keep em or not ?

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2012/05/16 20:36:57 (permalink)

keep em or not ?

i see people getting hot on both sides of the debate so neither ever makes their point. so this post could end up being gasoline. sorry. personally I dont care. I fish because i like it i keep some i toss some back i like to eat fish as well as catch them. i fish with guys who dont keep any, not sure why i dont ask and they dont ask why when i keep mine. if i am hunting i choose ( for what ever reason ) to pass or take. a couple points perplex me though if (trout seems to be the debate) I put back the larger fish and keep smaller ones seems wasteful to me because i would need more to make a meal. and the stockies in smaller creeks just seem to die off anyway, the fish commision seem to realize the put and take of it all. so trout being a fragile fish to begin with dont surrive. but most guys who fish have no problem blowing the hell out of the doe population. just a thought

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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 20:41:24 (permalink)
    The only problem I have are with the people who keep everything they catch and then turn around and complain that the creeks are fished out.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 20:54:36 (permalink)
    I use to C+R everything but after catching the copious amounts of eyes we have this year I'm gonna keep a few since everyone I talk to says they are so tasty... lol
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 21:21:56 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: coldfront

    with the prices of groceries, the price of gas, the cost of just going fishing, it makes sense to feed yourself and your family once in awhile. if one choses to release all, God bless them, it's their choice.

    Agreed... I myself just never really thought to keep them... But now the funny thing since opening day I haven't caught a walleye over 13" >.> just my luck...
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 21:32:35 (permalink)
    Every month or so I'll keep a mess of sunfish or a stringer of trout.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 22:14:24 (permalink)
    I don't mind keeping a few here and there. I usually am suckered into keeping just about anything legal my 6 year old catches so we can show everyone. However, I get really annoyed by people who try to keep fish that I catch. I dont mind giving one or two to a family member or friend, but when random strangers start asking because they can't catch anything, I get annoyed.... My theory is, you want it, you catch it yourself.

    My wife doesn't understand that the more I fish, the better chance I have of going pro.... Am I the only one??
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 22:22:55 (permalink)
    Don't know why people care what others do. It drives me nuts that people get so worked up over a fish thats in season and can be kept if the person wants. If it's in season you can keep it. Ed
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 22:53:53 (permalink)
    I only keep the baby fish that I see swimming around with their parents...
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 23:09:43 (permalink)
    If it's legally caught and in season and will get eaten, keep all you can use. Release anything else.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/16 23:53:06 (permalink)
    If its put and take water, rope em and smoke em. Fry/fingerling stocked(non-trout included) only a couple. Wild fish, leave them be except maybe one here and there(thriving panfish excluded). But that's just me.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/17 01:36:00 (permalink)
    I have found that most freshwater fish, besides walleye and Perch, don't appeal to my tastebuds. I haven't kept a freshwater fish for years now, but have no problem with someone doing so. If you like the taste, and want to eat it, go for it so long as it is legal.

    Now saltwater fish I love. I won't keep everything, but triggerfish, porgy's, yellowtail, red snapper, and bluefin tuna are all fantastic table fare. Amberjack isn't bad either if you cook it right. Even bluefish make an excellent fish fry meal. My mouth is watering now thinking about a nice juicy tuna steak on the grill.
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    Re:keep em or not ? 2012/05/18 17:43:08 (permalink)
    Watch the Amish at Pymatuning on Saturdays.  They keep everything.............

    My wife told me that if I didn't stop fishing every day, she'd leave me. Some days, I really miss her.
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    Re:keep em or not ? 2012/05/19 12:23:01 (permalink)
    I heard the wardens are leaning on them this year. Heard some got fined for over the limit. You guys heard any of this to be true?
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    Re:keep em or not ? 2012/05/19 14:04:36 (permalink)
    Why would the PFBC and Ohio DNR just start to now fine the Amish?
    I have a hard time believing that PFBC and Ohio's DNR would fine one group of anglers but not another...that is against the very oath they took when commissioned as WCOs 
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/21 11:17:12 (permalink)

    I don't mind keeping a few here and there. I usually am suckered into keeping just about anything legal my 6 year old catches so we can show everyone. However, I get really annoyed by people who try to keep fish that I catch. I dont mind giving one or two to a family member or friend, but when random strangers start asking because they can't catch anything, I get annoyed.... My theory is, you want it, you catch it yourself.

    You don't nee to keep them to show them off. Take a picture. I do keep a few here and there for family members. But it depends on a few things for me.
    If I am fishing a lake in the extended early season or ice fishing that is going to be re-stocked prior to opening day. I might keep some.
    If i'm stream fishing at the end of May or early June, I might keep a few. H20 is getting warmer and the stress of being caught will usually kill them.
    But in April I will let them go unless they are injured. This way the creek has less of a chance of getting fished out and provides some more oppurtunities for other anglers.
    The stockies are a put and take resource, however I like to release as many back into  the streams for a long as the stream will allow them to survive. Not all of them die out, I have caught trout in July and August in the streams that warm up. If they find a shady area of an undercut bank or a small trib flowing cooler water in some can and do survive.
    But it is a matter of individual choice, and keeping 5 a day is legal.

    I would like to see the PFBC change the limit to 3 year around, not just in the fall. 
    Limits of 8 were just crazy, 5 is still alot, 3 would be ok by me !
    post edited by JEB - 2012/05/21 11:20:29
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/21 13:45:57 (permalink)
    you pay for it.  Eat it if you want.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/21 14:34:17 (permalink)
    I get really annoyed by people who try to keep fish that I catch. I dont mind giving one or two to a family member or friend, but when random strangers start asking because they can't catch anything, I get annoyed.... My theory is, you want it, you catch it yourself.

    Totally agree, this ****es me off.  Mostly pretty trashy folks to begin with, and only talking to them not to be rude, or many times not even talking to them, then they ask for a fish...  Then I have to start getting rude.
    To each their own on keeping.  I fish for walleye, perch and crappie, with the intent on putting on the grill or frying pan.  Most everything else goes back, but I have kept just about every species of game fish that I have caught at one point or another.  I'll only keep what is intended to be eaten, and glaze freeze or vacuum pack if I ever get lucky enough to catch more than a meal.  Most of the time, I end up having to buy from the grocery store.   Although cheaper, as sort of mentioned above.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/21 22:43:22 (permalink)
    I keep the Walleye, Perch and Steelhead that I catch on Lake Erie. Don't keep bass though. If I catch a trout locally, I keep it as well. I don't keep Walleye that I catch on the local rivers. The only time I have keep Walleye out of the river is when I caught them at Emlenton.
    Back in '98, I caught an 11.5 lb Walleye that I got mounted. To this day, I regret having done that. That would've been some good eating.  
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/21 22:59:54 (permalink)
    For the most part I agree with everyone's views;however, I am one of the people that can get jammed up over this topic.  One, I am irked by those who keep a limit everytime they go out.  We arent in 1492 anymore, it is a very real possibility to hurt a fishery through over harvesting.  Since we arent in 1492 anymore, it isnt a necessity to catch your breakfast, lunch and dinner.  As a sportsman, I just dont see a place for heavy harvesting.  Would you rather catch more 10" bass or more trophy bass? It is a serious reality.  A 20" smallmouth is about 10+ years old.  It is rare enough that a fish grows to that level in our rivers and streams, but what do you think happens to those percentages when you have a bunch of yahoos harvesting smallies "cause they're in season"?  As a final note, have you all ever fished spring creek? What do you think catch and release has done for that stream--hurt or made it a blue ribbon gem?
    I dont want to see harvesting disappear from the sport, because I think it is a part of it, but I would like to see a more widespread respect for the resource, and not so much greed over "getting one's share".
    p.s. I cant tell you the last time I harvested a freshwater fish, but I do keep a limit of chicken dolphins once a year on vacation for an enormous family dinner.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/22 00:58:38 (permalink)

    For the most part I agree with everyone's views;however, I am one of the people that can get jammed up over this topic.  One, I am irked by those who keep a limit everytime they go out.  We arent in 1492 anymore, it is a very real possibility to hurt a fishery through over harvesting.  Since we arent in 1492 anymore, it isnt a necessity to catch your breakfast, lunch and dinner.  As a sportsman, I just dont see a place for heavy harvesting.  Would you rather catch more 10" bass or more trophy bass? It is a serious reality.  A 20" smallmouth is about 10+ years old.  It is rare enough that a fish grows to that level in our rivers and streams, but what do you think happens to those percentages when you have a bunch of yahoos harvesting smallies "cause they're in season"?  As a final note, have you all ever fished spring creek? What do you think catch and release has done for that stream--hurt or made it a blue ribbon gem?

    I dont want to see harvesting disappear from the sport, because I think it is a part of it, but I would like to see a more widespread respect for the resource, and not so much greed over "getting one's share".

    p.s. I cant tell you the last time I harvested a freshwater fish, but I do keep a limit of chicken dolphins once a year on vacation for an enormous family dinner.

    I agree with you.  A giant smallmouth can be 10+ years old.  It takes them a long time to grow that large.  Again, I have no problem with people keeping fish, but I agree with your statement about keeping fish just because they are "in season".  I can't help but have some respect for an animal that has managed to evade Birds, other fish, humans, snakes, turtles, pollution, and fishermen for that long.  I throw them back.  As for the Dolphin, they grow and breed so quickly, and live such short lives that fishermen can take and take without hurting the population.  They are the ultimate keeper fish in my opinion.  They both taste fantastic and reproduce and grow quickly.  Best of both worlds.  Now, if we could only have the same with Asian Carp...........
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/22 07:42:29 (permalink)
    Well sorry, I DO keep the occasional large Smallmouth, but ONLY out of Lake Erie....I really do not think there is too much of a threat to the populations of that fish in the Great Lakes....and they are good eating I might add!....nice and flaky unlike the mushy so-called panfish...(Except for Walleye and Perch, but I catch rather few of those two...)....
    Actually, I would think Walleye are a more threatened species that Smallmouth!...
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/29 20:55:48 (permalink)
    If you're going to eat them, keep them.  If they are legal size and you have a valid license it's no one elses business what you keep.  Personally I rarely keep a freshwater fish except for annual panfish frys.  Saltwater, that's a different story.  If I am going to eat them I keep them!
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/05/30 01:50:51 (permalink)
    I myself have a slot limit foe walleye 18 to 24 anything over or under go back to I keep everyone in that slot NO I'm tired of cleaning fish I still have couple gallons of crappie in freezer this year I eather cooked um up on the spot or gave them to my neighbor my mom wont eat anything I kill I say y? Its better then your nasty farm fish you buy at walmart I'm the oposet I wont eat store bought fish ,we all have a choice ill shoot does but bit mature ones not baby's ,ill shoot a hen duck although I choose not to if at all possible ,to each there own

    I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/02 18:34:28 (permalink)
    I practice C&R.Mainly because of all the polution in the water ways..Well really I don't like cleaning them..I would hope that most of us would return the fish,so our rivers and lakes do not end up like KPD.


    I don't mind keeping a few here and there. I usually am suckered into keeping just about anything legal my 6 year old catches so we can show everyone. However, I get really annoyed by people who try to keep fish that I catch. I dont mind giving one or two to a family member or friend, but when random strangers start asking because they can't catch anything, I get annoyed.... My theory is, you want it, you catch it yourself.

    You don't nee to keep them to show them off. Take a picture. I do keep a few here and there for family members. But it depends on a few things for me.
    If I am fishing a lake in the extended early season or ice fishing that is going to be re-stocked prior to opening day. I might keep some.

    If i'm stream fishing at the end of May or early June, I might keep a few. H20 is getting warmer and the stress of being caught will usually kill them.
    But in April I will let them go unless they are injured. This way the creek has less of a chance of getting fished out and provides some more oppurtunities for other anglers.
    The stockies are a put and take resource, however I like to release as many back into  the streams for a long as the stream will allow them to survive. Not all of them die out, I have caught trout in July and August in the streams that warm up. If they find a shady area of an undercut bank or a small trib flowing cooler water in some can and do survive.
    But it is a matter of individual choice, and keeping 5 a day is legal.

    I would like to see the PFBC change the limit to 3 year around, not just in the fall. 
    Limits of 8 were just crazy, 5 is still alot, 3 would be ok by me !

    Gone Fishing!!!
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/02 20:06:20 (permalink)
    I haven't eaten trout in 10 years or longer,but this year I fished the first two days and the weekend of Turkey opener,and kept 4 limits.Did them a new way,skinned then and rolled them in cajun shorelunch and fried,not bad but not perch,gills,or crappie. I think most stocked trout will die when water temps get to high so keep them or let them die in the water.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/02 20:57:18 (permalink)
    Yep, nows the time to load up on pelletheads in warm streams and lakes. Put them out of their miseries.
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/03 17:29:12 (permalink)
    Well I suppose I have to get my 2 cents in on this topic.
    I don't have a problem with people keeping an occasional limit of fish.  I would like to see the limit change for trout by month.  3- Apr and May, 5- June through August in the warming water.  Then back to 3.  The limits for other fish should be determined by the water size. Small lakes small limits, big lakes or high reproducing lakes or river/streams higher limits.
    Then there are the people that catch a trout, yank it up onto the bank or shore, then try to dig out a hook stuck in the gut, then pitch it back into the water 20' away from them, watch it roll over and cannot reach it to try to right it.  Oh yea and as they hold it, with a towel to wipe off the slime that protects it,  to try to dig out the hook. And then turn to their buddy and say "oh it will be ok".
    Go to the store and see the price on rainbow trout. Pretty expensive.
    Oh well just my 2 cents.
    Why can't they just cut off the line quickly and let the fish go gently.  Trout are so delicate.  Maybe too much work.
    Also what about those guys that keep 5 in the morning and come back in the evening and catch and keep 5 more!!!!!  Hummmmmmmm!!!!!!
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/03 18:22:40 (permalink)
    Here's my $0.02 as well,
    Trout-for stocked trout in the put and take streams that eventually get too warm I can care less if people keep them or not.  Then there's poaching on the other hand in special regualation stocked streams that can and do hold trout year round.  Why can't people just obey the rules?  The wild trout streams I fish the fish are mostly sublegal.  Although there are a few big ones in every stream, I can't see any of them getting havested,  I I would be pretty mad if they do. 
    I occasionally keep a walleye, I won't keep every legal one I catch, but maybe a couple a year.  I just like catching them.  I guess keeping a bass here and there may be okay, but taking them out by the stringer full might dent the population since they aren't stocked.  I have never kept a bass.  For panfish, just keep what you can eat.  I don't really get that upset about it, but I think people constantly bringing in there limit of crappie and such day after day is crazy.  Keep a couple, release the rest. 
    Just today I saw some people with stingers full of catfish, maybe 20 or so on 2 stringers.  Although the river has a lot of them, keeping that many I think is too much, especially if it is done a lot. 
    Yes, I get very irritated by people asking for my fish.  If they want a fish, catch one.  And I've seen many people litterally keep everything they catch, even little 4in. gills, crappie, and green sunfish.  That to me is crazy.  Just go to the Shenango in Jamestown on that fishing platform, it happens every time I'm there.  Sad.
    post edited by troutguy - 2012/06/03 18:23:49
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/08 00:00:37 (permalink)
    It;s like anything else in life. I watched the welfare fed neighbor come home with 1 trout. He showed it to me and bragged a bit. Asked if I wanted it , I said no thanks, it is more work than it is worth. He came back from behind the houses without the fish. I asked what he did with it, he buried it in the garden. Wow , I'm glad I'm paying for his food stamps so he can afford his fishing license. I do keep the fish i will eat, or my son will eat, he likes trout , i do not.  Nothing more though. And to me , keeping them to put in the freezer to throw away in a year is also bull****. Just like anything else, The low lifes will ruin it, then you will have to join a private club to fish, then the low lifes will complain about how they don't have the same rights. Welcome to obama land. Sorry, just venting slightly. Only keep it if you will eat it, huh?
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    RE: keep em or not ? 2012/06/08 06:29:58 (permalink)
    i don't really keep many fish. when i do, they're usually perch or crappie, but i won't keep or eat any fish caught after mid may. i just think they taste better from cold water.
    i will however have a trout fishin friend get me 3 trout a year from mammoth park. as they have no chance whatsoever for survival. i like to use them for cut bait in put and take lakes. the cats tend to go for them pretty readily.
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