LockedErie Smallmouth

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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/24 15:00:17 (permalink)
Yeah I didn't read 61 on the fish finder there and horseshoe at 62 haha. I'm going to get out tomorrow and see if they aren't turned off by this front
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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/24 16:53:33 (permalink)
lol.. on a lighter note may is just around the corner

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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/24 19:14:49 (permalink)

Don't even think I ain't even gettin' a Erie stamp again this yr. If you wanna try for some Toothie Critters 'round home within the next week or so lEtt me nOe. Timmy might wanna venture up that way sometime though after he gets new trailer lights.

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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/24 20:42:38 (permalink)
Sorry for the wrong faX guys.

Since this late winter was so warm (in the 80's)and the water temps in certain areas of the bay rose to 68 degrees I guess that faxt dont matter to the fish.

I guess Ill keep my comments to myself and just keep catching fish and posting pics. Yinz can form yer own opinions , dont axe me questions cause I dont know what Im doing.

I dont want to deter anyone from when ,where ,and how to catch em so yinz all can just wait till June to come fish for em. Works for me , by then you all will notice the holes already poked in all the basses mouths. Ill be sure to bring a sharpie from now on and write "Deetz was here" next to the holes

The Deetz
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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/24 20:56:27 (permalink)
Lmao, the water isn't above 60s of course not. They don't start spawning till May 1st every year. Just like a guy told me no steelhead go into the bay, which is accurate. They go to the channel relieve that its the bay and turn around
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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/25 07:39:53 (permalink)
huh very interesting feedback,  I guess deetz is the local pro around these parts huh?  I never said the bass wait til June to spawn,  the best fishing of the year is now, prespawn.  That's when they are the easiest to catch everyone knows that but to say the bass are post spawn is just a very very inaccurate statement.  What's the water temp now???  Bet it's not in the 60's.  Shallow water yes it warms up fast but it also cools fast,  bass not only go by temp but also by the amount of daylight.  I'll be up next nice weekend and catch me a ton of prespawn bass.  :)
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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/25 09:43:06 (permalink)
When i go to the bay i pick a spot and pee in the water which brings the temp up and the fish go post spawn and start to feed. That always increases my odds :) Seacrets out go get em boys! LMAO. Btw Deetz your pictures prove nothing nor does your 20+ years of experience lol. But May 1st is right aroung the corner!!!!!!! Till then i will just keep on peeing in the water.
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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/25 10:27:37 (permalink)
        If I were you I'd delete alll my posts. Then, when someone asks anything about Erie, shoot back a smartass remark like they do. Also, not all bass spawn at the same time for all the experts on this forum.  My 2 cents.....................
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RE: Erie Smallmouth 2012/04/25 12:20:09 (permalink)
look my remarks were not trying to be a smartass whatsoever,  I have a "little" experience with bass and Lake Erie/Presque Isle. I was just trying to point something out that is all. Didn't mean to start a war, I just joined this forum.  Doesn't mean I am clueless.  The earliest I have ever seen bass on the beds was the first week of May and those were smallmouth,  largemouth spawn later than smallies.  Chautauqua was 59 degrees the last week of March first week of April, and nothing was even close to bedding.  Right now the water is back closer to normal high 40's low to possible mid 50's.  It'll be a few weeks before anything beds up. Post spawn can be seen easily by the fry hanging around the bedding areas and the males viciously attacking anything that gets near them.  And I seriously doubt that is happening.
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