Perch at the stacks?

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2012/04/28 22:38:13 (permalink)

Perch at the stacks?

I was wondering if anyone has been out to the stacks off the east ave marina. Had decent luck of walnut last week in 28-35 FOW. After a family emergency and spending the last 36 hours in ICU at hamot with my mother in law, I would really like to get out and clear my head for a couple hours sunday morning. Has anyone heard anything positive or negative yet? I know the Lakers have been really good out there, but Im more in the mood for some sitting and relaxing. Any suggestions would be appreciated. ..... calling for north winds, but lake looked really good tonight. Im sure it will be a little cold, but thats not a big deal. Thanks guys!

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    RE: Perch at the stacks? 2012/04/29 09:26:37 (permalink)
    go around the point in shallow water. 15 ft.

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