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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/14 21:28:15
The problem with just dumping in fish, is that no two lakes are the same, while similar, there are differences. Hybrids could very well work, but then again they may upset the balance even more
wade alexander
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/14 21:55:21
not really whats the difference between wilhelm,pymy, shenango... id say money and fish management
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/14 23:36:12
If the Shad are at such high numbers the Stripers will have no effect on other species that is their number 1 target fish. Once again Shenango has mass schools of Shad but just maybe enough Stripers to hold them in check. I would say if Stripers didn"t exist on Shenango it would be just as bad as Wilhelm . I personally doubt those Shad numbers will drop in the next 10 years on their own. Shenango Stripers have been a blessing to us local fishermen. They are super awesome fighters on any tackle you use! They grow very rapidly and have not had any effect on other species. We catch and release about 99% of them but some people say they are good eating. I'll stick with Walleye.
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2012/05/14 23:39:16
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/15 12:22:10
I hope you are right ready to fish. The shad in that lake is unreal it is loaded with shad 5 to 10 inches long...I did speak with Al Woomer with the pa Fish commission about the shad and the lack of weed growth, and what nobody has mentioned the water clarity. just 4 years ago you see down down 2 to 2.5 ft. the water clarity last summer was maybe 10 inches at best no sun light penetration in the water no more 5 to 6 ft deep weed lines The number of Bass is down the last fish commission biologist report bears this out I think bass fry eat and compete for the same food as shad etc. plus the lack of weeds does not bode well for the survial of bass fry. To make a long story short the gizzard shad have recked havoc on this lake and are the cause of no weeds, murky brown water, and reduced fishing sucess this info is from a biologist which bears out our seat of the pants observations and comments
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/15 13:08:04
I think the water clarity was also affected by the rapid increase in water temperatures last year.
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/15 13:21:26
Now is the time! Stock some of these Shad killers now and end up with these a few years down the road!
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2012/05/15 13:36:33
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/15 20:31:08
I personally also think the Wilhelm weed growth and water clarity has also been impacted by local farming practices. Every stream or run-off surrounding the lake basically originates or runs through a local framer's fields. It can't be healthy for farming chemicals to run off into the lake. I'm on the fence about introducing stripers. While I can see how they could lower the shad population, I'm not sure how they would affect the bass and other species populations. Although Shenango has a fair bass population, I'd rate Wilhelm as better in terms of numbers and quality, at least in previous years. I'm not sure if intorducing yet another fish competing for the same food is the answer. What has possibly worked in one lake may not necessarily work in another, but if the shad continue to explode, and no answer or solution is acheived, that intorduction may be a viable "chance" to take. Bass are adaptable. Once it was thought that the inroduction of the round goby into Lake Erie would all but decimate the smallmouth population. They have adapted and now forage on the goby, maybe more so than Emerald Shiners, once a primary food source. I'm hoping the Wilhlem bass adapt and forage more heavily on the shad. Gizzard shad are a food source for bass on many lakes across the U.S.
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/16 15:38:56
i agree with ya hook.put some hybrids in the lake .let em eat and the lake will come back to normal.once the shad are in there you gotta control em.what better way than stripers.
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/16 17:30:59
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RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/16 23:26:45
This guy had one Shad for breakfast ! This guy had a dozen !
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/19 16:31:03
Just a practice on photo posting with the new system. Shenango River.
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2012/05/19 16:33:14
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/19 16:40:53
Looks good Bud............
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/26 10:41:51
I have been fishing Wilhelm for 25 years. When I say 25 years I'm talking just about every weekend from April 15th till October 15th. The bass fishing has gone way way down hill the past two years. I'm not so sure you can blame it all on the Gizzard shad. The water clarity is terrible. The weeds that are in the lake are covered in brown silt. I have started to go to Pymy and Erie this year and doing allot better. I don't know what the fix is but I hope the lake turns around. I have a place at one of the campgrounds and was spoiled with only having a minute drive to the launch. Now its costing me a lot more in gas to go to the other lakes. I'm going to give it a couple years but if things don't improve I'll have to look at a possible move up to Pymy. Don't want to. I like were I am now but I camp to fish.
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 08:50:31
Drove across Lake Wilhelm on I-79 the other day not one boat on the upper end of that lake............sad !
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 09:59:08
Yeah, Wife & I were up there last Thursday, went to upper end to get out of the wind...Got a few small crappies and gills,nothing to write home about. Marked a bunch of fish down near causeway on marina side in 11 to 14 FOW but again all small stuff that we got. Sure not like it used to be but it was fun....Cheaper to run there from Franklin, then pymatuning ....talked to the guy at the bait shop and he said one guy at camp grounds has only got 4 walleye so far but all legal. Going to take my 7yr old grandson out soon, so maybe we can get him some action with the small
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 14:23:29
Fished last night for eyes from 6pmthe till 8pm launched out of 1me went to the north side of the lake between dugan run and ****. Caught a bunch of pan fish no eyes. I just got back from erie at port clinton where we caught our limit of eyes (24) everyday for a week in 2 to 4 hrs. What a let down. I dont think they can see the bait unless it hits them on the nose.
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 14:53:18
Sergeant Major
Fished last night for eyes from 6pmthe till 8pm launched out of 1me went to the north side of the lake between dugan run and ****. Caught a bunch of pan fish no eyes. I just got back from erie at port clinton where we caught our limit of eyes (24) everyday for a week in 2 to 4 hrs. What a let down. I dont think they can see the bait unless it hits them on the nose.
24 every day for a week? When's the fish fry? Man! If you need company for a trip up there after those eyes in Port Clinton, let me know. LOL! Good job Sarge.
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 16:13:32
slabdaddy The fishing was the best I ever experienced on Lake Erie. We caught even more but released them. It was nice to see about 15 eyes under the 15 in min. The biggest eyes were both 30 in. Last year when I went up the Lake was like chocolate milk and we only managed to catch 20 in 4 days. I will let you know when i get the chance to go again. Pyme is the hot lake right now. I manage to limit just about every time i go. But I am determined to catch eyes regularly out of Wilhelm and thats why I keep going back for the abuse. It also helps when I live 4 miles from the lake. I know they are there. Just cant find a consistant catch.
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 21:01:33
I fished Wilhelm this morning, 6 till 11. Bass are definately post spawn, saw fry in a few places. Caught one nice bass in the 4-5 lb range around one ball of fry. Fished mid lake and in the stumps. There are tons and tons of bluegill beds up there. Saw thousands of gills and many large ones. Caught 7 bass there, caught 7 bass in the stumps, mostly on a crankbait deflected off wood.
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 21:20:23
that is the best report so far i've heard. go get them
Sergeant Major
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 21:22:33
hey how do get a picture to come up under your username on the left? having a little trouble here
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/28 23:26:14
I fished Wilhelm this morning, 6 till 11. Bass are definately post spawn, saw fry in a few places. Caught one nice bass in the 4-5 lb range around one ball of fry. Fished mid lake and in the stumps. There are tons and tons of bluegill beds up there. Saw thousands of gills and many large ones. Caught 7 bass there, caught 7 bass in the stumps, mostly on a crankbait deflected off wood.
I used to fish the stumps years ago with my son had a great time, back then I had a 12' flat bottom boat & would row. I have a 16' Sylvan now with 9.9 & electric trolling motor would I be OK up there in that? I would love to get my 7 yr old grandson up there and into some panfish., I usually put in at the marina so would go up under 79 to the buoys then from there with electric....I have 2 batteries just in for some info.
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/29 10:32:08
You would have no problem with that boat. Sounds like a great set up. Find 10FOW and set a slip bobber for 1ft off of the bottom. Put a 1/16oz jig on with a minnow or my personal favorite, Berkley Gulp Alive 1" minnow in chartruese.
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/05/29 11:30:14
You would have no problem with that boat. Sounds like a great set up. Find 10FOW and set a slip bobber for 1ft off of the bottom. Put a 1/16oz jig on with a minnow or my personal favorite, Berkley Gulp Alive 1" minnow in chartruese.
Thanks bud ...guess I'll be back up in there always liked it up there, grandson has a week left of school so guess it's me & times ...LOL
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/06/04 14:28:05
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2012/06/08 20:29:57
You would have no problem with that boat. Sounds like a great set up. Find 10FOW and set a slip bobber for 1ft off of the bottom. Put a 1/16oz jig on with a minnow or my personal favorite, Berkley Gulp Alive 1" minnow in chartruese.
wife & I went up onto the stumps on Wed. afternoon, you're right didn't have any trouble with my 16' boat. Wanted to try it out before I took grandson up in there , planning on getting him up there next Thursday or Friday.. We did ok but all small crappies.... wife had fun tho, grandson should have a ball. We left up there, went down near launch 2 the old road bed I believe ..anyhow in 16 FOW and got onto the crappie no big slabs but did bring some nice perch & a few crappies home....oh ya I went with the slip bobber too like you said with a minnow ....thanks for the info
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2016/03/26 22:20:16
Geez beeen a few years since any discussion took place here so, inquiring minds need to know, for the 2016 season. Anybody know if the docks are in..................... Yet????
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2016/03/26 23:17:06
BeenThereDoneThat. Geez beeen a few years since any discussion took place here so, inquiring minds need to know, for the 2016 season. Anybody know if the docks are in..................... Yet????
haven't checked it yet ... Daughter lives up on ohle rd, think that is it , go over causeway & under I-79 it's on the right. Anyhow was heading back home & saw a truck with boat on Trailer pulling out of launch 4 , didn't see a boat on the lake, nothing at the marina either. Got new fish finder mount & ready to go though..... Garmin EchoMAP 44DV nice but a lot to learn about it ... lol
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2016/03/26 23:42:05
I gotta get over there Steve, docks or not. Think I'm gonna go try it tomorrow and stay away from Pymie for a week or so. Wilhelm is much shallower. It has to be warmer I would think. You're gonna love that echo map.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: RE: Lake Wilhelm
2016/03/27 10:42:31
BeenThereDoneThat. I gotta get over there Steve, docks or not. Think I'm gonna go try it tomorrow and stay away from Pymie for a week or so. Wilhelm is much shallower. It has to be warmer I would think. You're gonna love that echo map.
well let me know how ya did if you hit the lake today ..... Oh by the way .... HAPPY EASTER !! Hopefully it keeps picking up this year ... Last year was better then the last few years , crappies were not slab but what eye's we got were pretty nice. I've always liked the lake.... Always done good on bass. I really think I'll like the new finder, I was messing with it the other day just checking how GPS works , couldn't get anything then I thought , dummy you're under the metal carport .... Pulled it out in driveway and I'll be darn ..... It worked fine ..... Lol