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Im going to be buying a kayak this week and just wanted to get everyone's ideas. I'm looking at getting a sit on top model but have never been on one of those. I have always used the sit in ones. And after hrs of fishing in it, it's hard to get out of. What everyone's likes and dislikes of both styles.
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I'll be using it for fishing. The one im looking at is the Perception sport caster angler and my range is 5-7
post edited by tank7791 - 2012/03/05 19:24:15
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Sit on Top is the best choice Ocean Kayak are good but can be $$$
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I talked to deetz about his. I found a close model to his at dicks. I was just concerned about water with the sit on top style. I know you can plug the holes in them
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Tank , I took mine out for the first time last friday. Air temp was 50 water temp was 38. I wore my waders to keep the cold water off my lower half. No problems staying warm. You are going to get wet in a sit on top. I dont have a problem with that. If you dont either then you will like the sit on top a lot. I found it very easy to get in/on and out/off of the yak. There is lots of space for your legs and you can easily move your legs in any position to make you most comfortable. Also there is plenty of room for a ton of gear. You want a test run on mine Id be happy to let you take a spin any day after work this week. JUST LET ME KNOW. we can figure out where and when. PM SENT
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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check out the fishing kayak made by jackson kayaks called the choosa, if i had the money i would have one. retails at 999.99 but looks like its worth that and more.
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What about a sportspal canoe if you're looking to fish. Very stable i fly fish out of mine standing up. Put an electric motor on it unless exercise is another goal. Light wieght thier right around 50 pounds, not sure of the price now though.
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If you're planning on using it more than a couple times a year, then I wouldn't go with anything other than a Hobie or Ocean. My parents just bought a Hobie Island Tandem last year with side catamarans, foot peddles, a sail, and an electric motor. You can use any combination of those features together or none of them and just take the middle section with a paddle like a regular yak. Their model came standard with rod holders and a built in tackle box, and they also added a fish finder to it. It's a little out of your price range, but you can buy just the regular yak from Hobie and add other stuff to it down the road. Something to think about anyway. It's so much fun sailing around on the open water with a light breeze, I'd get a fully decked out Hobie over a boat that costs twice as much anyday.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2012/03/06 10:42:54
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Forgot to add to my other post, Cobra makes a good fishing platform too. My friend from Texas has a Fish n Dive and has landed some monster fish out of the gulf of mexico on it (sharks to 6', kingfish, redfish over 45"). Very stable, fishing friendly yak. http://www.shopatron.com/products/category/10084. Might try to search out a used model for any of those (Hobie, Ocean, Cobra). I am sure there are plenty on ebay or use Searchtempest.com to search within a comfy driving radius for you on Craigslist.
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I guess what I'm trying to find out with this thread is for the people who already own a yak and enjoy it what style it is ( sit on top/sit in) and if there is pros and cons to each style. I just don't want to buy something without haveing all the knowledge I can get. Like ive said before I've always been in the sit in style and have seen the issues with that. I've read alot of reviews on the sit on top style and the only problem is getting wet. I guess for the guys that own a sit on top is the water issue a problem in the bay
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I have a 10 ft. Loon sit in kayak and have fished a lot from it, but I am also thinking about getting a sit on top. The major problem for me is getting in and out. I like the sit in kayak for just paddling around, especially French Creek. It works well, but there are times I like to get out and fish from shore and it is the getting in and out part that is becoming more difficult for me. Also, I saw a kid last year on Edinboro lake get his sit in kayak swamped while he was out on the lake and he had to be towed back into shore. I almost got swamped out there a couple of years ago and really don't want to have that hassle. The sit on top ones generally are a lot easier to right and get back onto if you tip them over. They also don't have the problem of filling with water. I have not looked to closely at what I want, but when the season gets closer, I will have my eyes out for one. Good luck finding a good kayak for fishing.
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I would take a look at some of the Native boats. Weigels in Franklin has a bunch. I have fished out of an Ultimate 12 and it is fantastic. More of a canoe/kayak hybrid. I was able to stand and fly fish on the Intercoastal waterway-no problem. also most comfortable seat ever placed in a non powered boat. They also have some sitontop models if thats what you decide on. When i buy a kayak, it will either be an ultimate or a wilderness systems commander (same idea). having said that, if you are gonna be spending all your time in the bay then a long (14ft or so) sit on top might be the way to go. Have you thought about renting/ demo ing a few before purchasing? A good (kayak) shop will be happy to oblige. Don't let the little price tag on a big box china special be the deciding factor if you are planning on using it much.
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I've been going through a similar research process. Two kayaks that have attracted my attention are the Jackson Coosa and a new product-the NuCanoe Frontier 12. I'm leaning towards the Frontier 12 due to it's stability and the ability to take at least one of my kids with me. Be sure to check out all of the videos from the NuCanoe and Jackson websites if you research them. I realise that both of these craft fall outside of your price target. One theme that has recurred in my research is that a lot of people initially opt for a less expensive kayak only to find out that it wasn't really right for them and they end up buying a more expensive craft down the road. Be sure and test drive any kayak you buy to make sure it's the right one for you. Tight Lines.
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I've got a pungo 120 which is a sit in and I love it. I do have trouble getting out but it sounds like it is for a different reason. The same one that results in 50 last casts per trip. I winter fish till ice on rivers is a sit in plus. Easier to add rod holders and others. I rarely stand in it and I would prefer a sit on lake Erie as I don't take my sit in out on it ORIGINAL: tank7791 I have always used the sit in ones. And after hrs of fishing in it, it's hard to get out of. What everyone's likes and dislikes of both styles.
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I'm going to be purchasing a Future Beach Angler 144 Sit on Top from Dunham's when the spring sale hits. Right now they are $449 but with their 20% one time coupon they are $360. The sales guy said to wait till the beginning of April and they will be even cheaper.
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Wait til April? Season is almost over! BH
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I will 2nd the pungo 120 angler. It is a sit-in, which I prefer since you can accessorize to your preference. When it gets cold or lots of wind / waves, I put on the spray skirt. Lots of room for storage when I go overnight, and everything doesn't have to be strapped down. And the pungo is pretty easy to get in and out of as far as sit-ins go.
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Tank... I was in the same boat a few months ago and my budget was the same. After doing a ton of research I ended up buying the Wilderness Systems - Tarpon 100 Angler version. It is a sit on top kayak that is very stable and considered one of the best for fishing. The Tarpon 120 is the most used kayak for fishing, but the 12 footer was too long for my needs. Lifetime warranty and excellent reviews. I ended buying it on eBay and saved a ton since no one around here carried it. The store in Cali that sells them on ebay sells packages with paddles, rod holders and free shipping for about $650, plus no tax. They usually go for $800 plus. If you want more info ping me.
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ORIGINAL: BloodyHand Wait til April? Season is almost over! BH Season will be over in 3 weeks? I'm one of those crazy guys that fish during the spring and summer too.
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I have a native manta ray 12 s.o.t. A aqua bound two piece carbon paddle, but most important is my stohlquist fishermen pfd. Mine has scotty rod holders also. Had it going on 5 years. I float mainly the Allegheny, and wade fish alot. Allegheny outfitters next to weigles marine, takes my truck down to fishermens cove for twenty bucks. Its a nice float.
post edited by smallie2 - 2012/03/10 20:46:05
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Be sure to check out the room for a big framed guy in a kayak - they are limited in space and you won't want to be too cramped. Also, you should be concerned with stabilty depending on what you are going to use it for. I rolled a Pungo shooting at a fox squirrel with 3 1/2 inch magnum, but if I had been in my Swifty, it would not have rolled. Bought another with more room and rod holders for fishing.
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Its a bit more in price... But look at the diablo paddlesports boats Combo of a kayak and a standup paddleboard (SUP) A sit on top with a chair and then you can stand on the bow and cast No wobble Check their site and YouTube ... Really cool boat
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Any suggestions for good places to pick up accessories for a yak? I need a few things to trick mine out nicely. I have a 12 foot field and stream, sit in, angler yak. I like it ok, tho in hindsight I should have done more research.
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Are you looking for a website or an actual brick and mortar store?
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either I guess. A store if there is a good one local, otherwise a website with awesome gear would suffice. Thanks
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Pungo 120 has a 50"+ kokcpit which may be the factor with easy in and out of boat. Smaller kokcpits on other sit ins are common and more difficult to get in and out.
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What is local? what are you fishing for and looking to get as accessories?
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There is Wiegel on the water in franklin for kayak accessories and several different online retailers for fishing specific items.
Chris Johnson
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ORIGINAL: yakfisher Any suggestions for good places to pick up accessories for a yak? I need a few things to trick mine out nicely. I have a 12 foot field and stream, sit in, angler yak. I like it ok, tho in hindsight I should have done more research. OP: I have the same yak, a Field and Stream Eagle Run 12'. It has a 500# weight cap which appealed to me. It has a large cockpit that is fairly easy to get in and out from. D!cks at the Mills has one hanging for 399$. They made an Eagle Talon 12 that was a sot but they seem to be hard to find. I bought it last year and used it about a dozen times on inland lakes and have not complaints. My kids have used it much more than I have. YF: I contacted Seals about a custom spray skirt w/tunnel, they can be ordered through REI and their msrp was ~70$. I forget the exact skirt model, it wasn't neo. I connect my crate to the rear bungee padeyes with 4 thick zip ties at the launch and then cut themm off at the end of the day. This makes the area formerly available to the 'gear pod' covered which I use to carry an achor, water bottles, etc. Adding an achor trolley is key, its sot counter part comes with one. Kits are available at Dcks or you can buy most of the hardware at Lowes or HD.
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