PWHFF Outing April 14th

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2012/04/16 13:40:48 (permalink)

PWHFF Outing April 14th

Please bear with me I may get long winded........

My first thought when I got up Saturday morning was Failure... Would I fail... Would The Participants have a good time.... Would I fail all the Volunteers... Would I fail the Fisherie Community...

My wife and Grandson helped me finish loading up the car at 6 AM... Note to Self... Buy a Truck..

The drive seemed to take an hour even only its actually about 30 minutes.. One of the first things I see on the drive out peninsula was 6Point7 on my left as I neared the ponds. I started to feel better already.

One of the first calls I got was from Brian telling me the 2 Vets he had gone to pick up weren't going to be able to make it.... My first thought was Great I failed ....

My fears were soon put to rest when I saw the number of people showing up for the Event.. Volunteer after Volunteer started showing up along with the Participants... Handshakes and hugs were the first order of business......

Soon I had all the help I could ever ask for unloading the car.

Hans and Vicky had already set up an area for the guys to fish including a drink tub and a Table for the gear and food.

Immediately there were a lot of the volunteer Family setting up fly rods and spinning rods for the guys to use... Whew this might actually be a good day I thought..

Some helped out setting the table up others helped with the Banners... Still others talked with the participants....

When the 8 AM Whistle sounded it looked like a huge net had surrounded the ponds as each person threw their first cast of the 2012 Pa Trout Opener.. I thought to myself. Maybe you didn't fail after all. The first of many smiles that day showed up on my face.

While the Volunteer Family helped the guys out at the ponds I hesitantly headed into the cook house to man the Table..

While in there I managed to raise a few dollars for the program and meet a few new contacts from the DCNR Local Charter Captains and the PAFBC. We got a few new members for our Club NWPFA including one of the PAFBC Officers Thanks Kevin.

Lunch time rolled around and I took a big pot of pulled pork over to the guys fishing, That didn't last long the pot came back empty so I filled it up again and sent it over along with some Corned Beef and Kraut...

All in all it was a great outing in my opinion and I hope it was the first of many many more.

Here are a few pictures from the day

First the Participants......I won't put names to any of the participants to respect their privacy..

His First Trout Ever

Autumn helping pick out "THE FLY" to use

This Gentleman had never used a fly rod before but he insisted on using it all morning

Hans gets the Hero of the day award. He spent most of the day helping this guy out First teaching him how to use the rod. He went the extra mile and made him a ramp using a table to get him closer to the water. Later on in the day he had him inside teaching him the finer arts of tying a fly.. Hans You are the man ... Sorry Cold....

We even had a Celebrity show up to help the guys today..... Thanks Bullgog

You all The PHWFF Family made this guys day... You have no idea how it feels to have the support of the "Family" Brothers in arms so to speak... The emotions I felt on Saturday were all over the place .. I had to hold back tears most of the day....

I tried to tell each and every one of you how much it meant to me and if I missed you you have my sincere apology and a huge Thanks for all you guys and gals did..

Here is the most important helper I had all day and to her I have a special thanks. I love you Deb

Her along with my Granddaughter Kora and my Grandson David helped out tremendously that day. Without her support I couldn't have put this together....

jonsey I didn't get a chance to talk to you much but I want to thank you for the support

Again I thank everyone that helped out and those that participated I thank you too...

You are all Patriots in my Eyes

If I missed anyone please feel free to give me a swift kick in the Arse next time you see me..

Till next time This guy says Thanks from the bottom of my heart You guys mean the world to me

I Salute you

Skip Hughes
PHWFF Lead in Erie.....



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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 14:01:28 (permalink)
    Nice Cap'n Skip! The pics from my silly little cell phone must have sucked bigtime....I didn't see any

    You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 14:02:15 (permalink)
    Looks like the Bieb put on a few (hundred) pounds....

    Nice work gentlemen and ladies, you are truly amazing folks...
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 14:05:13 (permalink)
    Kevin I have more pics to post ..... Too many in one post....


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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 14:16:40 (permalink)
    Just joshing with you.I have seen my favorite already. The one with Hans and his buddy for the day holding the flyrod. It's going on my computer wallpaper.

    You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 14:17:13 (permalink)
    Way to go skip! And everyone that helped out too...bunch of great people!
    Looks like a lot of success ~ without a single fail ~ see Skip, nothing to worry about!

    "If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 14:38:27 (permalink)
    Proud to be a part of it.
    Saw, and met alot of good people.
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 14:52:06 (permalink)
    So did Justin Bieber get Bing's autograph?

    All kidding aside...These pictures are more than simply scrapbook filler. They belong on school bulletin boards so kids can see what true heroes look like.

    You are all amazing individuals. You are all heroes. And the world needs more of you.

    "For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley

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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 15:24:54 (permalink)
    Yup , NO failures at all that day. Skip did and will do a fantastic job every outing because of his giving attitude and huge heart. Great job Skip !!!
    Im glad I was able to play a small part in helping. Those guys all had a good time and just talking to them while they fished was great. They all had such good attitudes and made me laugh. I hope I can make it to more events in the future.

    The Deetz
    Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 15:42:59 (permalink)
    Well thanks for making me cry Skip! You did a wonderful job....I think we are very lucky to have someone like you in our lives.  Words can't even tell you what Saturday felt like.....As being part of a military family, it's my pleasure and honor to help get those guys/gals out and fish with them. Looking foward to many many more events.

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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 17:19:49 (permalink)
    I've been anxiously awaiting the images from this day. And if I may say so - they made my eyes sweat. To all of you, thank-you for being part of it and Skip - thanks for putting it together. That said - I will be there next year. And I will have something personal to give to each participant if it is OK. Again - to all - you completed my very tough day on a very high note!!!!!!

    Your all Angels,


    "They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore."

    John Gierach

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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 18:55:08 (permalink)
    "WOW" is all i can say! You guys are truly something special. Made my eyes sweat too. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.........
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 21:19:42 (permalink)
    Feel honored to be able to be a small part of such a great thing..
    Thanks to all you gents that stepped up it was great seeing you all..
    Thank You, Skip.

    Watching Hans work with that gentlemen for the day really was something.

    The vet was trying to learn to flyfish in almost the worst conditions you could ask for, he never gave up.
    Hans was there instucting the whole time with admirable patience..Although I'm kinda screwed now as I have tied flys with this gent a couple times and now he has been shown the right way it is done I'm in trouble..Thanks Hans...

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 21:25:11 (permalink)
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 21:40:17 (permalink)
    It is always great to get together with old friends and meet new.
    I tried my hardest to hook a fish for the vet in the yellow shirt.
    Next time...not in that
    Hans is the man for sure. Thanks bud... You,re a hero to me.
    I so enjoyed that pork Skip! You need to set up a stand!
    You have done so much and a true hero in my heart. I found a wonderful friend
    when I found you. 
    All you  Brothers in arms ..I also salute you! Better friends I will not find.

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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 22:10:07 (permalink)
    All I can add is WOW!!
    Skip,with all due respect to Hans and Cold,No Pal YOU are the Man.This is a beautiful thing that you have started and with the help of some of the Greatest people I have ever been able to meet and call my Friends I think that this will do nothing but continue to grow.
    Deb,Hans,Vickie,John,Gary,Brian,Rich and anyone I forgot yinz guys are awesome as well!

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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/16 22:39:49 (permalink)
    I think it's all been said, but still deserves to be said again....


    You all managed to make a special day for a lot of deserving folks, you are a
    special group...
    I am sorry we had to miss out, but hope to be able to help out at future events.
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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/17 10:10:01 (permalink)
    WOW! what can I say that hasn't been said already. I simply cannot put words to what you guys mean to me. To put to test that which was passed onto me from many good people who are no longer with us. I know they would be proud. This was by far my greatest trout opener but it was all in thanks to one person. Without Skip I wouldn't have been able to have a more memorable day. He is the true hero here and I raise my glass to you sir.

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    RE: PWHFF Outing April 14th 2012/04/17 17:17:48 (permalink)
    Skip as always you you did anothern awsome job wish i could have helped but i had to do the necesssary evil called work. maybe next time all you guys and girls are a great bunch of people to give your time and efforts so unselfishly you all make the world a better place to live.
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