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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/01 18:07:01
i'll be setting up for the picnic around 8:00am naxt saturday 8/11/12. anyone wants to help out be at the picnic sight. directions to picnic.
coming from the west. Take I80 east to the clarion exit. go north past wal-mart. stay straight through clarion, past court house, on miola road. you'll come to a stop sign which is rte 36. turn right. follow into cooksburg to the bridge over the clarion river, turn left before the bridge. go about a mile upriver. you'll come to an area with lots of picnic tables along the road/river and a playground. if you're coming from the east take I80 west. get off at the brookville exit and follow rte. 36 north/west. follow the signs to cooks forest. stay on 36. when you pass mcbeths campground and store slow down and cross the bridge over the clarion river. turn right after bridge. go about a mile upriver. you'll come to an area with lots of picnic tables and a playground along the river.. i'll set up tarps and picnic stuff along the river in the morning. this should be before the play ground. i plan on going down tuesday to get a camp sight. when i get one i'll post directions to which camp sight i got. it is in the ANF so no restrictions on beverages. there is a modern pit toilets near by and a spring up the road. the river is across the road from the sight for easy access.
post edited by doubletaper - 2012/08/01 18:08:19
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/01 18:12:23
  You the Man Jerry. If I was to pick up a cigar or12 what would you suggest/like? Andy
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/01 20:03:58
Alright . Good luck chasing strippers........... I mean stripers.
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/05 18:59:34
Queen did very well this weekend on the fish. The river was in great shape. Hope it holds out for another week. We still may have to blindfold you ,Andy, but JT should probably be draggin them in.....WF
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/06 18:27:52
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 19:04:56
Lets add a Homemade Apple Pie and veggie tray to what we are gonna be bringing.
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 20:14:32
dt~ You want me to pick up those couple bottles of wine for you from Penn Shores Winery ? ( a bottle of Chancelor and a bottle of Lambruscano) ??? I know you wanted to try them.....
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 21:11:36
deetz, yes, yes, yes on the chancelor. my mouth has been watering for that wine. i have the day off friday so friday night i plan on being a wino if you're coming down then. got two tents set up tonight. i'll be going down thursday after work and will camping out thursday night till sunday so anyone wants to show up thursday evening or anytime friday, come on down. i'll add directions to the sight on the first thread to the camping spot. water looks good for the outing and a little rain won't hurt a bit. everyone is in charge of their own drinks. are you guys bringing buns for the burgers? Teressa is making cheezy potatoes and brownies also and dogs for friday.
post edited by doubletaper - 2012/08/07 21:32:40
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 21:18:18
rich, stop down for lunch.
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 21:35:01
if i can, i promise you that i will. wf and the queen are supposed to give me catching lessons anyways.
them two catch'm some big catfish!!
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 21:39:04
dt~ Ill be down Friday evening after work to camp. 7-8 pm ish. Ill have those bottles for you then. Directions for the camp site is all im going to need. See you then.
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 21:46:04
Carol,JT and me will be over around 5.Are we gonna need firewood?
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 21:55:21
i believe bingsbait is going to drop some off. i sent him a pm. if not there is a few places i can pick up some up nearby.
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/07 22:06:26
The Queen says you can use her lucky rod, Rich!!!....WF
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/08 21:21:21
went down to the campsite and found a good pile of cut up logs. just right for splitting and burning for the weekend. thanks mr. lumber-bings! campsight directions on first page.
post edited by doubletaper - 2012/08/09 04:48:54
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/08 23:15:18
 Thanks Bings! May need the warmth of a nice fire. Be there Friday around 6. Kayak in Bought 3 lbs. of burgers today...ready to mix my secret ingredients.
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/09 04:51:34
just a reminder. everyone is welcome to stop by and meet some of the board members if you haven't yet. we have a good time just sitting around eating, yapping and fishing. looks like we'll have a group of kayaks and canoes going down the river saturday morning.
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/09 12:54:57
Any one thinking on stopping by Saturday, should. It is so nice to see faces behind the screen names and see what tremendous people these folks actually are. Besides, you can't find a better place to spend a day then Cook Forest. Relaxing, fishing, canoe or kayak or splashing around in the warm, low, clean river. Really a special place....WF
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/09 16:39:42
Definatly X2 to what WF said come out hang out and be around some Super folks  Awesome choice of sites DT,if I remember right thats the BIG flat one right?
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/09 17:36:26
I may have to stop by if I can get away from the honey do... Should I bring a camera?
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/09 18:56:06
Bring the honey. She will love it there....WF
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/10 07:39:26
Guys, Sorry but I am out for the trip. I thought I would have a small repair to my camper roof but after I got up there and poked around, I found out that I had to replace a whole 4X8 Section completely down to the insulation. I got it ripped off and staples and insulation cleaned up then the rain came. Looks like more rain till late afternoon today. I have to get it back on and sealed off before Sunday Morning. Thanks for the invite! Rick Frisco
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/10 08:24:13
Getting out of work early today. Can't wait to see yinz guys!
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/10 15:09:08
caught 2 nice smallies across from camp this morning. good fighters. no rain today. got wood split. ready to do some brew tasing and wine sampling later on. stop by yawl!!!
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/12 13:41:28
So, how was it? I feel bad for missing it, but I had a two-fold family dilemna: I had a family member get discharged from a week-long stay in the hospital and another one whose babysitter bailed on them. Hope a fine time was had by all.
"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley
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Re:Clarion river outing 2012 sign up
2012/08/12 17:14:46
Just got finished hauling gear in the house.I've gotta say that while the weather wasn't nice it was GREAT to get to come out and hang with some Great people once again. Jerry and Teresa thank you two for getting and holding the campsite(plus breakfast this morning T it was great) Jerry and Queen thank you so much for not blindfolding me  ,thanks again for taking JT and me out to get them Cats! (Queen you better get that "dumb SOB" on the 3rd try  Brian and Mark was great sitting around shooting the $hit with ya,hope ya all enjoyed it as much as me. John it was great to get to hang out with you again bub can't wait till next time. Carol,JT and myself had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!! ac