anybody been having any luck from shore. Is it late in the year; water too warm? Saw a ton of Carp swimming close to where I was fishing and doing a lot of jumping and splashing, could this affect the bass fishing.  Guess the mystery is what makes fishing interesting, but catching doesn't hurt either.

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    Re:SmallMouth AWOL from Bay 2012/06/25 13:13:34 (permalink)
    I only saw a few caught on North Pier when I hit it from shore one evening, about 10 days ago. There were about a dozen sheephead caught to every 1 smallie. And technically, out there probably isn't considered the Bay, even if some came from the Channel. We hit a few other spots in the Bay from shore, and didn't catch any smallies.
    Additionally, we only caught a few random smallies while in the boat in the Bay over 3-4 days. So ya, not many left from our experience, and that was June 10-16th. Got a few on the city side, probably 8-12ft. Couple decent ones shallow on the Isle side too, but totally random at that point. You would have had to wade pretty far where we found them.
    I'd think there have to be some decent shore spots on main lake East of PIB, but it's pretty shallow on that shoreline. The few "beaches" I've seen with people fishing, you probably couldn't cast further than 4-6' depth unless you're willing to wade. I'd also recommend renting a boat from PIB at this point, and getting into the big water.
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    Re:SmallMouth AWOL from Bay 2012/06/25 20:03:52 (permalink)
    little late to the party 
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    Re:SmallMouth AWOL from Bay 2012/06/26 08:37:27 (permalink)
    That probably sums it up. 
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    Re:SmallMouth AWOL from Bay 2012/06/26 15:37:41 (permalink)
    Well with the Smallies out of the Bay, how far out or away from the Channel does one have to go to get them in the Main Lake.  Thought about maybe trying to venture out there next time I'm up but don't want to get too far away from safer waters.
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    Re:SmallMouth AWOL from Bay 2012/06/26 19:09:53 (permalink)
    Pgh-flytier - you were a bit late. It's really a late April to early June fishery for smallmouths in the shallows and in the streams. I was up there several weekends before Memorial Day and it was fantastic in the bay with the fly rod.  I came back on June 15th and there was nothing.
    When you are up there that late you really have to be out in the bay. From the north side you may have to wade out a 100 yards to reach the random fish. In May, the fish are everywhere.
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    Re:SmallMouth AWOL from Bay 2012/06/27 09:13:39 (permalink)
    Thanks WXFISHERMAN, I thought I was a little late but wasn't sure. I'll have to remember next year to get up a little earlier. Usually I fish when I can get off work, and not the best fishing times. Missed a lot of the best trout fishing this year for that reason. Trips to Erie are still my favorite trip, so I'll probably be coming up even later in the year and trying my luck. All it takes is one dumb smallmouth to make my trip!
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    Re:SmallMouth AWOL from Bay 2012/07/01 13:40:55 (permalink)
    You still will be able to pick up a few at the south or north pier.Use a gulp goby in watermelon,green pumpkin, any colors that imitate the ever abundant gobie...Dropshot in the channel....If you use live bait it is hard to beat nightcrawlers just suspended off the bottom...downfall to crawlers is you will pick up gobies , the ever sought after sheephead and other species also...
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    Re:SmallMouth AWOL from Bay 2012/07/05 17:19:35 (permalink)
    I was up there probably the 2nd weekend of June and saw 4 caught in a whole day period.  As said prior it's mostly from April till maybe the first few days of June.  I have gone up 2 years in a row the weekend before memorial day and this year we went up we ended up bagging 20+ Largemouth and well over 40 or 50 Smallies in a 3 day period...  I just think that it's too stinkin hot for anything to be in the shallows minus the carp/drum...
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