Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash

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2012/04/08 10:02:52 (permalink)

Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash

So sorry to here the bad news this morning about Jose Wejebe dying
in a plane, he was piloting, on take-off.

IMO he had the best fishing/travel show on TV.

(for some reason this site is not allowing me to post a link to a news story about the crash)
post edited by beerman - 2012/04/08 10:06:46

changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes....nothing remains quite the same

The Beerman ~ Greg

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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/08 10:23:07 (permalink)
    Jose Wejebe, popular TV Host, Dies in Light Airplane Crash
    By Robert Goyer / Published: Apr 07, 2012
    Related Tags: News, Accidents, turboprop accidents
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    Jose Wejebe, host of the Outdoor Channel's popular Spanish Fly fishing show, died on Friday when his homebuilt Comp Air 8 crashed shortly after takeoff from Everglade Airpark (X01) and caught fire. The aircraft was destroyed and Wejebe, who was 54 years old, died at the scene. He was the sole occupant of the airplane and no one on the ground was injured. The weather at the time of the crash, which happened around 5 pm EDT on Friday, was good.
    Comp Air, which is based in Merritt Island, Florida, was the manufacturer of the kit that Wejebe built. He discussed it on his web page, saying that the Comp Air 8, an eight-seat high-wing all-composite single powered by a turboprop engine (Wejebe's was equipped with a Walter 601 turbine), would open up opportunities for his show. "We will be able to use the plane for transportation needs and the mother ships for base platforms to explore these remote areas," he wrote on his web site. "The fact that you can just jump in an airplane and go directly to the Bahamas, or places in Florida or Mexico at a moments notice has really opened up some of the more spontaneous fishing and travel opportunities... plus... it sure is fun to fly" he wrote.
    Spanish Fly, Wejebe's television show, highlighted the down-to-earth and fun side of fishing. It originally aired on ESPN before moving to the Outdoor Channel. Wejebe was an engaging host and traveled the world fishing in remote locations with a wide variety of companions, including United States Marines at Guantanamo Bay and with locals in Australia, the Amazon and the Dominican Republic.
    The NTSB is investigating the crash.

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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/08 10:25:59 (permalink)
    Born in Havana, Cuba in 1958, Jose Wejebe and family fleeing Fidel Castros' revolution moved to South Florida to start a new life. Growing up in Miami, Jose Wejebe cut his teeth on the waters of South Florida. After his first experience with fins and a snorkel, it was a life changing experience that marked the beginning of Jose's marine based career and life.
    After encounters with fishing greats and pioneers, Jose learned from the best including Stu Apt, Flip Pallot and Lefty Kreh. His travels and passion for learning new fishing and rigging techniques took him all over the world where he learned new and non-traditional methods.
    Jose took this knowledge back to his home waters of the Florida Keys and shared it with his charter clients and leaders among the fishing industry. Building relationships with trade leaders such as Shimano, Mercury and other boat companies, Jose was an intetgral part in the development of the booming light-takcle industry.
    After joining long-time friend Flip Pallot for the filming of several episodes of Walker's Cay Chronicles, Jose was approached by producer, Jerry McKinnis, to star in his own show on the brand-new ESPN2 network.
    In 1995, the first episode of Spanish Fly was aired. Filled with breathtaking underwater footage, spectacular cinematography, complimentary editing and Jose's signature on-screen style, the show shot to the top of the ratings. The light-tackle saltwater guru showed viewers each week a unique interactive style of fishing that no one had done before. He used techniques that he learned throughout his travels and continues to do so today.
    Added in 2001, Jose debuted a new, unique "short show" on ESPN called Vida Del Mar (meaning “life of the sea”). It is a 2-4 minute vignette that reflects an intriguing perspective on how life below the surface can make us all better fishermen.
    While not filming Spanish Fly, Jose finds time to work for several charities including Make a Wish Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis and Big Brothers and Big Sisters. He feels strongly the importance of taking the time to fish with kids and teach the next generation of anglers.
    In the present day, Jose enjoys his new passion of flying private aircraft. He also continues to explore unchartered fishing grounds and expand his knowledge for local fishing techniques. While residing in the Florida Keys, Jose is keeping busy working on several new upcoming projects that will be announced very soon.

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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/08 10:26:38 (permalink)

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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/08 12:57:21 (permalink)
    The man was living a life most can only dream about.It's tragic that it ended like that. RIP
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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/08 13:09:42 (permalink)
    He was the coolest TV fishing guide

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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/08 16:13:29 (permalink)
    The log he often started the show from is positioned in front of Fort Zachary in Key West.  It had been out in a current eddy for years, attracting fish the entire time, until some do-gooder decided to tow it to shore.  Jose found it fitting to use the log, but never told anyone but the locals why.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/08 20:13:07 (permalink)
    RIP Jose Wejebe ,

    Loved to watch " The Spanish Fly "

    So sad to hear he is gone.

    The Deetz
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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/08 22:34:04 (permalink)
    He had a great show and allways seemed to try to share the spotlight with the guides. I'll miss watching his show. Saw him on with his daughter once. My prayers go out to his family.
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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/09 03:16:15 (permalink)

    !!!!FISH ON!!!!
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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/09 07:58:25 (permalink)
    Not much as far as coverage on this. I saw a small blip on yahoo Friday night and that was it. Nothing on the news, a few stories online. His show was awesome. RIP Jose.
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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/10 12:28:41 (permalink)
    WOW man that sucks...I knew nothing about this...DEF one of my favorite shows...

    I thought I felt a slight "bump" in the force...

    RIP Jose'
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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/10 15:29:15 (permalink)
    Maybe Outdoor Channel will replace with another BASS Tournement show, or other chasing largemouth only "fishing" show... Pretty cool show he had, one of the more enjoyable ones. Although overuse of "bro".
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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/10 17:50:02 (permalink)
    I was just watching him fishing my old stomping grounds in the Sea of Cortez. This really sucks.
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    RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/04/10 21:13:05 (permalink)
    Certainly one of my favorites....he will be missed...RIP!
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    Re: RE: Jose Wejebe, Spanish Fly TV Host, dies in plane crash 2012/08/12 10:38:22 (permalink)
    As others have already stated, Spanish Fly was one of my favorite fishing shows and Jose was one of my favorite fishing personalities. He seemed so personable and although I've never met him, he seemed very approachable. He did so much for the sport of flyfishing and had a unique way of teaching. My deepest sympathy goes out to his family and friends and he will be missed by many. 54 years old is way too young to die. Rest In Peace Jose'.
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