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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/20 16:58:21
10/27 would be my vote also.
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/20 17:34:46
Ok, but are we still playing poker on the 20th?
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/20 19:13:27
You up to Night before would be cool!
post edited by Mikastorm - 2012/07/20 19:14:35
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/21 01:05:08
Cold If I had to make the decision for myself, I'd vote no competition, just a get together.
+3 and 4
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/21 10:23:34
OK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.... I will ask Jack if he will give his permission to take on the Excellent efforts that he has put out for us for the One Fly! I agree that we should go back to the beginning with the event; as those of us that have been there from the start can agree that the event was always planned as a get together rather than a competition. Yes we can have some smaller things set up like most steelhead caught overall (Senior and Junior) but I think that all of the prizes that MAY??? be donated should be of pot luck what names being pulled from hat... Everyone has a chance to win no matter what you did... That format always seemed to bring people back and there eating for the duration of the prizes.. I am sure that you guys can throw in your side bets onto who gets the most and have a bunch of side competitions! More of a get together than a Competition is a great idea! No Groups or Sponsorships or Fees! Just a good time sharing Fish Stories! Splitting up last names for what to bring is a great idea (everyone always volunteers to bring something so it will be easier to say what to bring)! The date of October 27th seems like a regular good date to most so we will see! I will be talking to Jack and everyone else that was involved over the next few days to get permission to continue this! I am thinking that Jack would not want this to just disappear and I think maybe we can figure out a way to tone it down while carrying on the tradition that he and a few others have started! Thanks, Rick Frisco
post edited by Frisco - 2012/07/21 11:19:23
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/21 10:39:18
post edited by Frisco - 2012/07/21 11:21:11
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/21 17:43:06
Cold If I had to make the decision for myself, I'd vote no competition, just a get together.
+3 and 4
I'll put my 2 cents in this. As one of the 6 contestants(Jack, Jack's late friend,Bughawk,Wormwaster,Genieman and myself) in 1st 1fly of the open era. The first few were invite only. It was always and should be about the competition hence the name. The game just got a lil to big for itself in the last 2-3yrs. If the is no contests then don't call it a One Fly. Call it what it is and that would be a Fisherie Steelhead Get together. Either way I'll be there, if not to fish then at least say hi to some old friends. Mike
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/22 19:52:43
Gentlemen, I have given Frisco permission to organize the event this year. His plan is to make it something much more simple, yet keep the competition aspect of the event. I have agreed to restore an antique rod as 1st Prize if the event comes together. Weare going to try to get the event back to it's roots. Fishin', BS'n, eatin' and games; and eliminate the distractions from the original mission statement: "To Promote Awareness of Catch & Release Fishing on Public Waters of the L. Erie Watershed". I hope you will support Rick in his efforts.
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/24 02:17:07
would be nice to see some old faces
any day of fishing is a gift
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/24 11:41:16
Gentlemen, I have given Frisco permission to organize the event this year. His plan is to make it something much more simple, yet keep the competition aspect of the event. I have agreed to restore an antique rod as 1st Prize if the event comes together. Weare going to try to get the event back to it's roots. Fishin', BS'n, eatin' and games; and eliminate the distractions from the original mission statement: "To Promote Awareness of Catch & Release Fishing on Public Waters of the L. Erie Watershed". I hope you will support Rick in his efforts. I am glad to hear that the event will go on. Although I have as yet for whatever reason never took part, it has been on my bucket list. Perhaps this will be the year. I was concerned that if the event was not held this year, in one form or another, then in all probability it would fade away for good. Glad to see that someone is willing to step forward to make it happen. If I'm finally able to make it up, I will help out in any way I can.
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/24 11:53:59
Ladies and Gentlemen... I am glad that Jack has let me TRY and keep the One Fly up and running this year... Through our talks, we wanted to try and keep things as close to what they were intended for from the start of the One Fly... With that in mind, Jack and a few others started this competition to raise awareness for the catch and release aspect of fishing. They also wanted to raise awareness to the public access rights of fishermen around Lake Erie. As Jack said, originally they all went fishing, BS'd a great amount afterwards, ate some good fixins and usually threw in some show and tell and demo's of some of their new equipment or builds. The show and tell portion grew into some games eventually which was a great idea! I think I showed up at the Girard Pavilion during their first/second year of the event and spoke with Jack as they were cooking! Hooked from then till now! A Great bunch of Guys and a Great Idea! Though my talks with Jack, I am hoping that he is back in action next year as he and everyone else that has ran the one fly has done a great job in running it over the past few years. I am hoping that I can keep the One Fly at the same standards as they have been. I am also hoping that I can recruit and reach out to the same individuals that have helped out in the past. The One Fly was never really the actions of 1 person but ALL of the people that came there, helped out, got involved and made it a great event. With that said, I hope that everyone that was involved in the past can in some way, help out again! I hope that everyone can make it this year and WE keep the fishin, BS'n, eatin and awareness as our main goals! Thanks and I hop to hear from all of you! Rick Frisco
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/24 12:15:55
I have started a Facebook page where some of you FBer's can post on and keep up to date! Link: I will also be starting a new thread for the 2012 version of the One Fly where we can set a date and get a list going for who is coming and who is bringing what.... Keep an eye out for the new thread. For those who would like to help out or organize or be involved in some way shape or form please PM me, Email me or Call me.... Anyone who would like to donate anything or knows anyone who would like to donate anything, please spread the word! Thanks! Rick Frisco Email: Cell: 412-691-1434
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/24 22:23:54
All i ask is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it later in the season. The date of the past few years was a bit early imo, and flows were pretty low and slow. Late October or even early november is a little more authentic in terms of steelie weather, yet still warm enough to hang out and eat afterwards.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/25 10:12:03
I am open for any date to have the one fly but I do want everyone to know that the competition was always held on the Saturday before the second Monday of October because it is the weekend of " Columbus Day". Many people have that monday off work. I am open for any Saturday but you have to let me know when you want it. Any Suggestions are welcome! Frisco
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/25 18:18:56
Joined the facebook page . Hope to see ALL you're smiling faces : ) Jack thanks for all the memories ... I hope you & skeeter can make it ...... Godbless .... Donnie
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/25 18:21:53
I will come and fish but I QUOTE my previous statement "I vote the 27th of Oct. Only because I have that weekend off to fish" Any other weekend and I will show up after work to say HI and help drink some beers.
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/25 22:46:06
I understand that it was always held before Columbus day. But the event is on saturday-plenty of time for folks to do stuff friday and sunday regardless of work schedules on monday. Just because its always been done that way doesn't mean it has to going forward. Certainly we are not looking to duplicate everything that's been done in the past, but instead simplify the whole thing so no one gets burned out. The 3 years ive been there have been a blast. BUT, the flows were so/so and temps pretty hot all 3 years. A later date would likely improve that. I vote the 27th. Frisco thanks for your leadership of this year's event. I am glad to help coordinate some stuff with you, as long as it doesn't get to carried away-fish, eat, meet old and new friends. KISS-keep it simple steelheaders!
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/26 11:09:41
Any of the Saturdays in Oct work for me except the 13th. I will say I always liked it early because it didn't overlap small game season.
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/27 08:36:01
Any day will work for me if the 27th works for Deetz I'll vote for that.
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/27 12:03:02
"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/27 17:41:12
I guess I vote the 27th just so I can see my favorite red headed giant.
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/07/27 19:17:10
Yinz guyz iz so kind Ill make an appearance no matter what date is set , I can only fish on the 27th. So whenever is fine I just say the later the better the fishing will be. JMO.
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.
2012/08/11 11:03:56
Oops i see the date has been set. Awesome, can't wait!
post edited by fisherofmen376 - 2012/08/11 11:11:14
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19