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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/30 12:08:14 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: verbatim

I guess the guys claiming the need for a "first day event" or whatever have never heard of steelhead or salmon fishing in the Great Lake. Lasts weeks and even months, in the bitter cold, no set opening day, draws people from around the country and the world. Still dealing with stocked fish. Not dealing with a set "opening day" but determined by the fish, the weather, etc.

all over a few weeks where you cant fish for an an 8" fish. what a hoot.

and believe it or not there are people who live in pa and parts of the world that dont have any idea about the stillhead or salmon runs in erie/great lakes. just sayin'

"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/30 12:32:35 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: verbatim

I guess the guys claiming the need for a "first day event" or whatever have never heard of steelhead or salmon fishing in the Great Lake. Lasts weeks and even months, in the bitter cold, no set opening day, draws people from around the country and the world. Still dealing with stocked fish. Not dealing with a set "opening day" but determined by the fish, the weather, etc.

When was the last time you went to a stocked water outside Erie county in June (heck, even May), and had 1/10 the crowd you do on a "good day" in steelhead season?

I guess you've never heard of the circus that is the trout opener in PA.
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/30 12:50:40 (permalink)
The PFBC could do many things, including stocking less fish, that would reduce the circus on the tribs. Why not? This would make the angling experience much more enjoyable for most anglers. My guess is, same answer as opening day = more profitable for them the way it is.

I think it would be halarious if there were an opening day of steelhead, especially if held in mid October. There wouldn't be a hotel room in the Erie area available a week in advance.

Hopefully the PFBC isn't reading, and getting ideas...
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/30 14:12:49 (permalink)

I dont have a problem with opening day being, essentially, a fund raiser for the PFBC; I just have a problem when it interferes with real fishing opporotunities.
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/30 14:23:21 (permalink)
the PFBC is never going to please everybody. theyre's plenty of other places to fish for a few weeks a year...and as far as interfering with fishing opportunities, it sure would be helpful if they put the docks in the rivers earlier. just sayin'
post edited by **commander** - 2012/03/30 14:28:30

"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 00:13:28 (permalink)
and imagine they have MANY studies supporting it in their budget office. I doubt they would be willing to share the info though

Actually they have done some surveys, but the questions were rigged. It was something like "Do you support having a trout season?" with 80% of people saying yes. Of course the question made it appear that saying "no" would mean you'd support getting rid of trout fishing together.

If the question was "Would you prefer maintaining the current trout season setup. or opening trout season year round?" the answer would likely be much different.
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 00:14:47 (permalink)
I dont have a problem with opening day being, essentially, a fund raiser for the PFBC; I just have a problem when it interferes with real fishing opporotunities.

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 00:33:09 (permalink)
be thankful there are still places to fish. 1000's of people will have lost the 2 great hereford manor lakes and glade run lake and probably more to come. im sure if youre willing to pay the difference in license fees for changing the opening day format then the pfbc may listen to your inconvenience of a few weeks without fishing a few PA waters. just sayin'
post edited by **commander** - 2012/03/31 00:34:44

"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 01:28:09 (permalink)
Be thankful to pay outrageously high license fees that rise constantly, while fish stocking decreases (in quantity and size), and maintenance funds for man made ponds and lakes dry up (and the water with it)? So that an overabundance of fish cops can ride around in gas hog SUVs to spy on my through binoculars while I'm fishing? While the natural gas industry destroys and degrades the water that remains, kicking in a whole $5 per 1000 gallons it pumps out of PFBC controlled waters?

Nah son. Ain't happening.

How about you? How long are you going to be thankful? Until a license costs $100, there are 2 lakes left in the state, and the PFBC stocks 500 carp fingerlings into them in between writing tickets for improper display of your hat pin?
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 01:40:09 (permalink)
outrageously high license fees? $100 isnt bad at all, imo for a whole year if thats what it takes to get/keep everything maintained. improper display of a hat pin? never heard or seen anybody wrote up for that.

doesnt sound like youll ever be happy. perhaps you should move to west virginia. just helpin'

"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 01:41:24 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: verbatim

Be thankful to pay outrageously high license fees that rise constantly, while fish stocking decreases (in quantity and size), and maintenance funds for man made ponds and lakes dry up (and the water with it)? So that an overabundance of fish cops can ride around in gas hog SUVs to spy on my through binoculars while I'm fishing? While the natural gas industry destroys and degrades the water that remains, kicking in a whole $5 per 1000 gallons it pumps out of PFBC controlled waters?

Nah son. Ain't happening.

How about you? How long are you going to be thankful? Until a license costs $100, there are 2 lakes left in the state, and the PFBC stocks 500 carp fingerlings into them in between writing tickets for improper display of your hat pin?

seems a tad extreme...... but funny none the less.

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 01:43:31 (permalink)
true dat...and who would stock 500 carp fingerlings. load the lakes up with some adult carp. just obvious

"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 01:54:53 (permalink)
pymatuning needs more carps...... just sayn' .......lmao!

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 10:29:28 (permalink)
If we had a licence increase it wouldn't bother me. In fact I'd welcome it. Resourses are being stretched very thin, costs are skyrocketing, and manpower is shrinking. Break down the cost of a license to a weekly or daily cost and you will find that most people spend far more than that on beer, spirits, cigerettes, lottory or their morning coffee. Our state has quite a diverse fishery both fresh and salt water, from pellet heads, perch and gills to stripers, flatheads and steelhead. Sure, it's not perfect but it's darn good. Some people will complain, b--ch, moan and groan about just about anything if it isn't exaxtly the way they want it to be or they're not catching double limits when they fish. It's not an exact science, deal with it!
post edited by Wally Cat - 2012/03/31 14:57:52

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 10:35:28 (permalink)
+1 sam
Shake n Bake
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 10:47:49 (permalink)
Well said Wally Cat. Hit the nail on the head with that.
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 11:34:18 (permalink)
Yeah, let's give the government more money for doing less work. That's always worked before!

Resident licenses in other states with much better fish programs (including stocking) cost a lot less than they do in PA. And they aren't kicking in dams and draining lakes. Something's wrong with that picture.
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 12:39:18 (permalink)
with much better fish programs (including stocking)

Please name one. Thanks.


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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 12:55:19 (permalink)
I've always felt theyve stocked nice fish.

People just dont give em any credit.

Maybe cause the big ones are hard to get. Not to mention all the palominos and bigguns I've cuaght so far and seen this year pre season stocking.

Some days you just got to accept the fact it is what it is. There are plenty of places to chase trout year round wild or stocked. In alot of different counties.

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 13:14:09 (permalink)


with much better fish programs (including stocking)

Please name one. Thanks.


In North Carolina, you can buy a Sportsman's License for $40. Was surprised to see the price is still the same as it was 15 years ago when I lived there.

Hunting and fishing for everything in every season in the state.

Warm water fishing in state and federal inland waters was superior to PA, IMO. Both size and numbers.

Trout fishing in the mountain streams there was excellent, and from my recollection, was open year round though I may be wrong. I caught plenty of wild and stocked fish on a few excursions there - in late summer and fall. The overall experience of trout fishing there was better than what I've found in PA, with the exception of steelhead.

Salt water fishing, well no comparison there.

Really not a stretch to identify many states that are doing things better than PA with lower or similar costs to what we pay in PA.

Let's face it, the old tradition of "Opening Day" is THE driving force in the management and budget priorities of the PFBC. Whether a fisherman think that's OK or stupid, well, that depends upon how important pelletheads are to that fisherman I guess. But let's not pretend that PA's management priorities and budget is a model for how to manage a statewide fishery.

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 14:04:47 (permalink)
Not to mention all the palominos

I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone says that they're not actually palominos
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 15:12:35 (permalink)
rsquared - won't disagree with you on the trout fishing in SC but it in no way compares to the amount of streams that PA has to stock to satisfy PA anglers across the entire state.

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/03/31 19:06:20 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: rsquared


with much better fish programs (including stocking)

Please name one. Thanks.


In North Carolina, you can buy a Sportsman's License for $40. Was surprised to see the price is still the same as it was 15 years ago when I lived there.

Hunting and fishing for everything in every season in the state.

Warm water fishing in state and federal inland waters was superior to PA, IMO. Both size and numbers.

Trout fishing in the mountain streams there was excellent, and from my recollection, was open year round though I may be wrong. I caught plenty of wild and stocked fish on a few excursions there - in late summer and fall. The overall experience of trout fishing there was better than what I've found in PA, with the exception of steelhead.

Salt water fishing, well no comparison there.

Really not a stretch to identify many states that are doing things better than PA with lower or similar costs to what we pay in PA.

Let's face it, the old tradition of "Opening Day" is THE driving force in the management and budget priorities of the PFBC. Whether a fisherman think that's OK or stupid, well, that depends upon how important pelletheads are to that fisherman I guess. But let's not pretend that PA's management priorities and budget is a model for how to manage a statewide fishery.

+1 The Carolinas are awesome. Always had a blast with surf fishing sharks and the carp/cat fishing everytime I went.

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/04/01 01:10:32 (permalink)
In North Carolina, you can buy a Sportsman's License for $40. Was surprised to see the price is still the same as it was 15 years ago when I lived there.

Hunting and fishing for everything in every season in the state.

Warm water fishing in state and federal inland waters was superior to PA, IMO. Both size and numbers.

Trout fishing in the mountain streams there was excellent, and from my recollection, was open year round though I may be wrong. I caught plenty of wild and stocked fish on a few excursions there - in late summer and fall. The overall experience of trout fishing there was better than what I've found in PA, with the exception of steelhead.

Salt water fishing, well no comparison there.

Really not a stretch to identify many states that are doing things better than PA with lower or similar costs to what we pay in PA.

Let's face it, the old tradition of "Opening Day" is THE driving force in the management and budget priorities of the PFBC. Whether a fisherman think that's OK or stupid, well, that depends upon how important pelletheads are to that fisherman I guess. But let's not pretend that PA's management priorities and budget is a model for how to manage a statewide fishery.

RALEIGH, N.C. (March 20, 2012) — The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission will open approximately 1,100 miles of hatchery-supported trout waters in 25 western counties at 7 a.m. on April 7. The season will run until March 1, 2013.

While fishing on hatchery-supported trout waters, anglers can harvest a maximum of seven trout per day, with no minimum size limits or bait restrictions.

Hatchery-supported trout waters, marked by green-and-white signs, are stocked from March until August every year, depending on the individual stream. A list of numbers and species stocked by month and county can be found on the Commission’s website. Many of these waters are stocked monthly, although some heavily fished waters are stocked more frequently.

Balsam Lake, which was drained by the U.S. Forest Service to repair a leak in the spillway, remains closed and will not receive stockings this year.

Commission personnel will stock nearly 877,000 trout, with 96 percent of the stocked fish averaging 10 inches in length and the other fish exceeding 14 inches.

Stocked trout are primarily produced in two Mountain region fish hatcheries operated by the Commission and are distributed along hatchery-supported streams where public access for fishing is available. While hatchery-supported waters are open to public fishing, many of those miles are privately owned.

“Opportunities to fish on many of these hatchery-supported trout streams are only available through the support and generosity of landowners,” said David Deaton, fish production supervisor for the Wildlife Commission. “It’s important for anglers to respect the property that they’re fishing on and remember that landowners can take away access if they feel their property is being misused.”

Deaton said that anglers can help prevent the loss of public access to fishing by:

• Respecting private property and landowners at all times;

• Removing all trash and litter from fishing and parking areas;

• Parking only in designated areas and leaving driveways open for pass-through traffic;

• Closing and/or locking gates after use;

• Reporting wildlife violations by calling 1-800-662-7137.

I am not interested in pelletheads but noone has a trout stocking program like PA...noone.

post edited by Ironhed - 2012/04/01 01:15:52

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/04/01 02:04:07 (permalink)
honestly, the weather isnt usually this many of the 'approved' trout streams usually arnt fishable during the closed season. it would be nice to have more options...(like opening all lakes year round)... but its not like the state leaves us with no options....imho

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/04/01 03:16:56 (permalink)
Exactly there are many places to fish during these weeks of "offseason"

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/04/01 14:33:48 (permalink)
Well if we're talking strictly trout programs, then I'd agree that statewide, PA is probably about as good as it gets in the East.

If we're talking overall bang for your buck as a fisherman, PA has a lot of room for OVERALL improvement.
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/04/01 14:50:00 (permalink)
Such as?

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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/04/01 15:33:18 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: rsquared

Well if we're talking strictly trout programs, then I'd agree that statewide, PA is probably about as good as it gets in the East.

If we're talking overall bang for your buck as a fisherman, PA has a lot of room for OVERALL improvement.


I think I'd say exactly the opposite...overall bang-for-buck is pretty good, but the trout program isn't the best.

Just my opinion, though.
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RE: PFBC please read: 2012/04/01 19:44:58 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: spoonchucker

Such as?

I guess bang for your buck probably was a bad way to say it. I'm pretty satisfied with PA fishing myself, so I shouldn't be complaining, though it sounds like I am. I feel that I definitely get my money's worth when I buy my license, and would probably pay considerably more for one. So, you guys got me on that. Pass the crow.

One of the things I keep thinking of that could improve OVERALL fishing in PA would be to make cuts elsewhere in the short term for the long term gain of repairing dams on PFBC lakes. $4 million for Glade Run. I assume a similar amount for Hereford Manor. Sounds like Somerset is on the chopping block next. I dunno the figures, but if trout stocking was significantly reduced in different regions of the state for a year or two, would the funding - or at least partial funding - be there to save these lakes?

I know, it's a cyclical argument. Stock less trout = less licenses bought (allegedly) = less money overall = no money to do other stuff. I enjoy fishing for trout, and I appreciate that we have the opportunity to do so. However, never having the opportunity to catch another pellethead in PA wouldn't really bother me a whole lot. I do it cause it's there and I would buy a license regardless and take advantage of other opportunities in PA. I have a hard time understanding the mentality of buying a license only to fish for trout once or twice a year, though I know it's the reality.

So I dunno. It just seems that with trout at the center of PFBC priorities and budgets, that the bubble's gonna burst sometime soon. What's gonna be left when it does if people won't buy licenses anymore to fund the PFBC?
post edited by rsquared - 2012/04/01 19:47:25
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