Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever?

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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Wednesday, March 28, 2012 2:06 PM (permalink)
Thanks for the update, that sounds like pretty good news at least!

I haven't been out there for a few days, I caught something and it wasn't a fish, had a fever and sore throat, thankfully it's gone I think. The bf was out there Monday and the fishing was good, think he's gonna trying to sneak out there before me again lol. Hoping the weather gets pretty nice today and the water didn't get to much lower, I usually just go out near the pier I haven't had any trouble so far getting to the water.

I don't eat catfish anymore. One day I caught one, it was the most fun I ever had catching a fish and when i held him, he started talking to me. I respected that fish, and I promised him i wouldn't hurt his kind ever again, but crappies ..well, those are fair game.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Wednesday, March 28, 2012 2:47 PM (permalink)
amy, have you tried boilie bait for carp yet?

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Wally Cat
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:21 PM (permalink)
Boillie bait for carp is only as good as the ingrediants you use in preparing it. One thing about fishing for carp is that they are quick to learn what scents/taste of bait not to bite on. Once a carp is hooked on a particuly flavor of bait it will be very reluctant to bite on it again. That is why the larger carp in a compound are generally more difficult to catch because they have been hooked many times on various flavored bait. The next time you make carp bait try something different. If you handle the bait too much when you are making it you may also get a lot of human scent on it, that's why I always try and use utensils when mixing or kneeding when I'm preparing the bait. Even when I actually go fishing I store the bait in a small plastic bag like a zip-lock bag so I can kneed it in the bag without touching it if it gets hard. If your bait is too hard it will pull out of the mouth without exposing the hook for a hookset. I never use treble hooks for any type of bait fishing, in fact I personally think they should be banned for that purpose. I'm also a big believer in the use of a "hair-rig" which I make myself.

Just my humble opinion and comments on carp fishing.

Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often!

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Author..... Wally Cat
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:52 PM (permalink)
the boilies ive been using I found on ebay....the last time I made my own carp bait I got banned from the kitchen.

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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:00 PM (permalink)
I have to definately agree. I use powder free gloves when I make my mixes. I am just about to make a 20lb batch now as we speak. I will also say too strong of a smell will scare carp. Carp have a really good sense of smell and if you can barely smell it then its just right in my opinion.


Boillie bait for carp is only as good as the ingrediants you use in preparing it. One thing about fishing for carp is that they are quick to learn what scents/taste of bait not to bite on. Once a carp is hooked on a particuly flavor of bait it will be very reluctant to bite on it again. That is why the larger carp in a compound are generally more difficult to catch because they have been hooked many times on various flavored bait. The next time you make carp bait try something different. If you handle the bait too much when you are making it you may also get a lot of human scent on it, that's why I always try and use utensils when mixing or kneeding when I'm preparing the bait. Even when I actually go fishing I store the bait in a small plastic bag like a zip-lock bag so I can kneed it in the bag without touching it if it gets hard. If your bait is too hard it will pull out of the mouth without exposing the hook for a hookset. I never use treble hooks for any type of bait fishing, in fact I personally think they should be banned for that purpose. I'm also a big believer in the use of a "hair-rig" which I make myself.

Just my humble opinion and comments on carp fishing.

Mountian Man
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Thursday, March 29, 2012 0:58 PM (permalink)

ORIGINAL: accordbw

I have to definately agree. I use powder free gloves when I make my mixes. I am just about to make a 20lb batch now as we speak. I will also say too strong of a smell will scare carp. Carp have a really good sense of smell and if you can barely smell it then its just right in my opinion.

Duh uZe pinesoL

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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Friday, March 30, 2012 11:03 PM (permalink)
Yes, I use boilies, and we usually try different flavors, I didn't realize carp had a strong sense of smell, but that makes sense when you think of the more popular flavors people use like strawberry, peach, orange or whatever are usually more mild flavors. I didn't think of using gloves, good point. So I guess trying new flavors now and again isn't a bad idea. Thanks for the tips

I don't eat catfish anymore. One day I caught one, it was the most fun I ever had catching a fish and when i held him, he started talking to me. I respected that fish, and I promised him i wouldn't hurt his kind ever again, but crappies ..well, those are fair game.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Saturday, March 31, 2012 0:56 PM (permalink)
I have fished for carp for more years than i care to talk about and i will tell you this unless you have just went to the bathroom and wiped your backside with your bare hand the carp aren't going to pay no mind to the smell of your hands. Now if your breath is bad that might make a difference.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Saturday, March 31, 2012 2:37 AM (permalink)

I have fished for carp for more years than i care to talk about and i will tell you this unless you have just went to the bathroom and wiped your backside with your bare hand the carp aren't going to pay no mind to the smell of your hands. Now if your breath is bad that might make a difference.

so not true. especially if you're targeting specimen size carp.
post edited by KingKool - Saturday, March 31, 2012 2:45 AM

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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Saturday, March 31, 2012 4:07 AM (permalink)
I can tell you this i have caught hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of carp every year and i have been fishing for them this will make forty six years and i have never seen anyone wearing rubber gloves to cover up there human scent while baiting up. I have fished pay lakes and where else are you going to find a place where there is more pressure on the carp and never a pair of gloves have i seen and thy catch the same fish over and over. I agree if you have gasoline or oil or something like that on your hands that will keep them away. I do not pretend to know everything but i know enough that for forty six years i have caught my share every year.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Saturday, March 31, 2012 4:21 AM (permalink)
Voo Doo I referring to when I make boilies at home not making bait bankside just to clear that up with the rubber gloves.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Friday, April 06, 2012 0:13 PM (permalink)
I just left somerset lake,They are going to keep the water drawed down till they find the leak in the breast . I f they cant find it they will drain the lake and move the fish elsewhere. the cats are really coming on . caught a few nice 10 plus crappie .
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Friday, April 06, 2012 2:14 AM (permalink)
If they cant find it they will...move the fish elsewhere.


I've never heard of that happening around here. I was under the impression that the water gets drained and the fish literally get hung out to dry.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Friday, April 06, 2012 9:32 PM (permalink)
Take them to Shawnee,,it needs all the help it can get.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Friday, April 06, 2012 10:24 PM (permalink)
Take them to Shawnee,,it needs all the help it can get.

I'd hate to see them all die in there. I've been told if they're moved, they will be shipped to donegal lake because has the closest habitat/species/weeds to somerset.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Friday, April 06, 2012 11:39 PM (permalink)
Ive talked to Rick lorson, he said that the fish from somerset lake "if drained " would be Shocked And taken to the Que. but he hopes that will never happen. I live along the lake .This lake has produced some of the biggest catfish in the area.
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Saturday, April 07, 2012 0:39 PM (permalink)
I thought about the what ifs and I come to these outcomes

1: They're gonna drain the lake, ends up as a mud pit and build more gas wells...
there's one close to the lake.

2: I "overheard" they want to extend the dam wall, make the fixes and fill it back up and everything goes back to normal.

3: Anyone remember how hellbent they were on putting a walking trail around it (IMO really **** it up ), they'll need to put in at least 2 bridges if they want the trail around it. What will happen is "We fixed the dam and look we have some extra money lets do this while it's drained."

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Veni Vidi Vici...
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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Saturday, April 07, 2012 5:48 PM (permalink)
They dont need to drain the lake to drill more gas wells there. That area isnt very productive anyway.
ORIGINAL: Mountian Man

I thought about the what ifs and I come to these outcomes

1: They're gonna drain the lake, ends up as a mud pit and build more gas wells...
there's one close to the lake.

2: I "overheard" they want to extend the dam wall, make the fixes and fill it back up and everything goes back to normal.

3: Anyone remember how hellbent they were on putting a walking trail around it (IMO really **** it up ), they'll need to put in at least 2 bridges if they want the trail around it. What will happen is "We fixed the dam and look we have some extra money lets do this while it's drained."

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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Monday, April 16, 2012 10:06 PM (permalink)
If any one cares the fish commission maintenance crew was doing some work to improve the boat launch at Lake Somerset.  They were adding some more stone where it was mud.  I'm not sure if it will do much good without doing some digging to increase the slope but at least they are trying.

The office also said they pull the boat dock out to the water edge again.

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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Thursday, April 19, 2012 5:26 AM (permalink)
I'll take you to the q (quemahoning) in a canoe or Jon boat. Wish I could run my bass rig on it. How far away from the q are you? It's worth finding a cheap canoe or Jon boat to throw out there, it has cats, I've seen them up near the swimming area. I'm in love with the q, going to be making a trip up with a few friends very soon.
Best wishes


Hey it's the best thing to do if your broke, and even if your not in this town :p I wouldn't mind seeing some pictures of what you guys have dragged out of this lake. I want to know what is in there!

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RE: Is Somerset Lake Really gone forever? Thursday, April 19, 2012 5:37 AM (permalink)
Why go there for carp, it's a decent bass fishing lk. Or do you guys not enjoy bass fishing , it's sad such great bass waters going to waste . Tell your bf to try oatmeal and mnt dew. Fill your palm with oats pour md on it and mix then squeeze out the liquid until it's pretty dry. Great bait for carp. For cats try the Berkley power chunks. They put off a great smell, for the fish that is:-)

ORIGINAL: anatikus

yea, ive hit the yough res. and outflow ....their some of my favorite spots in Pa. ....but ive never fished for cats there. its always been walleye, smallies and trout. its kinda hard to go there and target cats when i got the ohio river in my back yard, ya know?

Yeah, I hear ya, I'd be doing the same, fish what's good to fish where you are. The bf wants to go up to fish Acme dam for carp I'm like wth! You're not going to get any size up there, and Somerset is in your back yard! I just dunt get it. Wtv...

post edited by deh2002 - Thursday, April 19, 2012 6:02 AM
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