PFBC please read:
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PFBC please read:
I know of a small lake that is loaded with bass and panfish. I target bass there and was on my way to fish today but remembered that it's stocked with trout. So, I checked the regs and it's closed until April 14th. That is totally ridiculous! I can see closing streams where trout is the main species, but a lake where trout wouldn't even normally live, should not be closed. Believe it or not, some people actually fish year round for species other than trout! Chime in if your missing out on some great fishing this weekend because of this. Heading to another spot I guess.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:06 PM
in all seriousness, couldnt that be the case with many lakes in pa for as long as opening day has been in effect? just askin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read:
Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:10 PM
I think the whole concept of waterways being closed for a certain amount of time, when we pay for a license, is stupid. Stock the trout, keep the water open. Start the stockings in February, not late march or early april. As it is now, those trout are cooking by may when temps rise. Or, do as other states do and stock smaller amounts all year round and avoid the hoopla.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:12 PM
$$$ talks and thats not the way the PFBC makes the majority of their $$$. opening day is a "holiday" in Pa. just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read:
Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:21 PM
You should recheck the regs. Most if not all stocked lakes fall under the "early season", and are open until the 31st.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:59 PM
East side love is living on the west end
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RE: PFBC please read:
Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:30 PM
ORIGINAL: **commander** $$$ talks and thats not the way the PFBC makes the majority of their $$$. opening day is a "holiday" in Pa. just sayin' Sure is...when we were younger it was a get away up to camp sort of weekend. It's now developed into just staying local.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Saturday, March 24, 2012 11:17 PM
"holiday" we call it fishmas and fishmas eve well that's a real party
East side love is living on the west end
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RE: PFBC please read:
Saturday, March 24, 2012 11:35 PM
During this "lockdown" period, just make trout C&R only. Problem solved. I'm missing out on fishing streams too.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Sunday, March 25, 2012 0:31 PM
Only problem with C&R is too many guys using live bait or powerbait (gotta be blue though) and deep hooking the fish. I would like to see C&R also but then again I hardly fish for trout anymore so it doesn't bother me to much.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Sunday, March 25, 2012 2:14 AM
I just fish the DHALO sections and creeks and lakes that arent stocked, its only a month and a few days, I can live without a few lakes and creeks
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RE: PFBC please read:
Sunday, March 25, 2012 2:14 AM
Posting on a message board isn't going to get much of a change. When my friend and I started trying for the 3 rod rule you have to petition the pfbc. Usually they will have annual meetings and so on and the public can speak on issues. The first thing would be do what you are doing now along with posting on any other message boards. Get signatures or copy pages from message boards you post on. You first need a following of people who support your idea. Once you get a good amount of people you can petition the board and they can add it to there agenda at one of the annual meetings where you can present your case along with anyone else who agrees or disagrees with you. The process for the 3 rods took 2 years so keep this in mind its a slow process.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Sunday, March 25, 2012 3:40 AM
I totally agree with you. West Virginia abolished trout season decades ago and now has better stocker fishing than we do. They start stocking on a rotating schedule in January and don't stop until deep in Summer. Read this 1966 article published when they abolished it, and I bet you'll agree it was a great move: The article says: "The carnival atmosphere has departed from West Virginia trout streams and impoundments. Opening day of the trout season in years past was a combination of the Fourth of July, New Year's Eve, the Mardi Gras and Saturday night in Rufftown.... The future is brighter. Now opening day of the trout season is entirely up to the individual angler. A warm spell in February which brings on the first symptom of fishin' fever can be your own personal oepning day. The season may never be closed again.... While a few fisherman lamented the passing of the old opening day traffic jams and the crowded conditions on every trout stream or impoundment, their laments are fading fast before the new order of things, which means better year-round fishing." In a modern article attached to it, the writer says: "In 1966, trout fishing in West Virginia was changed forever by the elimination of opening day. Anglers no longer had to wait until the end of April to go trout fishing. Gone were the elbow to elbow fishing experiences and tangled lines, common with previous opening days. An angler could choose their own 'opening day' that suited him, based on weather, opportunity, or whim. Forty years later the majority of anglers still support and enjoy trout fishing year round."
post edited by verbatim - Sunday, March 25, 2012 3:45 AM
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 3:37 AM
That's why I fish the Allegheny River and AoCE lake outflows... I can fish Loyalhanna creek ALL YEAR from the outflow to the confluence of the Conemaugh River... I wish they would just make it lakes C+R for the time it's closed... Granted it's only from March 31st till April 14th (For extended season) and from March 1 till April 14 (Approved trout waters) but if we have winters/springs like this year a lot of people who normally fish would be able to enjoy the sport... As for streams close them for that time to all fishing/harvest seeing as most of them are only really trout streams... But that's just me...
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 3:43 AM
again, in all seriousness, what happens when the hook is swallowed, fish bleeds and is belly up? leave them all over the lake? do you accept a fine? if/when baitfishing for trout, its gonna happen. just askin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 3:50 AM
Totally acceptable and understandable concern... One of the big negative's of trout... They are fairly hardy but.. Other species can take a bit more abuse... As for bloody/belly up fish.. I think that opening day and the week after the population takes a 5-10% loss to gut/gill hooking and plenty of them get the shore treatment or the floater... Kinda makes me sick to go to Twin Lakes in the evening and see about 10+ belly up decaying or shore tossed trout for the first 2-3 weeks...
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 4:14 AM
again, in all seriousness, what happens when the hook is swallowed, fish bleeds and is belly up? leave them all over the lake? do you accept a fine? if/when baitfishing for trout, its gonna happen. just askin' Abolish trout season and that's not a problem. The daily limit is the daily limit, year round, as has been the case in West Virginia for almost 50 years. Not to mention that most approved trout waters are "put and take" fisheries, which means the fish are put into waters that can't sustain them so that anglers can catch them and take them home to eat.
post edited by verbatim - Monday, March 26, 2012 4:15 AM
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 4:23 AM
perhaps you should go to west virginia during the time PA trout waters are closed because PA isnt going to throw away the way they make the majority of their $$$ just for a few weeks a year when there are plenty of other places to fish during that time. just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 5:28 AM
Why would less people fish if trout season was abolished? Even if people buy a license purely to fish for stocked trout, why would they stop buying a license if they had an extra 3.5 months of fishing available to them, and more fish to catch (scattered stocking allows for more fish to be bred in hatcheries)? That doesn't make any sense. The circus-like atmosphere of West Virginia's opening day once put PA's to shame. West Virginia abolished its trout season in 1966. License sales and fishing days per angler have increased greatly ever since, on a continuous basis.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 5:29 AM
And yeah, I do go to West Virginia regularly from January - April. It's just a shame that I have to.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 5:35 AM
Also, re: "again, in all seriousness, what happens when the hook is swallowed, fish bleeds and is belly up? leave them all over the lake? do you accept a fine? if/when baitfishing for trout, its gonna happen. just askin'" there are already a number of streams and lakes in Pennsylvania designated "Approved Trout Waters No Closed Season." Fall Creek and Blue Hole Creek in Somerset County are two of them. --> Waters with this designation are considered 'approved trout waters.' From 8 a.m. opening day of trout through Sep. 3, Commonwealth inland size and creel limits apply. From Jan. 1 through Feb. 29, and from Sep. 4 through Dec. 31, 'extended season' size and creel limits apply. These waters are open to fishing from March 1 through opening day of trout season; however, no trout may be taken or possessed on these waters during this period.
post edited by verbatim - Monday, March 26, 2012 5:42 AM
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 5:36 AM
never said to abolish it. its closed for a few weeks until opening day. they make a lot of $$$ from people who only want to go on opening day and/or fish a few days a year. personally, i could care less. id rather see them stock actual gamefish than 8" trout...but its a PA thing. just sayin'
post edited by **commander** - Monday, March 26, 2012 5:41 AM
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 5:49 AM
It used to be a West Virginia thing too. Even moreso than it is here. If they abolish trout season (i.e. have trout fishing open year round, and spread out stocking Jan - May/June) that would mean more days to fish and more fish to catch. How would that possibly make things worse for people who want to catch stocked trout or fish a few days a year? Personally, I'd rather see them improve habitat and stop the destruction and privatization of what remains of our waterways, so that fish could live and reproduce on their own in number sufficient to support fisheries. But that's not going to happen. Getting rid of this "wait until April to fish some of the best waters in the state" crap is second best.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 6:01 AM
once again, they sell a huge amount of licenses to people that only want to fish OPENING DAY or a few days a year. they know their market/customers. its like a holiday...and what works/has worked in one state doesnt mean its going to work in another. just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 6:07 AM
So, you think people will pay $40 to fish for trout on April 14, but they won't pay $40 to be able to fish for even more trout from January 1 - December 31. Where is in the logic in that? Any sources or studies to back up your statement? Sorry but it sounds ridiculous. The one state that did have a circus-like opening day like Pennsylvania and abolish it is West Virginia, and they have since seen an increase in license sales and fishing days per angler. Going by that data, and common sense, I see absolutely no reason to believe that license sales would decrease whatsoever.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 6:33 AM
good luck with your trout, duud. obviously, west virginia would be better for you. just helpin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 1:36 PM
I have to agree with commander. A lot of people I know go out on opening day for family tradition as I do as well. I really only fish for trout a little around opening day then its off to other species for me. They may go a few times after but not much. I talked to a few wardens and they told me the same as they get used to seeing the same people each year in certain areas then don't see them again.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 1:38 PM
A lot of the people I know only go fishing on "opening day" they are shocked when I tell them I haven't fished "opening day" in a long time. I tell them that my opening day is January 1st, and they give me a funny look. So in short, Yes. Less people would buy a license (and stamp) if there was no "opening day." They wanna come to a full stream or lake, catch a bunch of fish on opening day, and tell the world how good they are. They have no desire to look for fish, only to catch them. They would probably take the fish right off the truck and put them on their rusty metal clip-style stringer if they could! Yellow ropes are for Erie, not Pittsburgh lol !
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 2:23 PM
Less people would buy a license (and stamp) if there was no "opening day." Prove it. In the one similar place it's been tried, the opposite effect has happened. They wanna come to a full stream or lake, catch a bunch of fish on opening day, and tell the world how good they are. So instead of going to go to a (crowded) full stream or lake on a day arbitrarily decided by the fish commission, when whether may be good, bad or terrible, they can go to a full stream or lake when they have free time and the weather is nice, and not deal with crowds. West Virginia stocks at least a few streams EVERY DAY, and posts that information on its website and on a phone hotline you can call. It also maintains a schedule for each stream and lake telling you whether they stock it monthly, bi weekly or weekly. Again, opening trout fishing year round would allow every to fish whenever they were able and fish for more fish. There's literally no downside.
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RE: PFBC please read:
Monday, March 26, 2012 2:31 PM
A New Era In Trout Fishing by Roy Lee Harmon, 1966 The carnival atmosphere has departed from West Virginia trout streams and impoundments. Opening day of the trout season in years past was a combination of the Fourth of July, New Year's Eve, the Mardi Gras and Saturday night in Rufftown. In other words it was marked by a conspicuous hullabaloo. The fishin' fever which had attacked every angler had bubbled and boiled as the buds swelled, the weather grew more balmy and opening day drew near. Then it slopped over into a riotous time when a fisherman was hard put to find enough room to wet a line. It was almost impossible to fish without stepping on someone. The end of an era has come for the anglers. The future is brighter. Now opening day of the trout season is entirely up to the individual angler. A warm spell in February which brings on the first symptom of fishin' fever can be your own personal opening day. The season may never be closed again. While a few fishermen lamented the passing of the old opening day traffic jams and the crowded conditions on every trout stream or impoundment, their laments are fading fast before the new order of things, which means better year-round fishing. THE WIDE-OPEN season was inaugurated for sound scientific reasons. It was not done in a hurry, but was decreed only after considerable planning and research. This year every stream or lake will not be clogged with anxious anglers on opening day -- simply because there will not be a specific opening day. Now, instead of letting fishin' fever build up to a high pitch to be shared with the multitudes, a trout fisherman can simply grab his fishing tackle and take himself away to his favorite fishing spots the first day he thinks the weather and stream conditions are right. As a matter of fact, some good catches were reported last month. Restocking of the streams was started early in January. Weekly stockings are scheduled March through May in better waters. The fish are there for the taking -- and they'll be there throughout the year. Those who wanted to fish and 'get away from it all' used to be badly frustrated on the official opening day and for several days afterward. But those same individuals will be able henceforth to leave the milling mob and really commune with nature. They will have a better chance to bring home a mess of fish. Fishing will be more fun. Yes, the new plan is better! More trout will be taken in West Virginia. This state has long had an outstanding trout management program-and now it is bigger and better. Fish now being stocked average 10 inches, larger than what most states stock. More trout than ever before will be planted in state waters -- and it will be possible to fish without dodging the spinner of wild-casting anglers. Solitude and real fishing fun are staging a comeback. T.R. Samsell, chief of the Game and Fish Division, Department of Natural Resources, sets forth sound reasons for the pleasing change Samsell points out that West Virginia has a limited amount of trout water and little natural reproduction. A good restocking program is absolutely necessary since trout fishing in West Virginia is largely a put-and-take proposition. UNDER THE OLD ORDER of things there was that frantic, crowded opening day and a quick depletion of the fish supply. Under the new order the fisherman will know that the fish are available and it is squarely up to him to land them. He will know that heavy first-day or first-week fishing has not reduced the fish population. Human nature being what it is, the man or woman who knows it is now possible and legal to go trout fishing whenever fancy dictates will fish for pleasure instead of trying to make a killing on opening day. The fish just won't be gone. There will always be tomorrow--and more fishing. Samsell points out that the year-round open season provides at least two extra months of the use of prime trout water. He says it will also allow fuller use of the hatcheries and thus provide more pounds of fish every year. Furthermore, it will attract more tourists to West Virginia for the early trout fishing. Samsell also stresses the fact that the passing of opening day crowds will bring more reasonable and pleasing use of facilities such as camping areas, alleviation of health problems associated with the old opening madness, and provide more enjoyment for all who fish West Virginia streams. He declares: "The new plan is decreasing total fishing pressure on native trout water since most of the intense pressure was associated with opening day." Samsell summed it up as follows: "Basically, the new system will permit a fuller use of a natural resource -- our trout waters -- and provide a higher quality of trout fishing. It will enable us to provide more fishing opportunities to more people for the present and future. In fact it is doing that very thing already." ON THE WRITER'S first trout fishing expedition on Glade Creek in Raleigh County this year he experienced no traffic jams either on the roads or on the streams. Winter still lingered in the lap of spring. But there was solitude and peace. Furthermore some trout were caught -- without getting in anybody’s way. Others were already enjoying fishing this particular stream as well as others in West Virginia. And they don't have to fight to get to the creek. Since West Virginia trout fishing is largely a put-and-take proposition, it will be interesting to know that there will be more putting and more taking than ever before this year. Last year the restocking was upped by 20,000 pounds, making a total of 374,707 pounds planted in state streams and impoundments. This year the increase will be about 20,000 pounds again, making the grand total near 395,000. Multiply that by three and you get the approximate number of fish. Meanwhile, if you haven't celebrated your own personal 'opening day,' you're not too late. Some of the more hardy anglers, those who are undaunted by snow and low temperatures, enjoyed the opening day their fancy dictated back in January. BOB MONARCHY, sports editor of the Raleigh Register in Beckley, tried his luck on Camp Creek in mid-January and found his luck good. Of course, he had a little bad luck, too, when a hefty rainbow got under the ice, after being hooked, and managed to get away. The pool Monarchy was fishing was partially covered with ice. But he reported: "They hit everything I threw in. They were hungry and no insects were falling in the water." Ice fishing is becoming popular at Spruce Knob Lake. There's something for fishermen to remember as they celebrate their own opening day during a mild spell in winter in future years.
post edited by verbatim - Monday, March 26, 2012 2:32 PM