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2012/04/10 11:01:49 (permalink)

New to site

New to the site from Cambria County. Just curious if anyone else is from around this area or if anyone travels here to do some fishing. I target anything that's biting. Gearing up for trout season now. I have been doing a little trout fishing in the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only section of Chest Creek and doing well. Also fishing a few ponds and reservoirs in the area for bass and doing well with Wacky Worming.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone in the area.


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    RE: New to site 2012/04/10 11:40:55 (permalink)
    Hi, wlecome to the site. I'm from Ebensburg for my first 24 years. I actually just wenjt to the DHALO section of chest creek this past weekend for the first time ever. Didn't do real well but it was a nice day and I'm still new to fly fishing. But in the area for trout, Chest creek is ok in town but good luck finding any elbow room first day until after lunch. Actually is you walk downstream of DHALO from Thomas mills road there are some real nice holes, just take the train tracks back and drop down in after a 1/4 mile or so. I grew up fishing Lake Rowena in Ebensburg and Dumans Dam. Rowena is good by the bridge with jigs and wax worms or single eggs. Dumans best spot if your land locked and have waders (since fishing off the breast is illegal but standing in the water just off the cement of breast is legal and not to many people have waders to fish there. Stand right by the spillway and cast out into the lake 50' or so. Chartruese is the color of choice at dumans. I also like to fish howels run south of Ebensburg 3 miles or so. Nice little stream but gets slammed on the opener. Go the day after and everyone forgets that there are still fish around. I've fished Gallitzin a couple times but do not proclaim to no the lake at all. And if you drive about an hour so towards state college you can some of best trouting around. Sorry for the essay. Just nice to see other people from my hometown area on here. Also the two resivoirs (sp.?) in Ebensburg are good for bass especially the upper res. 4 inch pumpkinseed lizards is the ticket there.

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    RE: New to site 2012/04/10 12:12:54 (permalink)
    Are you allowed to fish the reservoirs in Ebensburg? I thought you weren't allowed on those? One is Williams Run and the other is smaller and a little farther west. My step FIL told me they were off limits but he isn't a fisherman so who knows.....

    I was just up that way this past weekend at the inlaws and did ok on crappie at a local reservoir on Thursday and almost struck out at Glendale on Friday. I didn't want to join the crowd at the causway so I putzed back in Wyerough and only landed a chain pickerel. First one for me. My son got a kick out of it and all the teeth.
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/10 12:17:36 (permalink)
    Your deff allowed to fish just no boats. cambria township even has a dedicated parking area for the upper res. Never heard of williams run and I can literally <--- have done this hit a driver my parents deck and land it in the smaller res by the water treatment plant. I've fished them since I was a wee little guy.

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    RE: New to site 2012/04/10 13:17:08 (permalink)
    I have camp in cambria and fish glendale lake often...always wanted to fish chest creek but have yet to do so...

    Welcome to the forumn..enjoy the ride

    post edited by bassboatbill - 2012/04/10 16:45:00

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    RE: New to site 2012/04/10 14:43:22 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bigcountryhuntr

    Your deff allowed to fish just no boats. cambria township even has a dedicated parking area for the upper res. Never heard of williams run and I can literally <--- have done this hit a driver my parents deck and land it in the smaller res by the water treatment plant. I've fished them since I was a wee little guy.

    Cool, didn't know that. So both the reservoirs on the east side of town are fishable from shore?

    Williams Run is out on 422 a little ways but not far out of town. Between it and town, it looks like there is another pond/reservoir that is long and skinny but that may be private (right off of 422).

    Williams Run looks pretty nice from the satellite pic.

    Can you wade fish the reservoirs or do you need to stay on dry ground like some of the other drinking water reservoirs?
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/10 15:17:02 (permalink)
    the long skinny one right off of 422 on municipal road is private. I've fished it in my youth but the police barracks is about 1/4 mile away so I don't push my luck anymore. The two res's on the east side of ebensburg must be fished from dry ground. There are signs(that are in rough shape) that read no fishing from breasts of dams. I will say though that NO ONE follows those rules. I've seen whole families set up on lawn chairs fishing the breast at the lower res. For a while in my renegade teen years I'd take my inflatable boat out on the upper res in the back by the weed beds and never got b!itched at, but that doesn't mean it was legal. If you need any places for those two res's let me know. My parents live on crawford street by the lower/smaller res and like I said just a couple hundred yards away. I've even parked down by the water treatment plant at the lower and have talked to the local PD while there and they didn't care. Helps to know the police chief as a neighbor tho!

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    RE: New to site 2012/04/10 18:09:26 (permalink)
    A buddie and i use to fish the upper res. a couple of years ago back by the weed beds. Did really good for gills and some small crappies.
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/11 10:01:17 (permalink)
    Im from Portage and i fish all over the place lol From lake erie to the susquehanna river. I do alot of fishing at gledale lake for bass and musky. I like going to raystown in the early spring and fall when all the crazy drunk people are not there. I remember when i was younger i fished those two dams you guys are talking about in ebensburg. We would slam the bass there all day on sara spooks. Good times :) I also am the owner of Scared Fishless Tackle Company. If you have every been to Unkle Joes woodshed in altoona or some of the other smaller takle shops in the area yu may have seen my product. Anyways welcome to the forum and have fun :)
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/11 18:57:32 (permalink)
    Hey bigpikeguy, I am also originally from portage. I fish glendale alot for crappie. I also hit wilmore. But mostly flyfish the streams around here.
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/12 07:35:32 (permalink)
    Wow, definitely not expecting this much info from anyone. Been looking for a good forum for a while now. Guess I'll have to check more often now. Yeah, I have been hitting up upper and lower Res. pretty good the past 2 years. Never caught anything with much size, but love taking my boy there. We have caught crappie, perch, blue gill, and bass out of there. Do you know of any other fish that are in there? I think i saw a carp one time too. I also fish the pond behind the county pool close to lake roweena. I do better there for bass size.

    The Delayed Harvest area is nice because it doesnt get as much pressure from people. I usually do OK there. Quality of fish definitely outweighs the quantity most times. I usually start at the bridge and go up stream to above the A frame house.

    First day I plan to head to Westover and crowd out a hole in town with my brothers. Not sure if you ever fished there, but as you come into town off of Rt. 36 from Patton there is an old railroad tressel you can see off on the right hand side. We go down in there and usually do pretty well. Its kind of a tradition the past few years and someone always manages to get a big one. 2 of the past 3 years I have caught an 18in rainbow and 16in Palomino (same day) and last year a 21in Rainbow. The year I missed out on a big one my brother got a 21 and 1/2in Rainbow. Then about midway through the day I come home and take the boy out to Roweena. He is 6 and last year caught his limit first day.

    PikeGuy, I remember you from a site last year. I havent been out to glendale much, but when I do, i hit up killbuck, or the causeway bridge for crappie. EyesNGillz never fished wyerough. Do you go from shore or boat??? Havent made the boat purchase yet, but need to. But to answer your question, you can definitely fish the res's in Eburg. There are signs posted, stating so. We can get together sometime and I'll show ya if you want. They all say special reg fishing, no fires, no fishing from the ****, etc. but you can definitely fish there.

    Well, I was curious, anyone been out to wilmore or is the bite picking up at glendale??

    Get at me guys and good luck first day if I dont talk to you sooner!
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/12 08:28:10 (permalink)
    No, I've never caught anything else other than what you listed in the res'. I know the section of chest creek you fish in town real well. When the weather got warmer when I was youngin we'd crowd the same hole right below that little fall right below the tressel. I've even caught trout up that litle stream that runs in there. My buddy did ok at wilmore yesterday actually, he fishes the outflow stream opening day. It runs behind his house in wilmore by the 53 bridge.

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    RE: New to site 2012/04/12 09:20:00 (permalink)
    OK, just wondering about the res. I have heard stories about catfish in there but never seen any. As for Westover, I grew up in town there, so I know that creek like the back of my hand. Im sure you know about straight mile as well. Love to fish there, but I stay away from it first day. Will you be going out first day? If so, where at?

    What was your buddy catching at wilmore? As I mentioned before, I dont have a boat, so I'm limited to fishing from shore. I got advice last year about fishing for cats where howells run flows into the dam. I found the spot, but didnt get a chance to fish it. Ever heard anything about that?
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/12 09:21:59 (permalink)
    I have not hit glendale yet this year. Ill start hitting it hard soon for musky but so far i have just not found the time, big ole honey do list lol. I really been dragging****this year so far with the fishing. Im gonna pull my river boat down to the juniata saturday and try out for some smallmouth and maybe throw for some musky depending on water temps. Even if i dont catch anything it will feel really good to get a line wet. Plus its going to be nice saturday and ill just enjoy the drift lol.
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/12 09:53:54 (permalink)
    My buddy said he was catching nice size crappy and one largemouth about 17". He is land locked too, all we ever do at wilmore is fish from the breast then along the path tossing spoons or cranks, he said he caught crappiess by the boat launch. My, first day still isn't figured out yet, either fishing down this way (greensburg area) or I'll be back in Ebensburg probably fishing bob's creek in the AM then Dumans after lunch. Got a job interview down here either Friday or Saturday.

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    RE: New to site 2012/04/13 09:31:10 (permalink)
    Good to see all the local interest. I'll try to post pics of first day tomorrow. Pike Guy, your slacking. This time last year you were all over the place. haha Where do you hit up the juniata? Fished it a few times down around Bedford, but havent been down there in years. Would love to hit it up sometime. And Big Country, thanks so much for the info. Like I mentioned before I take my son out with me. He's 6, and he's getting pretty **** good at fishing, but it's always hard fishing a new spot. Wilmore has kind of been my achilles heel, and not sure why! All the water looks good. I hear enough stories. Maybe I'm just not trying hard enough, or maybe I need to switch up my tactics. Either way, this year I'm going to kick its****!!

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow! Its supposed to be a nice day, so watch out for ****s as they are always in abundance. haha And As pike guy said, its just gonna be great to have a line in the water.
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/17 11:58:29 (permalink)
    I went to petersburg dam on the juniata. Its a nice place that i have not fished in a while. We did really well. We got alot of largemouth and a few smallies. Alos got some perch, crappie and a huge carp that decided it wanted a bass tube lol. Once the front hit the fish really turned on. I thought i would get some trout where the little J dumps in but no such luck. O well. I cant wait to go back down. That place is really gonna turn on in the next few weeks.
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/18 15:20:09 (permalink)
    Never been there. I used to fish it near a fort. I think it was fort bedford or something like that. Sound familiar??? Anyway, if you have never been there, there is a spillway it runs into, and we kill the smallies there. Usually when it's shallow. Right about now, everything is shallow though. Found a few small creeks in the area to fish. Gonna hit those up until the trout run out, then I'll start hitting up the lakes and ponds and such. How come you dont fish for trout anyway? Keep me posted if you get to glendale. Dying to get over there, but just dont wanna waste the gas if nothing is hitting.
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/19 09:09:24 (permalink)
    I know exactly where you are fishing. Yes that is fort bedford. I never fished that section of river before. That is on the raystown branch of the juniata, petersburg is on the frankstown branch. I fish for trout but i dont really like going out on the first day. To my silly people out there. Hopefully i will be getting up to glendale soon. Im really into petersburg right now and i feel that the fishing is only going to get better down there in the next few weeks. Ill hit gledale hard in the summer though. Ill probly fish a few tournaments there this year if i dont get to busy with work at home. They are always fun and get your adrenaline pumping.
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    RE: New to site 2012/04/21 20:53:28 (permalink)
    Well, I hit up the North Branch of Little Conemaugh and Howell's run for trout and did OK. Got 6, my son got 7, then today I got 4 more at Howell's. Cant' really complain. Checked out some of the ponds in the area and the bass are moving a bit, but nothing to get excited about. The Bluegill are started to come to shore too. Gonna hit up Chest Creek next week and maybe I'll luck out and get a few smallies due to the nice weather. Anything exciting for you this weekend??

    My wife doesn't understand that the more I fish, the better chance I have of going pro.... Am I the only one??
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