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New state record brook trout
According to the fish commission's "biggest fish of 2011" page,Steve Cook of Virginia caught a 23.5 inch, 7 lb 14 oz brook trout on a streamer in Yellow Creek on Christmas Eve. Here's the fish: The former state record was a 22 inch 7 pounder caught on Fishing Creek in 1996. The record before that was set in 1994 with a 6.9 pounder. I haven't seen any press release saying that a new record was caught. So either they are still processing the application or the application either wasn't entered or not done right/in time. Still a huge brook trout!
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/24 22:52:58
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/24 23:00:39
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/24 23:34:13
thats what sucks with those huge breeders, is they almost get like disfigured. I caught a couple last year like 18" to 20" that hage great coloring but once they get bigger than that they get weird looking. Now I know the exact hog I got to catch to beat him He was 18" This gal, she was filled with eggs was like a football I'd say she was 5lb plus. sorry for the tiny pic it was from an old camera phone. But that there is a hog, holly smokes. Almost reminds me of a pumpkin for some reason congrats to Steve
post edited by SevenMileShowcase - 2012/03/24 23:39:23
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 17:19:19
Nice fish SevenMile
I don't eat catfish anymore. One day I caught one, it was the most fun I ever had catching a fish and when i held him, he started talking to me. I respected that fish, and I promised him i wouldn't hurt his kind ever again, but crappies ..well, those are fair game.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 17:47:19
Yellow creek near bedford?
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 19:57:37
That's not a brook. It's a tiger.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 20:13:01
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 20:51:21
Yeah, well there's no angler award category for tigers and an absolute identification would require a biologist determination (I know the patterning is pretty clear in the pic, but officially that doesn't matter). I'm not sure how it would work out for the state record. I know they give out anglers awards for "brook trout" if you catch a tiger of proper size. Don't expect any info from the fish commission. They barely acknowledge that they stocked tigers for a few years at all. Yellow creek near bedford? Yeah. Also the stream that gave up one of the biggest brown trout (29" 9 lb 11 oz) last year. It's stocked with rainbows and browns, and also has a decent population of wild brooks.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 20:56:26
Is Yellow creek a private creek? If so that's probably why
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 21:50:46
Nope. Approved trout water, stocked by the state, with a small fly fishing only section. The "why" is because it's a good limestone creek that isn't silted in and stays cold year round. When you leave the immediate Pittsburgh area you'll find that there are a lot of genuinely nice trout streams in Pennsylvania.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 22:03:52
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 22:06:14
I think there is a section of Private land, it's still considered PFBC approved. And I think it's maintained by a club I'll look it up when I get home. A couple of my buds fished there
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 23:21:57
You're thinking of the creek in Indiana County that flows out of Yellow Creek Lake / State Park maybe. A portion of that is owned by a private club that stocks it with big fish and charges rich people outrageous sums of money to come fly fish it. Maybe not. This is the famed Yellow Creek limestone stream in Bedford County that flows into the Raystown Branch Juniata River. Donny Beaver the d!ck does have a part of it (and about a dozen other streams he bought for him and his rich buddies). But certainly not all of it! Here's something good to read if you want to find out how the best trout streams in the state have been bought up by billionaires and millionaires:
post edited by verbatim - 2012/03/25 23:26:40
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 23:36:09
Ya your right. I talked to my buds and looked online, its in Indiana County. He said they have machines they release pellets that feed the trout, said they wouldnt hit anything else it was a waste of time.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 23:40:06
Ha inspired by conservation. Ya more like inspired by money and fueled by greed what a joke. Hey maybe our licenses should be $75,000 and trout stamps 6 grand. Then we could all have that luxury
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 23:42:52
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/25 23:56:01
Approved trout stream, or not. If it was caught in waters closed to the general public, it is inelligible for "record" status.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 00:06:08
If it was, it wouldn't be eligible for an angler award or to be considered one of the "biggest fish of 2011" either. The fish commission doesn't report catches from private waters on its site or in its news releases whatsoever. So that's ruled out.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 07:16:45
it might have not been caught in private water... but thats where it spent some time
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 08:31:48
ORIGINAL: verbatim This is the club for Yellow Creek in Indiana County. Another sad joke. A corporate pass is 1500 dollars a year that you can split between 4 people is outrageous compared to what SRC charges I guess.... Some people like to fish private water, and if that is their prerogative there really is nothing wrong with it. You can certainly catch fish on other things there than the pellets, and it could use some improvements as far as water flow goes, but Steve Renosky and crew do a pretty good job on keeping that place nice, and in the summer months there is some outstanding carp fly fishing there, too.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 08:51:06
I spent a good bit of my 5 years at college fishing right below the boundries of the club. After any big rain, the area right below the falls (although part of the club now) would be filled with fish over 18". I pulled a 22" breeder brook trout out of there, as well as rainbows that looked like steelhead. There is also a resevoir about 2 miles down stream, where many of these fish end up, with room to grow larger. Now, there is only about a mile or so of public fishing land. I'd probably be making $20k more per year, and finished college a year earlier, if it weren't for that creek.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 09:12:56
ORIGINAL: Loomis A corporate pass is 1500 dollars a year that you can split between 4 people is outrageous compared to what SRC charges I guess.... Corporate Membership $1,500 per year membership January 1 through December 31 Includes: Four badges, two gate keys, two pavilion keys, two hats. Any corporate employee may utilize the passes throughout the year.Additional Guests: $25 per person, per day Cabin Rental:$150 per night for up to four people. Additional guests: $50 per person, per night. Includes fishing passes and pavilion use. Actually, this sounds like a good deal, if you buy through your business. It sounds like any 4 people from your company can use. If you have a company with 20 anglers, that each use the place 10 times, that's about the same per trip as a paylake. $150 per night for a modern cabin that sleeps 4+ is a pretty good deal too. If I worked for a company with this, I'd take advantage of it... I'd imagine the owner of the company can write it off as a business expense too. Heck, if I lived in Indiana now, with a career, not college student income, I'd try to get 3 buddies together to join. I spend well over $375 per year on my boat with maintenence, storage fees, gas, registration, ect. not to mention the cost of the boat itself... Too bad, they bought land/water that was open to the public to make it though.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 12:12:16
The PFBC clip states that the fish was released. Any potential state record fish needs to be weighed on a certified scale. Considering the circumstances, there was no way that this fish was; therefore, it has no chance to become a state record. Also some other requirements exist that could not have possibly been met. From Fish must be weighed on a scale certified legal for trade. The fish weight must be recorded to the nearest ounce. Fractions of an ounce should be rounded to the nearest ounce. The scale must display a valid current seal and identification number. A printout (or sticker) from the scale should be included with the application. One person, not including the angler or any companions accompanying the angler at the time of catch, or the scale operator, must witness the weighing and sign and date the application. Fish must be caught by legal methods during legally open seasons on the water where the fish was taken. There is no catch-and-release category for state-record fish. Fish identification must be verified by Fish & Boat Commission staff. The fish must be made available in a fresh or frozen state, and made available for further follow-up examination by other PFBC staff as needed. For what its worth, I tend to agree with KJH that this fish likely spent some time in the Beav's water.
post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2012/03/26 12:20:44
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 13:11:15
The PFBC clip states that the fish was released. Can I get a link? I was looking for some actual info about the catch but couldn't find anything other than the size and angler name.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 13:23:51
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 13:27:40
Thanks. Look at that brownie right under it!!
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 15:46:53
ORIGINAL: Porktown ORIGINAL: Loomis A corporate pass is 1500 dollars a year that you can split between 4 people is outrageous compared to what SRC charges I guess.... Corporate Membership $1,500 per year membership January 1 through December 31 Includes: Four badges, two gate keys, two pavilion keys, two hats. Any corporate employee may utilize the passes throughout the year.Additional Guests: $25 per person, per day Cabin Rental:$150 per night for up to four people. Additional guests: $50 per person, per night. Includes fishing passes and pavilion use. Actually, this sounds like a good deal, if you buy through your business. It sounds like any 4 people from your company can use. If you have a company with 20 anglers, that each use the place 10 times, that's about the same per trip as a paylake. $150 per night for a modern cabin that sleeps 4+ is a pretty good deal too. If I worked for a company with this, I'd take advantage of it... I'd imagine the owner of the company can write it off as a business expense too. Heck, if I lived in Indiana now, with a career, not college student income, I'd try to get 3 buddies together to join. I spend well over $375 per year on my boat with maintenence, storage fees, gas, registration, ect. not to mention the cost of the boat itself... Too bad, they bought land/water that was open to the public to make it though. My post was meant in Sarcasm. I totally agree with you. I was trying to say is that Yellow Creek is a good deal for private water that is fun to fish, and the people than run it keep it very nice. It's a great area to fish. By the way, the Homer City res you talk about is off limits to fishing, I have seen a few people getting citations when I was walking down from Ferriers to S. 6th, but I have heard of guys catching some big fish there.
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 15:54:46
Ya it was a good price for my pals to go fish. they said it was beautiful and held some monsters they could see
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RE: New state record brook trout
2012/03/26 17:11:44
That page was for the biggest fish of 2011, not for state records. And it's all based on the honor system, 'cause fishermen never lie...