Hope this helps
Lost Fishing License or Replacements - Replacement licenses include all permits or privileges previously purchased by the customer. The total cost for a replacement license and all previously purchased permits is $6.70. Customers may purchase additional permits.
You qualify for a
RESIDENT fishing license if you are a bona fide resident of Pennsylvania. When purchasing a resident fishing license, you must show proof of permanent residency by presenting one of the following documents:
- valid PA driver’s license
- a valid non-driver photo identification card
- a previous year’s PA state income tax return showing proof of payment of personal income tax as a resident of PA
- a previous year’s local earned income tax return showing tax paid to a PA municipality
- a current PA voter registration card.
National Guard & Armed Forces Reserve licenses and Prisoner of War (POW) licenses are available only at Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission and county treasurer offices.
National Guard & Armed Forces Reserve licenses are available to those persons who provide documentation that within the previous 24 months the person was deployed overseas as a member of the reserve component of the armed forces for a period of 180 consecutive days or more or was released early from service because of an injury or disease incurred in the line of duty.
Prisoner of War licenses are available to persons who provide military documentation stating the person is a former prisoner of war.
Senior resident and senior lifetime licenses are available to those persons at anytime during the year in which they will become age 65.
- Persons who possess a Resident Senior Lifetime license dated before January 1, 1991, are not required to purchase a trout/salmon permit.
- Resident Senior Lifetime license holders are required to purchase only one permit for a lifetime.
The Resident Senior Lifetime license is valid as long as the license holder remains a resident of Pennsylvania. Resident Senior Lifetime license holders that move out of state and are no longer residents of Pennsylvania are required to obtain a nonresident or tourist license if they return to fish in Pennsylvania.
Senior Resident Lifetime License Upgrade - A durable plastic card version of the Senior Resident Lifetime license is available. This upgrade is available for $6.70. Complete
form PFBC-L-166S and send to the address indicated. Upgrades can also be purchased through issuing agents.
Disabled Veterans Licenses – Any disabled veteran who has a disability incurred in any war or armed conflict that consists of the loss of one or more limbs or the loss of use of one or more limbs, or total blindness, or who is 100 percent disabled as certified by the United States Veterans Administration and is a resident of this Commonwealth may obtain a free resident fishing license upon application to the Commission or county treasurer.