LockedWho says there are no trout left ??

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 8:04 PM (permalink)
i caught some wild browns in spring over the weekend and they were bigger'n 10"

I would guess, from my experience, that an average size trout in spring creek around Benner Springs is more like 10 - 12", with many fish in the 14 - 16" range. It's all catch and release only. If fishing there for an entire day, you should expect to catch at least 1 trout in the 18 - 20+" range.
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 8:22 PM (permalink)
I wonder if he even knows there's a thread on a completely different forum that has reached 3 pages in length...certainly an ego booster.

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 8:28 PM (permalink)

ORIGINAL: TastyTrout

I wonder if he even knows there's a thread on a completely different forum that has reached 3 pages in length...certainly an ego booster.

There have been threads about him for 10+ years on different forums. He has been posting these year end summaries, in teh same format, for many years. He used to participate when people would bash him, but doesn't give a #*&@ any more.
dakota kid
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 8:28 PM (permalink)
I caught a fresh little jack steelie today. About 14-16 inches. I had it to hand in less than a minute.

It took me two hours and about 60 casts to get a hit though.
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 9:07 PM (permalink)


There have been threads about him for 10+ years on different forums. He has been posting these year end summaries, in teh same format, for many years. He used to participate when people would bash him, but doesn't give a #*&@ any more.

Has he ever provided any proof/reasoning behind it? I don't think that he owes anyone that proof but if you're going to take the time to post all the stuff you have to expect others to not believe.

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 9:26 PM (permalink)

ORIGINAL: TastyTrout

Has he ever provided any proof/reasoning behind it? I don't think that he owes anyone that proof but if you're going to take the time to post all the stuff you have to expect others to not believe.

His reasoning? That's just what he finds fun, keeping records (he's an accountant) and trying to catch as many as he possibly can.

He used to invite anyone who doubted him to join him. Several did and said he's a machine. This was a long time ago though, like 2001/2002.
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 9:28 PM (permalink)

2nd to last paragraph:
130 trout in 6.25 hours, my math may be off but thats one every 2.88 minutes,  non stop for 6.25 hours..   

God Bless him for his spinners and talent.

This has been a fun thread to read.
post edited by Redfly2 - Wednesday, March 07, 2012 9:29 PM
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 10:08 PM (permalink)


That's just what he finds fun, keeping records (he's an accountant)

Nevermind....makes sense to me now. Accountants are always fudging the numbers to make things seem better than they are...

Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 10:26 PM (permalink)
and here I am, a novice fly fisherman that has been estatic about my 1-2 fish days on the tribs. Let's see...

10.5 hours fished
2 stealies brought to hand

= 0.19 fish per hour or 1 per every 5.25 hours

yeah, that's about right

2 dozen flies and 10yds of tippett...

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 10:33 PM (permalink)
For the size trout we are talking about here...............less than five seconds.

Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a winner!

Reminds me of a little story...
Before the "VHS" regs were put into place and back in my "trout bum" days, I fished a local lake stocked heavily with trout on a particular morning. This lake hadn't been stocked in over 2 weeks.

The bite was on, every cast. Only missed or lost, maybe, a half dozen fish.

The program consisted of a small, thumbnail-sized piece of skein with a very small and thin piece of chartreuse glo-bug yarn over-hand knotted on the line at the hook eye. This was fished 3' under a weighted float with a 10'6" noodle rod.
Only had to cast aprox. 40'. The rig would hit the water and in no more than 5 seconds, the float would dunk, every single time. never had to wait longer. Never.
I had to quit after 4 hours due to running out of bait(eggs).
As I was walking along the banks of the lake to get back to my truck, an old-timer(not S-10)stopped me and said he was watching me from across the lake. He asked how many I caught and I said, "Oh, I don't know...40 or 50?" I really wasn't sure. He said, "You're way off, son. You landed 74." I said, "Wow. I had no idea it was that many." We made small talk and I continued on my way.

With that said, and if the old timer's numbers are correct, I have no doubt that 200 trout could have been easily caught that day if I stepped up the pace, had the bait and the fish continued to cooperate.
I could only imagine if the bite would have been similar and I was throwin' spinners...

Like 'D said, it's what he likes to do...keep track.


Blacktop Charters
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 10:43 PM (permalink)

ORIGINAL: TastyTrout

Nevermind....makes sense to me now. Accountants are always fudging the numbers to make things seem better than they are...

Easy, now...

"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 10:49 PM (permalink)

ORIGINAL: mohawksyd

ORIGINAL: TastyTrout

Nevermind....makes sense to me now. Accountants are always fudging the numbers to make things seem better than they are...

Easy, now...

TT you gotta watch the "Bean Counters", sneaky bunch...

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 10:59 PM (permalink)


ORIGINAL: TastyTrout

Has he ever provided any proof/reasoning behind it? I don't think that he owes anyone that proof but if you're going to take the time to post all the stuff you have to expect others to not believe.

His reasoning? That's just what he finds fun, keeping records (he's an accountant) and trying to catch as many as he possibly can.

He used to invite anyone who doubted him to join him. Several did and said he's a machine. This was a long time ago though, like 2001/2002.

D there is no doubt the man can catch fish.

I think it is just hard for most anglers to try and wrap their mind around those kind of numbers. To be honest up here in NW PA I haven't fished a stream capable of a 100 fish day let alone 200.

He either has a couple streams packed with little wild browns that he pounds continuously or some private stocked water that sees no pressure, mabee a combination of both.

Ironhed, I can see where that could happen on the right day in the right place a time or two. But 1700 trips to the stream with over 100 trout sure seems like a stretch. Somedays those fish just don't bite..At least for me..

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 11:16 PM (permalink)
Ironhed, I can see where that could happen on the right day in the right place a time or two. But 1700 trips to the stream with over 100 trout sure seems like a stretch. Somedays those fish just don't bite..At least for me..

I'm sure the outrageous numbers being posted online have nothing to do with the fact that he gets paid to do slide show seminars on spin fishing right? lol Just read this advertisement for one of his Harrisburg shows. His method is so effective it's like "electro-shocking" the trout!

Frank Nale - Appearing February 10-12
Would you like to learn the secrets of how to catch more trout than most anglers think is possible - a method so effective that some anglers have compared it to electro-shocking? No, this isn't hype - it's reality! If so, you won't want to miss Frank Nale's fifty-minute spinner fishing slide program entitled "Spin Fishing For Trout."

I have no doubt he catches very high numbers of fish consistently. I even think a 200 fish day could be possible if all the stars align, or if a very small stream was freshly stocked the night before and loaded up. And I think it's cool that he keeps statistics like that. If he put that data in a database with zip codes, for the locations he fished, you could get a database of weather by zip code and do all kinds of cool statistical analyses with it.

He's gota be fudging his real numbers at least a little higher though, to keep the slide show revenue coming in. Think about it, not many people are going to be impressed or drive to see a slide show of a guy catching 100+ trout on the right days. Now make it sound almost impossible but just believable enough to hook people, and a lot more people are going to attend.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - Wednesday, March 07, 2012 11:34 PM
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 11:20 PM (permalink)
this nale guy makes fisheries resident fisher of mass desctruction, noplacelikehome, seem like a ham and egger
Moses Guthrie
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Wednesday, March 07, 2012 11:50 PM (permalink)
Back in my college days me and my buddies would each catch over 100 fish a day just fishing an afternoon, no skill really involved, clear water, jigs, and piles of stockies. we found a couple of creeks that it seemed the stocking was never spreadout and we never encountered many guys, we literally would have fish on as soon as we twichted our jigs. No trebles or bait to mess with, you could post high numbers really fast.
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 0:42 PM (permalink)
Ironhed, I can see where that could happen on the right day in the right place a time or two. But 1700 trips to the stream with over 100 trout sure seems like a stretch. Somedays those fish just don't bite..At least for me..

I understand what you're saying, Bings. And I can also understand why you feel that way.
That was not the only experience I have personally had like that.
Once again, back in my "trout bum" days, we would tie up hundreds of small brownie sacks, enough for one outing, and head to the Yough. It was nothing, and I mean NOTHING to have a 75 fish day, with more than a couple days well over 100 a piece. Spinning rig, centerpin rig, it didn't matter.
Well, the word got out, many more anglers started doing the same thing and every visit after that was like "Powerbait at Trout Run" with guys chuckin' eggs.
To top it off, the VHS regs were put in place where it made using Great Lakes eggs illegal outside the watershed. Guys still do it and guys still get busted for it.
There's more than one way to skin a cat...

I may be wrong but I don't think the guy fishes one particular stream, all the time. IMO, wild trout can be just as easy to catch and at times easier to catch than a pellethead.


Blacktop Charters
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 0:45 PM (permalink)
He's gota be fudging his real numbers at least a little higher though, to keep the slide show revenue coming in. Think about it, not many people are going to be impressed or drive to see a slide show of a guy catching 100+ trout on the right days. Now make it sound almost impossible but just believable enough to hook people, and a lot more people are going to attend.

After reading his summaries for the last 10 or so years, and from what I know of him, I don't think he needs the money. Trust me.

He simply digs what he does and I see nothing wrong with that.


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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 0:51 PM (permalink)
I agree, I do think the wild fish can be more aggressive and sometimes easier to catch than the pelletheads.

I think most who have a problem with the numbers are comparing them to the waters they fish and their experieces.

Not many anglers have easy access to a stream or streams that can produce those numbers on a regular basis..

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 1:19 AM (permalink)
It's not about catching the fish. It's about the supposed numbers in the amount of time. It would literally require him to jog along side the stream without pause, never snag or have a tangle, catch a fish on every cast, rip the fish out of the water, speed write a journal entry -- non-stop... for four days straight...

Sorry if it sounds unreasonable.

Anyway the burden of proof falls onto the person making a claim. Without proof intelligent people aren't going to believe it.

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 1:32 AM (permalink)

ORIGINAL: verbatim

What if I told you I saw a unicorn on the side of I-79 last night?

I would have you call Deetz and see if his was loose againn.

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 3:05 AM (permalink)
So many doubters... It is really funny. Comparing the Erie watershed to a very nice central Pa wild trout stream is apples to Oranges. He does not fish the same steams. He does not go after pellet heads or stockies to increase numbers. He rarely fishes the same stretch within 2 weeks. As bings said, sometimes the fish don't bite. That is simple.....he doesn't fish on these days. If he documents fish kept, you really don't think he knows weather patterns, stream flows, water temps???? He knows exactly what stream to fish on any given day. If it's not right he doesn't go. It's amazing a guy tells you he caught 50 steelhead , he's a liar, but I have seen guys pull fish after fish out when no one else is catching. Thats fishing everywhere. Including in central PA. Most guys try to hit a 5 gallon bucket practicing casting, this guy hits a styrofoam cup 10-15 yards away 8 out of 10 times. 5 out of 10 go in the cup. His brother, Mark, writes an article called "naturally speaking". He is a retired biology teacher. Good fisherman as well, but not Frank. In one day the most I caught was 40 something and I stink at wild trout fishing, but it was a good day for me. Franks friend was with me and while I was stuck in the laurel, I held my line out of the water so he could fish the hole, he landed 7 while I watched. It was less than 5 mins. Bang bang bang. All native brookies. We ended up with over 130 and we ate lunch, drove to 2 different streams and left by 2:30. An once again, I stink. It is really an amazing experience. But to some I was just probably dreaming.

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 3:51 AM (permalink)
i heard frank nale killed a bigfoot with his bare hands in 3.258 seconds....just sayn'

fish heads fish heads rolly polly fish heads
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 4:34 AM (permalink)
My friend and I have pulled out roughly 150 in one evening, if it was just one of us who knows, but our catch rate was similar, Im not sure what to think to be honest.
I mean those were days we still talk about.
In a 5 day span we can catch over 200 on March Browns, but like I'm speechless I dont know what to think
post edited by SevenMileShowcase - Thursday, March 08, 2012 4:41 AM

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 7:48 AM (permalink)
What I think is "pics or it didn't happen."
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 10:21 AM (permalink)
woO kAreS duUDs trOut fisHin is kIdZ stuF

jisT dUMb fiSh
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 10:29 AM (permalink)
I'd rather catch 100 biguns than 200 dinks anyway.
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 11:36 AM (permalink)
My friend and I have pulled out roughly 150 in one evening, if it was just one of us who knows, but our catch rate was similar, Im not sure what to think to be honest.

Two people, same catch rate, 150 fish? Here's what to think: you each caught about 75.

i heard frank nale killed a bigfoot with his bare hands in 3.258 seconds....just sayn'


First, we had Chuck Norris, then we had the most interesting man in the world...now we got Frank Nale.
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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 11:51 AM (permalink)
Mileage, Cold...mileage.

"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley

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RE: Who says there are no trout left ?? Thursday, March 08, 2012 11:53 AM (permalink)
Hope he never hooks up with Carl (the geatest steelhead guide ever).
Could you imagine the numbers they could put up at the stop sign hole.

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