myrtle beach fishing?

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2012/06/03 23:24:05 (permalink)

myrtle beach fishing?

Im goin down to myrtle beach and wondered what kind of fishing i could expect

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    Re:myrtle beach fishing? 2012/06/04 18:51:32 (permalink)
    Pier fishing is most common, and there is prolly a half day or full day party boat 
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    Re:myrtle beach fishing? 2012/06/04 20:23:34 (permalink)
    Im also going to myrtle beach in august with the family. Ive got an inland waterways charter reserved for bull red fish fishing , spin and on da fly. I cant wait. Flounder may also be in the mix.
    There are party boats available for off shore fishing but I dont want that kind of fishing experience. Too crowded and not the kind of fishing I would be interested in.
    I looked up a few charter boats , sent e-mails , and made some calls.  I booked this.
    There are many many different charters down there , find one that fits your needs. Good luck.

    The Deetz
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    Re:myrtle beach fishing? 2012/06/04 20:54:47 (permalink)
    Check out this site for recent reports, and check the archives for when you'll be there: http://www.fishermanspost...rts/north-myrtle-beach
    I'm no expert on fishing the Atlantic along the southern beaches, but I've done my fair share of it on vacations and living in NC for a year.  Time of year makes a HUGE difference.  If you're fishing on your own (no charter) mid summer is pretty tough for most game fish on the southern beaches in the surf and off of piers.  
    If you're going soon - like in the next week or two - things seem pretty good in the surf.  This is the time of year for variety - blues, flounder, reds, trout - and size.  
    Don't overlook fishing the ICW either, underneath docks and wading out and fishing channels on high tide.  Lots of reds, trout and flounder to catch there.  
    Your original post is pretty vague - do you know what kind of tackle to use?  Do you know what you want to catch?  Lots of more specific questions you could ask that would get you some more helpful advice.  
    post edited by rsquared - 2012/06/04 21:10:49
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    Re:myrtle beach fishing? 2012/06/05 11:52:33 (permalink)
    If you're looking to fish from a pier, the Cherry Grove Pier is a great place. Its in North Myrtle and has a bait shop with shrimp, squid and anything you could need. I think it's open until midnight. I fished during the evening and nightime and really got into small dusky sharks and an assortment of other fish. During the day, the end of the pier is devoted to those fishing for King Mackerel but it opens up around 5pm or so. Shark fishing is really popular but you arent allowed to bring them up onto the pier. Great place to fish.
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    Re:myrtle beach fishing? 2012/06/05 21:17:59 (permalink) [/link]
    [link=]Nags Head Fishing Pier

    www.nagsheadpier.comNags Head Fishing Pier, one of the oldest and longest fishing piers on the Outer Banks, NC. You and yours can cast out your line and reel in memories that will last a lifetime. Our Pier House Restaurant provides a wide variety of dishes including the freshest seafood

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    Re:myrtle beach fishing? 2012/06/05 23:52:27 (permalink)
    I'd like together into the fish are really good eating and also like to get a good size shark from the beach at night. What kind of gear would I need? And could I take and fish from my kayak?
    The Doc
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    Re:myrtle beach fishing? 2012/06/06 16:08:10 (permalink)
    Was there last week.  Fished 4 days.  Very little happening.  One local Lady landed about an 8lb Blue but the rest was small stuff.
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