Carp Fishing

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2012/06/07 14:28:40 (permalink)

Carp Fishing

I have been to the Conemaugh river 3 times this year. I chum with corn. I only saw 1 carp so far this year. Is it too early in the season for the carp? Or maybe they are in a different spot in the spring then late summer. Any ideas where they might be?
Thank you,

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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/07 15:42:37 (permalink)
    I've been catching them since that warm week in march. Me thinks your in the wrong spot. Try slow backwaters or shallow slow flats. I'm fairly amateur at carping but that's my guess.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/07 16:37:02 (permalink)
    it's never too early to catch carp. i'd change spots, try some other baits and try sight fishing them until you find them.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/07 20:55:26 (permalink)
    try the slower deeper pools, most of the conemaugh has a hard rocky bottom which isn't ideal for carp fishing.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/07 22:31:15 (permalink)

    I have been to the Conemaugh river 3 times this year. I chum with corn. I only saw 1 carp so far this year. Is it too early in the season for the carp? Or maybe they are in a different spot in the spring then late summer. Any ideas where they might be?
    Thank you,

    When you say "I chum with corn" - how much are you putting in?
    If I were to "chum with corn" - I would go to my spot (preferably a carp friendly area as described by some of the other respondents) the day before I planned on fishing. Scatter an entire 6lb can of sweet cone (corn) into the water. A good sized area is about the size of a tennis court.
    Come back on day two (the day you plan on fishing) - chum the area immediately upon arriving. (maybe 1 - 2 lb at most). Side hook 3 - 5 kernals of cone onto your hook, being sure to leave the point of the hook exposed. Cast into the "tennis court" (1 in the center, 2 near the edges). Set the rods down and wait for the action to commence. After each hookup/ fish landed, chum out another few handfuls of the cone.
    Just showing up at a spot and chumming some cone, is not always the best way to catch fish. Carp cruise around a lot and feed in different locations. Chumming a day or two ahead of time, gives the fish a chnace to find the bait.
    Good luck and let us know how you fare in the future................

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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/08 15:42:06 (permalink)
    KingKool -
    Last year I would chum with 2 small cans of corn. I threw it into the water. By the time I got my rod set up there would be carp eating the corn. The corn was within 4 feet of shore. I guess I have some learning to I was lucky last year....thank you all for your responses.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/08 16:34:17 (permalink)
    Recman, although that's probably the best way to chum, I've had groups of carp glued to one spot for hours just by throwing half a can out. They showed up in less than an hour to boot.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/08 20:39:33 (permalink)
    A good tool to use when chumming is 1 of those slingshots that are made for that purpose. You can reach farther & more precisely with them ,also is fun to use.  sam
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/19 11:25:21 (permalink)
    Another great tool for chumming is called a SPOMB, You attach it to your line and cast it out when it hits the water it opens up. best invention since sliced bread.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/19 18:04:30 (permalink)

    Another great tool for chumming is called a SPOMB, You attach it to your line and cast it out when it hits the water it opens up. best invention since sliced bread.

    The SPOMB is da BOMB. Great tool for baiting up.................

    post edited by KingKool - 2012/06/19 18:05:42

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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/20 01:38:40 (permalink)
    I dont fish well target carp any more but when I was a kid the river was behind my house I'd take a loaf of bread brake up couple pieces throw it in,and wait( there was decent current ) but like you said chum a day before never pit it together till now but if I fished couple days in a row I could toss out on piece and within minutes they would be everywhere even cats but I'd just role up a piece on my hook and ........zing got one

    I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/20 19:14:05 (permalink)


    Another great tool for chumming is called a SPOMB, You attach it to your line and cast it out when it hits the water it opens up. best invention since sliced bread.

    The SPOMB is da BOMB. Great tool for baiting up.................

    Lest we forget groundbait slings......If I wanna spod I just use da boat.

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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/06/21 20:13:55 (permalink)
    The fish will change locations depening on the time of the year. There really is no bottom that won't hold carp. Everyone always thinks mud bottoms but I catch a good majority of my fish in rocky areas. The spomb is great as mentioned. They make a mini spomb now that you can use for smaller rods and the larger ones are for heavier duty rods. The catapult is a great tool as well like said above.
    Chris Johnson
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/09/23 17:32:17 (permalink)
    Saturday was a good day at the river.  I caught four carp.  The pictured one was the largest 17#, 34".

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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/10/04 20:27:11 (permalink)
    Holy Carp Chris lol...
    Chris Johnson
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2012/10/05 16:00:32 (permalink)
    Thanks Mags.  They were active today, but we only managed to get one.  Lot of people around that area today.

    A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't.
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    Chris Johnson
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/04 10:28:15 (permalink)

    Caught from the Mon on the 2nd of Jan. 

    A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/04 12:06:10 (permalink)
    That's sweet. Buffalo right? Was that on a jig and minnow walleye fishing? That's gotta be a rare catch.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/04 12:18:02 (permalink)
    Nice Fish! I wish I was going carp fishing soon.
    Chris Johnson
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/04 14:22:43 (permalink)

    "That's sweet. Buffalo right?" - not sure, I think this is the lightest/whitest carp I've ever caught.  The mouth is more visible in this pic.  A couple buddies and I try to get the first ____ of the year.  I saw these breaking around the end of the year and went back on the 2nd.  I had other bait sitting but caught this one dragging a jig.  Fought like a log.  Going for catfish now, but I will be working something trying to stay warm.

    A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/04 15:11:51 (permalink)
    I caught a few that looked like that in the Al over the summer. Pretty sure it's a buffalo. And yes they all fought like logs, nowhere near the fight of a carp though they look almost identical.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/04 16:00:40 (permalink)
    That's a really cool fish. I was just reading about buffalo this morning. There wasn't any good info online about their range or how to catch them. Just vague, generic info. It sounds like there is potential for really large buffalo though. I might have to see if I can catch one.
    post edited by flyingmoles - 2013/01/04 16:01:58
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/04 16:20:57 (permalink)
    I think is actually a black buffalo. I always see them in the rivers very close to shore at night. Corn has worked for me for bait.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/04 17:00:58 (permalink)
    Has anyone caught any out of the yough? The Mon is pretty far and very unfamiliar.  They look like fun to catch and it would give me an excuse to get out the black widows a little sooner.
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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/05 09:22:21 (permalink)
    I caught them in the three rivers often 2 per trip. Further south they are more widespread and they get huge.

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    Re:Carp Fishing 2013/01/05 18:43:06 (permalink)
    Chris Johnson
    "That's sweet. Buffalo right?" - not sure, I think this is the lightest/whitest carp I've ever caught.  The mouth is more visible in this pic.  A couple buddies and I try to get the first ____ of the year.

    It appears to be a smallmouth buffalo which is actually a member of the sucker family, that have become fairly common catches in the three rivers in recent years.  Carpsuckers/quillback are somewhat similar and are available in some local rivers.  One distinguishable feature between buffalo/suckers and carp is that carp will have barbs on the outside of each side of the lips and fish in the sucker family do not have the barbs. 
    Here's a link to some useful info. on buffalo/suckers:
    Sometimes I go out on the first of the year to try for carp, but didn't make it out this year.
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