keep em or not ?

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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/08 08:35:37 (permalink)
Just like anything else, The low lifes will ruin it, then you will have to join a private club to fish, then the low lifes will complain about how they don't have the same rights. Welcome to obama land. Sorry, just venting slightly. Only keep it if you will eat it, huh?

Yes, this whole low life phenomenon has only been around since Obama has been in office.  Those college educated white males that voted him in, sure are trash balls...
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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/08 10:56:07 (permalink)
Within the limits of the law, keep what you want.
At that point you need only back it up by saying that your harvest is at a level that you feel is responsible.

Some of the jokers here trying to justify their harvest with ill-informed pseudo-science are just as bad as those who keep fish just because theyre in season.
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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/08 11:20:12 (permalink)

Why can't people just obey the rules? 

Alot of people just don't know the rules.  Like the DHALO trout streams, for example.  Alot of people do not even know that there are different rules for those waters.
It's not an excuse for them.  It's just that there are alot of stupid people in the world.
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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/09 14:29:49 (permalink)
I release everything caught in the rivers they all taste nasty except early spring eyes wich i no longer keep since the pfbc quit stocking eyes
on erie i keep all legal fish except garbage fish
on pymy i keep enough for a nice meal i even like the catfish
fishing is exspensive keeping some is all rite by me just dont be a hog and fill your coolers /freezer w fish u probaly wont eat

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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/09 14:50:30 (permalink)
If you want to release them, do it. ( You're not a superhero, saving  mankind & the fishery from calamity. )
If you want to keep them ( within the law ), do that. ( You're not a villian wrecking havoc on the waters. )
If you choose to relase, it's your choice and nobody else's business. If other choose to harvest, it's their choice and nobody else's business

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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/06/27 17:32:13 (permalink)
I really like to keep the small ones, if there is enough, and put the large ones back, that way someone else can have a nice catch and plus bigger freshwater fish generally tend to get mushy once they get too big. But if there is only a few I just throw them back. Some fish like perch multiply like crazy, you are doing them a favor when you keep the small ones, if the little ones don't get enough food because the water is too crowded, it stunts their growth. The older ones will be fine because they can eat the smaller ones, but the younger ones will grow to a certain size untill there is not enough food to go around.They can live for years with very little food, but will not grow in those conditions, which is why it's hard to find decent perch. That's my argument for keeping the small ones anyways :p
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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/28 07:36:33 (permalink)
post edited by Swans500 - 2012/06/28 08:28:05
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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/28 16:38:16 (permalink)
You're right Swan.
You CAN, "keep em or not"

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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/07/03 18:55:58 (permalink)
well that didnt get heated at all :) it seems that the majority of people at least on here respect ones choice of keep or release.
I have also heard the amish keep everything they pull out of the water
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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 11:56:15 (permalink)
The Amish....most sterotypes are correct but not all Amish Keep everything they catch most of the ones I see fishing NWPA lakes like Pymatuning, Wilhelm do release under size walleyes and bass and are decent hard working peole that provide value on goods and services purchased from them. There are other ethinic groups that keep everything they catch legal or not legal
Now lets talk about Obama supporters...usally young uniformed and not aware of whats happening or have a bad case of liberalism ... or a classic lazy taker of others people's money aka welfare with no respect or apprecation of the handouts they get on my and other peoples money, case in point on a previous post the welfare case that catches a trout and throws in the garbage or buries it while taxpayers pay for his food healthcare, possibly housing, cell phone and internet.
How about that! thanks barack Mr welfare
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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 12:47:46 (permalink)
Here we go politics on the fishing not dare say sh** or such mild words...but inflammatory political generalisations are fine....
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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 18:27:33 (permalink)
Yup Fryem,
OR.  You could think about it like a Romney supporter. Those that go out and fish for them, AND have the skill to catch them. Should be allowed to keep ALL the fish they can catch. Whether, or not they "need" them, or will put them to good use, or ANY use. They have the right to stack them up in freezers, or cook them up & feed them to their cats. Or bury them in the ground, where they benefit no-one, not even themselves.
It's their right as a great American, capitalist angler.  If you don't like it. Get out there, and catch them before they do.
post edited by spoonchucker - 2012/07/04 22:04:05

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RE: keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 21:02:18 (permalink)
Well explained....

Yup Fryem,

OR.  You could think about it like a Romney supporter. Those that go out and fish for them, AND have the skill to catch them. Should be allowed to keep ALL the fish they can catch. Whether, or not they "need" them, or will put them to good use, or ANY use. They have the right to stack them up in freezers, or cook them up & feed them to their cats. Or bury them in the ground, where they benefit no-one, not even themselves.

It's their right as a great American, capitalist angler.  If you don't like it. Get out there, and catch them before they do.

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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 21:56:36 (permalink)
Could we please leave the politics off this forum? You don't realize how offensive it is. I voted for Obama. I am not a bum. I don't take handouts. I am not on wellfare. I have my own home business. People need to stop listening to all the propaganda (on both sides). Not all Republicans are bad nor are all Democrats bad. Every politician does things that we dont approve of. Lets leave this great forum to the fishing questions.
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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 22:01:25 (permalink)
I agree.
Just saying folks ( individuals, or groups ) don't often fit into the convenient little boxes we might put them in. Mine, and Fryem's included.

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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 22:18:49 (permalink)
Another thing. I've heard of people burying dead fish in their gardens because it makes excellent compost. It ads nutrients to the soil.
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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 23:33:43 (permalink)
I have heard of people defecating in thier gardens,does that make it right?  sam
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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/04 23:42:33 (permalink)

I have heard of people defecating in thier gardens,does that make it right?  sam

To be fair, I've never heard of any sort of hepatitis scare resulting from farmers putting fish in their soil.  Cant say the same for human feces.
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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/05 02:26:17 (permalink)
To be fair, I've never heard of any sort of hepatitis scare resulting from farmers putting fish in their soil."
My neighbor's, cousin's babysitter caught VCR disease from Steelhead fertilized sweet corn. It came from Amish, Russian's garden. We all know how those folks are.

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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/06 18:21:46 (permalink)
well I dont know about all that political stuff I say fire ALL of them ! as for putting fish in your garden I mean really is this a grade school experiment ? somebody trying to be a pilgrim ? quick tip: they sell fertilizer these days. you know what makes good fertilizer ? FERTILIZER !!!! as far as my statement on the amish it wasnt a judgment i have heard the over fish as well as over hunt areas its a differant lifestyle. the end . So anybody been out in the hot weather we been having ?
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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/06 19:18:45 (permalink)
Yeah, i have. Hit Pymy pretty good a couple days ago. No eyes but lots of big crappies.

Off the water before it got too hot. Had a nice fishfry on the 4th.
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Re:keep em or not ? 2012/07/07 07:38:47 (permalink)
thats a nice mess o fish
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