Looking for perch

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2012/04/14 21:15:10 (permalink)

Looking for perch

Hey everyone,
I'm new to the area (wesleyville) and looking for a place to fish. I fished the presque isle penninsula the past few days with little success. Anyone have any perch spots they wouldnt mind sharing to give me a hand. Id be willing to trade my walleye hotspots at pymatuning for a perch hotspot up here. I worked at a boat livery on pymy for 5 years so I can point you in a good direction. any help would be much appreciated! thanks

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    Pro Angler
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    RE: Looking for perch 2012/04/14 23:24:32 (permalink)
    perch bite slowed up in the bay. I'd start checking the lake.

    New Angler
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    RE: Looking for perch 2012/04/15 14:09:27 (permalink)
    this time of year start hitting the north and south pier if you don't have a boat... if you can get out on the water try the bay near the channel at the last couple green and red bouys just stay out of the direct shipping lane as coast guard will pay you a visit.... with things a few weeks early you may want to try the lake starting off the old hammermill stacks near the buoys then as it warms up keep going east towards the cribbs ... after that just look where all the boats are perch packed at....

    i fish because the voices in my head tell me to
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