2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.

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2012/05/20 10:53:00 (permalink)

2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous.

Gentlemen and Ladies,
     It makes me very sad to announce that, due to personal events, there will NOT be a 2012 edition of the "One Fly".  My grandson is going for his Boy Scout "Eagle" award and I will be devoting my time (and money) to helping him with his "eagle" project.   I've done this (the "One Fly") for the last 12 years (3 private and 9 public) and I've had the help of many good people in making it happen.  And I thank those people from the bottom of my heart. 
     And I thank all of you who viewed it as the "unofficial start of the steelhead season", and who made the event a point on their calender.  Hope you all have a great year.  If things change, for any reason, I will keep you all posted here.
      Again, A big Thank-You.   And may God Bless You all.

Illegitimis Non carborundum

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/20 14:00:30 (permalink)
    You've done great work indy,but ya gotta go w/family at this time for sure!
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/20 20:36:34 (permalink)
    going to miss it but hope you get up to fish,Jack and we can hook up for a day or two. Take care,they grow up so fast

    any day of fishing is a gift
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/21 12:08:52 (permalink)
    We could just pretend that it happens and congratulate Flipstick and his partner on another win...

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/21 19:18:45 (permalink)
    Thanks for the many great memories that were made over the years.w_w.
    Worm_Waster's Goby Guide Service ~ Specializing in trips for award winning heavy streambred gobies on the Blue Ribbon Elk, since 2009.

    If it has fins and gills, I'm there.

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/24 19:04:06 (permalink)
    I just had my Eagle ceremony a couple months ago, lots of hard work and dedication to get there. Wish him luck from me, it might not be easy but it is definitely worth it, especially when you look back and see what you have achieved. And tell him to ask every small company around him for donations, I didn't get help from the big companies it was the little family companies that helped out the most, my family also helped out a lot, couldn't have done it without there support so its a good thing you are there for him.

    "Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it." Ed Zern
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/24 22:05:11 (permalink)
    Congratulations on your "Eagle"!  There's not as many of them as some people think.  And the work that has to be done by the Scout and the support needed are daunting, for sure.  It's an achievement you can be proud of.  Any tips? ?   Pm's please.

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/25 19:16:49 (permalink)
    Can we still have the night before the one fly?  

    The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/25 20:27:21 (permalink)
    Only if you bring goose jerky...

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/26 07:36:00 (permalink)
    Jack , Thanks for the memorable times Ive had during the One Fly events. Good people , good friends , good food , good company.

    The Deetz
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/26 09:21:39 (permalink)
    Sad news and good news at the same time.
    On the bright side,,,,,,,,Good luck, Brandon. You'll make it,,,,no problem.
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/27 07:08:17 (permalink)
    Thank you Jack for your efforts over the years. It is because of your hard work many people have some wonderful memories and some new friends.

    Give my best to Brandon. I know he will make a feat Eagle.

    pax vobiscum +
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/28 01:13:19 (permalink)
    Sorry to hear you won't be coming mup but it totally makes sense to focus on helping Brandon.  It's been fun!

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/28 02:27:09 (permalink)
    Thank you Jack for the last several years. PM me if I can help out with Brandon's project. I only made it to a second class Scout before our Scoutmaster moved to Florida. A young fellow on my crew at work is an Eagle Scout. He is a very nice young man. I know that we all will run into each other on the tribs this fall, so I'll see you all then.

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/28 06:43:42 (permalink)
    Many thanks for all you have done in helping to put the One Fly together. Through this outing, I have been able to meet many great people and have lots of great memories. Last year was truly a wonderful time for me and one I will never forget. My sincere best wishes to Brandon on his quest to earn Scouting's highest honor. I know we have talked about this before but being involved in Scouting for 24 years and having my two sons earn the rank of Eagle - I know what this all means to you and most importantly to Brandon. It is a noble accomplishment and one that is not easy to earn. From what you have told me in the past, he is well on his way to completing the requirements and he will do just fine. Please keep me up to date on this - with his project and his completion of his merit badges. Thanks once again my friend.

    "They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore."

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/28 10:37:01 (permalink)
    For whatever reason I never made it to any of the "One fly" events. I made plans to do so on more than one occasion but something always came up. Hope the cancellation off this years event doesn't turn out to be permanent. Perhaps someone else would be willing to pick up the torch, even if it ment that it would be scaled back somewhat. Best wishes to your grandson. I agree that family comes first.
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/28 12:05:19 (permalink)
    Thanks Jack! The last two that Glen and I attended were great. Met lots of nice people and really enjoyed it. Good luck to you and Brandon. Hope to see you on the creeks this fall, perhaps 20 mile or somewhere else on the east side. Best of luck to Brandon with his eagle scout endeavors and you with your fishing.
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/28 12:42:25 (permalink)
    If Indsquiz, is too busy this year, why don't you guy's STILL HAVE IT.  Every year, I read how much you guy's enjoy it. I am not into fly fish'n, that's why I never got involved. (I just saw that bigfoot mentioned the same thing)

    My Wife said, if I go fish'n one more time, she'll leave me! God, I'm going to miss her!
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/29 16:08:11 (permalink)
    The One Fly is alot of work for one person to take on. It is alot for a bunch of people to take on. I have had the oppurtunity for a couple years now help out, and it's the biggest and hardest event that Fish Erie members put on.
    If someone wanted to carry on the tradition, my advice would talk to Jack. Get his opinion.
    If we wanted to carry on the tradition as a group, would defintely have to be scaled back, and I would just do it as a picnic, like Oil Creek or Clarion....we don't need prizes, or games, or even the night before. It's all about fisherman and women getting together for some good fishing and great eats, and even better company.

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/29 17:05:45 (permalink)
    Rookie is right!  It is a LOT of work.  And I've passed on offers from people who wanted to turn it into a pay-to-play, or a fund raising event.  And it really does need to be scaled back.  Or,  get a lot more people involved with the organizing part.  I'd love to do a much smaller version this year, and I'm considering it. IF I can scrape together the money.  Just have to wait and see.  

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/29 23:37:10 (permalink)
    CF agree'd, pot luck lunch and just kicking back fishing and relaxing, that is what getting together is meant for.

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/30 11:40:31 (permalink)
    I'm up for a cut back version of the one fly. I try to help out a little every year, but it's way too much for me to try to plan by myself.
    Do we still have Folley's reserved? I thought I heard it was reserved last year for this years event. If so, we could always do some sort of potluck for those who want to attend. We could even still do the competition, even if it's just for "braggin rights".

    Some people are like Slinkies...not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/30 13:25:44 (permalink)
    Having helped Jack for many of the One Fly's I can tell you there is a lot of behind the scenes planning and leg work that needs to be done. There are a lot of out of pocket expenses that pop up as well. Jack made it look easy; the sign of a great organizer. If anyone wants to pull together a One Fly for the fall, the best advice is to talk with Jack and get planning now.

    Good luck to all.

    pax vobiscum +
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/30 13:30:18 (permalink)
    Indy, Thanks for all the great times and memories over the years.
    But i agree with Killdeer i'm up for a cut back version of the one fly no
    signin, same rule's as last years one fly, every one show up at 1:00 for a potluck lunch and braggin rights for the year.
    Bulldog, will you be my partner i want some of those braggin rights.lol
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/30 14:03:34 (permalink)
    flip stick

    Indy, Thanks for all the great times and memories over the years.
    But i agree with Killdeer i'm up for a cut back version of the one fly no
    signin, same rule's as last years one fly, every one show up at 1:00 for a potluck lunch and braggin rights for the year.
    Bulldog, will you be my partner i want some of those braggin rights.lol

    Just don't let bulldog use his "Jeff Gordon" fly!

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/30 20:31:44 (permalink)
    I think if we get a group like last year that is devoted to this great event, there is no reason why we can't at least keep the memories accumulating! I know Jack is the main man here, but with everyone who has been majorly involved working side by side with him, there is enough knowledge to still put on a good time. I know I am more than willing to help all I can. Great job Brandon! I know you are proud Jack.

    Best fishes to you and yours!!
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/31 08:27:05 (permalink)
    I was working with Jack on a score sheet that is Excel based and would make that process a whole lot easier.  If the event continues, I would be glad to share it.

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/31 08:51:17 (permalink)
       Ditto what Bob said Jack, hope to share a few drifts this fall
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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/31 10:28:03 (permalink)
    I am up for a get together, but no scoring, no meeting in the AM, just go off fish, and join back up in the PM for a picnic lunch....It's the easiest and fun.....It really is a hard job, and not that I wouldn't be willing to help out, it's just takes to much time for all that is invloved. There is no reason why we can't still get together in the fall for steelhead. We did it 3 other times a year, with a picnic lunch, this should be no expection.

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    Re:2012 "One Fly" Rendezvous. 2012/05/31 11:30:48 (permalink)
    Why didn't Brandon do the One fly as his Eagle Project????  LOL

    Some people are like Slinkies...not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
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