Opening day and good spots!

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2012/04/11 03:38:28 (permalink)

Opening day and good spots!

Hey all. Just wanted to know where everyone is going out for 2012 opening day??

Im going out with some buddies but unsure as to where we wanna go .. my questions are:
1. What is a good creek, either out of the ones below, or one that is close to the Oakdale/Mcdonald are that are decently stocked?
2. Also i want to go to a creek that is a decent size so i wont be sitting on someones lap while fishing? (I am aware there will be crowds no matter what but wanna go to a creek that is relatively larger)

Mingo Creek

Montour Run

Kings Creek/ Aunt Clara fork

Big Sewickley

Connoquenessing/Little Connoquenessing creek

Traverse Creek

or Little Chartiers creek

If you guys could give me your opinions that would be great!
Thanks guys!
Good luck and happy fishing!!!!
post edited by Yung_Fish_man123 - 2012/04/11 11:40:50

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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 06:47:51 (permalink)
    "Good spots" don't exist by themselves. Pick a creek and fish it...make your own luck.

    "For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley

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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 07:46:27 (permalink)
    Avoid mingo at all costs on opening day

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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 08:36:44 (permalink)
    Maybe someone will bait your hook at fillet your fish for ya too. Go find a spot!
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 08:53:31 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Jefff

    Avoid mingo at all costs on opening day

    That could probabably be said of all of the creeks mentioned, and also just about any creek within a 2 hour drive of Pgh. Too many trout fishermen (especially trout opener only) in the area, and not that many choices.

    If you don't know any of them, I would go with one or two of the larger or mid sized ones, and take an exploration trip prior to Saturday (make sure you take all rods and gear out of your car before going). Be prepared to hike a good mile into the woods, to avoid the crowds. Get a handful of holes scoped out, and a battle plan set for the weekend. Most likely need to start hiking on Saturday by 6AM, to ensure one of 3-4 holes on any of those streams, with hiking a mile in the woods. Or, wait until lunch time, and head out and get some holes that were vacated...

    I'd probably cross Montour off of that list. It is a nice suburban creek, but the bike path makes it way too accessible for everyone. Good place to hit up when the crowds die down in mid week or in a few weeks on the weekends.

    Regardless, it is opening day circus time, you really need to expect the crowds, just about anywhere.
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 09:19:12 (permalink)
    More typical sarcasm aimed at a young un-necessary.....
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 09:26:47 (permalink)
    ^^^ Ya what he said. ^^^ Hater. You can go to any of these streams but like some have said already go out after lunch and you'll see 50% of the people that would have been there at 8. I've fished montour before opening day since I lived up at ventana hills during school, its a zoo no matter what time you go.

    If I agreed with you we’d both be wrong.
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 11:12:16 (permalink)
    im going to cabelas
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 11:26:42 (permalink)
    First off, i should mention thaat i appreciate those who were respectful and no sarcastic. And also id like to mention that i am far from a newbie fisherman and hunter. Ya im only 18 ywars old but i know what im doing and if you would like me to upload pics i will gladly do so..

    Anyways, I worded my question wrong as really im just wondering what creek i should go to as in what is a creek that is decently stocked and is large enough that i wont be sitting on someones lap to fish.
    That is my main question...

    So if you could lemme know that would be great
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 12:33:17 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: mohawksyd

    "Good spots" don't exist by themselves. Pick a creek and fish it...make your own luck.

    Honestly, I am shocked at the lack of sarcasm in this thread considering the nature of the question being asked.  I would have fully expected the original poster to be torn to shreds by now for asking such a question. 
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:03:53 (permalink)
    Nope to many cry babies. This is now a zero fun forum. And you'll like it!

    If I agreed with you we’d both be wrong.
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:06:19 (permalink)
    So many haters and ****s posting here. Fishing is meant to be fun not meant to be a huge competition. It's opening day of trout not the bass masters people..
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:10:43 (permalink)
    Where's the competiton? Just some ball busting. Check you feelings at login.

    If I agreed with you we’d both be wrong.
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:11:49 (permalink)
    dude, I don't think any of the sarcasm is due to competition - you know guys guarding secret spots.

    All of the streams you've asked about are close to Pittsburgh. All of the streams you asked about will be packed on Saturday. All of the streams you asked about got stocked with lots of trout. There are no secrets on any of them, and I don't think anybody that's responded to you in a funny or sarcastic way is guarding a secret honey hole.

    Put on your big boy waders and go hit one of 'em up. Have fun. Enjoy the experience of learning some new water.

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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:14:16 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Swans500

    More typical sarcasm aimed at a young un-necessary.....

    I wasn't being sarcastic at all, besides maybe the circus comment?

    I'll be heading about 2 hours away, and plan on arriving early and hiking about a mile, to hopefully get one of 3-4 holes that I have in mind. I already know the stream, so don't need to explore first.

    I'm pretty sure my message was one of the most informative???
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:16:30 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Esox_Hunter

    Honestly, I am shocked at the lack of sarcasm in this thread considering the nature of the question being asked.  I would have fully expected the original poster to be torn to shreds by now for asking such a question. 

    As would I...and that's sad. It really shows the amount of class the people here have for someone submitting their first post to the board. As time goes on I'm sure he'll learn that asking something like that probably isn't OK...but anyone willing to throw that much sarcasm to someone who's new needs a personality check. That's just my opinion.
    post edited by TastyTrout - 2012/04/11 13:17:21

    Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:25:05 (permalink)
    I simply asked where is a good spot as in which on those creeks have you guys fished and had success at. Im perfectly fine with finding my own hole as i always do. I am a country kid born and raised and know how to handle myself outdoors. I am an avid hunter and also fisher and i know a good hole when i see one.

    And i was also asking because every year since i was born ... literally i have been up north for opening day. My family owned a camp until i was 10 then after that me and my father went to a close friends camp up in warren. My dad recently had wrist surgery and couldnt go out this year and all im doing is trying to get some advice as to where would be my best option... I also must add that the last reason i asked that question is because i cannot do any prior exploring or searching or these creeks because i am away at college and will be coming home for the special occasion of opening day. You guys need to know my situation before you all say the things you do. Im not being rude im just being honest ... thats all i asked and never once did i ask where anyone "secret spot" is as in reality no one has there own secret spot because there will always be other people who know about it ... i mean unless you own the property then the spot is all yours if not then its open season and will be found by others at some point..

    Last question is:

    What do you guys know about pine creek? I might take the trip saturday but have no intel about the creek.

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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:30:43 (permalink)
    My opinion is Pine Creek is a dump, I see it every day I'm at work.

    Slippery Rock Creek is pretty big, and not very far from Pittsburgh.
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 13:58:19 (permalink)

    Purdy sure they were referring to gh55. One ov the main reasons I don't trout fish any more trout fishermen = never mind

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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 14:27:50 (permalink)
    I hear you Chris. I couldn't convince my buddies to head out panfishing. Even tried to convince them the night bite was on...
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/11 16:44:11 (permalink)
    Mingo gets crowded really badly, only reason I know is because I am one of those people crowding the steam up. Going opening day isn't about peace and quiet it, its about catching fish and getting the H*ll out of there. Any where you go is going to have a decent amount of people, but if you want a big creek mingo is definitely not one you want to go to then

    "Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it." Ed Zern
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/17 01:08:56 (permalink)
    montour is way bigger then mingo, idk about any of the other ones. i have a friend who lives out in robinson so we hit that creek from time to time. i would just put on some waders and do some exploring theres a bunch of holes scattered through the area. to me half the fun is finding the spots.
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    RE: Opening day and good spots! 2012/04/17 21:47:32 (permalink)
    montour creek got alot of fish....but the waters low and the trout wernt spread out very well.....need some rain now.

    fish heads fish heads rolly polly fish heads
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