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Fishing club looking for new members..
The Yough Sports People Association located in Coulters PA is looking for new members. We have our own launch ramp and a parking lot that could handle approx 20 vehicles with trailers. Annual dues is $26 which includes a key for the gate and $25 for membership only. We DONOT sell monthly tickets. We only ask that you help keep the lauch area and picnic area clean, and if the ramp area and the shoreline needs weed whacked. We have a pavilion and fairly large grill that can be reserved by the members at no cost. However you must reserve the pavilion. When you come to the meetings we will take care of it then. We have stocked the area with walleys since 2001. We average between 500 and 1100 per year, most fish are between 4-7 inches long. Last falls stocking consisted of mostly 7 inchers. So for the last 10 years there should be quite a few large fish in that area. Our fist meeting of the year is on March 28 (Wednesday) at the Coulter Volunteer Fire Hall at 7:00 pm. (I suggest that you get there early). We are looking for a few good fishermen. And ladies too. Childten are welcome too.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/13 20:34:54
How deep is the river around there? Never fished the lower Yough.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/13 21:00:29
Would really love it but I live up near Connellsville. That's kinda far, we need YFA back around here again.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/14 00:19:26
ORIGINAL: bridgeman How deep is the river around there? Never fished the lower Yough. Deep and slow. More like you'd expect from the Mon than the Yough (especially if you're familiar with the upper reaches).
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/14 07:30:31
Not familiar with that part of the yough. Can you load a bass boat in there and can you run down to the mon from there? I have a ranger so it would have to be more like the mon so I don't mess up my rig.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/14 09:46:55
Where is the ramp? is it river right or river left?
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/14 10:03:00
ORIGINAL: KJH807 Where is the ramp? is it river right or river left? coulter, and the club, is on the opposite side of the river from the bike trail. so it would be on the right side if you are looking downstream.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/14 14:50:19
Do you guys do any trout stockings?
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/14 19:24:08
Do you have an address and directions to the meeting? Also to the ramp.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/14 20:31:15
If you would like more info please email me at jimd6121@comcast.net I would be glad to answer your questions.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/14 20:37:58
Why not post the answers here?
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/16 12:15:30
Here is the club website. Not the most user friendly but I think it's a freebie site so... There is a map on there and pics of the ramp/pavilion. http://www.yspa.net/ Coulter Volunteer Fire Company Railroad St, Coulters, PA 15028 (412) 751-2252 The river is mainly deep but it does get thin in areas upstream and downstream from the launch, esp. upstream of the rapids near turner valley. I have trouble getting up past there with my 14' alum. and 15 hp motor and tilting the motor up. I don't know the river nearly as well as some. A jet would help tremendously. I wouldn't be buzzing around in a high priced bass boat during mid-summer flows, that is for sure. If you don't know where the channel is in some of those narrow spots, even downstream, you could get into trouble. That being said, I have seen pontoon boats and 16'-18' open bow I/O's all the way up to the turner valley rapids.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/28 09:25:26
Reminder, meeting tonight, 7:00 pm. $26 for a membership and a key to the private launch facility. Coulter firehall. Coulter, PA.
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RE: Fishing club looking for new members..
2012/03/28 10:56:45
The ladies i work with are always telling me how great the coulter vfd has the best lenten fish try in the universe. That doesnt have anythign to do with anything, but thats what i hear.