Three Rivers Hybrid Striper Stocking.

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2012/06/10 09:55:37 (permalink)

Three Rivers Hybrid Striper Stocking.

Looks like this might be on the outs.  The last stocking was made in 2009.  Attached from the PFBC.
All production is relied upon from “out of state” (we receive surplus from agencies who make greater use of these species) or we (PFBC) purchase them. Disease issues and state budget issues nationwide make availability increasingly limited. Reservoirs and lakes are allocated as higher priority (Lake Arthur and Shenango River Lake in the west) than rivers since creel survey and sampling work have revealed directed fisheries and good survival compared to river systems in PA. As budgets and surpluses wane, and disease issues raise added concerns there has been internal discussion of limiting the striped bass hybrid program to about 4 lakes/reservoirs statewide. The PFBC prioritization system coupled with low availability often precludes river stocking, despite annual requests for rivers. On a positive note our rivers contain native and naturally produced white bass, one component of the parent stock.
In other words lakes are the priority and the 3Rivers are out.

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    Re:Three Rivers Hybrid Striper Stocking. 2012/06/11 00:22:07 (permalink)
    Caught a nice striper some years back in the beaver river by rochester a little before it opens into the ohio. I wasnt aiming to catch one but did I didnt even know they were in there or stocked.
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    Re:Three Rivers Hybrid Striper Stocking. 2012/06/11 08:40:49 (permalink)
    Well, this sucks.  It would be nice if the state or a hatchery in the state started raising these for sale to the PFBC.  With the seemingly doubled pressure over the past few years at Arthur, and appears Shanango is getting a lot more notice, you'd think the rivers would make a great escape destination from the crowds, when it comes to chasing these fish. 
    I took a few years off, feeling that the lakes are a safer place for angling with youngsters, and give more options when it comes to youngsters entertainment.  I also enjoyed the size difference of the lake wipers over the river ones.  It seems the lake ones are now the same average size as the river ones, with all of the additional pressure and those making a trip to the cooler instead of back into the lake.  I was hoping to shift back to the rivers again soon, with them being much closer and easier to get away for shorter trips.  I for one, fished the rivers targetting these fish.  This will be a major setback in having my fishing tax revenue shift back to the river areas (marina fees, where I purchase gas, bait, food, ect.).
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    Re:Three Rivers Hybrid Striper Stocking. 2012/06/12 08:14:08 (permalink)
    Most locks produce good numbers of stripers. Just can't get close enough in boats.
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