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Black coating on fish
Caught a couple smallies, rock bass, largemouth and crappie today that had a black coating on them fish looked really dark, 1 of the crappie when I put him back in my hand had black on it...????? What is it???
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/28 06:47:58
Don't panic. It's just fracking fluid. Perfectly safe.  Where was this?
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/28 07:05:17
Most of them came out of bay harbor marina and a couple from out front of chestnut st launch in presquisle bay
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/28 20:11:41
Seems unlikely that sand / water (fracking fluid) would show up as black coating on fish. May have been an offhanded stab at a joke but there's plenty of non-factual info. out there already, no need to add to the pot. Fish would be hard pressed to come into contact with said fluid thousands of feet below the earths surface regardless of it's content. On the other hand, fish in our beloved Lake Erie come in direct contact with thousands of pounds/gallons of chemicals poured, sprayed and otherwise applied to the surface of the ground surrounding the lake every year. Lets not get waylayed by media hype and consider doing some fact finding before pointing fingers and ignoring real threats to our resources.
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/28 21:15:31
A lot of times when fish stays in deeper water, they take on a darker appearance, and when they move into the shallows, they'll keep that dark look for a while, then they'll change to a lighter color if they stay in the shallows for a while. Since you don't have pictures, I'm taking a stab at it. Maybe you should ask or report it to the fish commission.
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/29 06:02:52
Were they spotted up like this or was the whole fish darkened? Ill be back tonight to hear what your verdicts are. Ill be at work all day but for those who can , do some research. I seem to remember an article I read about the black spots on fish but cant remember it.
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/29 06:03:18
Yea I am going to call find out some more info. I know that fish change colors, but it doesn't come off on your hand when ya touch them!
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/29 06:07:04
No the entire fish was covered in it. A few of the bass had spots like that. But the crappie and rock bass where just full. You couldn't even see the white on the crappie and I had to put my hand in the water and rub the stuff off.
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/29 06:39:58
Ill bet it's some kind of machine oil. I often see slicks of oil in bay harbor marina early and late in the season. I assume from pre and post season maint. There is also alot of pier work and paving going on in that area.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/29 07:14:50
Yes it was meant in a light hearted way.  My uneducated guess would be something they picked up in the sediment on the spawning beds. I wish I were closer to Presque Isle. I would stop and try to talk to a local WCO.
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/29 07:37:59
During spawning season male crappie (both black and white crappie) develop dark splotches all over their bodies. We usually refer to this as them "putting their tuxes on", or painting up. This pigment will come off on your hands a bit when you catch them. However, since other species were involved, I'm guessing this isn't what you witnessed.
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/29 09:11:46
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/29 09:59:00
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Re:Black coating on fish
2012/05/30 01:55:23
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Yeah you need to get educated man
2012/05/31 12:53:53
All that fluid is pulled back up and moved (allegedly) to a hole in the ground. If you believe that always happens I got some three headed trout you may be interested in buying. Oh and there aer pklenty of regulations to boot. It's all good. Those holes never leak. Water doesn't flow uderground that's just a song, right??? Yeah like I said three headed trout.
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Re:Yeah you need to get educated man
2012/05/31 14:38:58
could be something like the micobacteriosus that is causing issues in the chesapeake and all its tribs black spots all over, eventually kills most of the fish btw...the fracking issue is very interesting but bottom line to me is that no company would spend so much money trying to put out a good public image if they didn't have something very dirty to hide....and water and fracking fluid most certainly do travel through pore spaces underground
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Re:Yeah you need to get educated man
2012/06/01 21:05:20
getting the popcorn ready now....
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:Yeah you need to get educated man
2012/06/01 21:37:51
Call the XFiles it's the black oil with an alien plague virus in it sorry couldn't resist
Look to the heavens and thank God everyday that hunting is such a grand part of our lives. Ted Nugent