East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA

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2012/03/03 15:00:53 (permalink)

East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA

I'm going to Raleigh this week then headed down the east coast to Florida with a few stops along the way, possibly Charleston,Hilton Head or Savannah
I'll be taking my 8 year old nephew Nico out on a few piers and maybe a 4hr headboat trip.
I will probably also do some shore fishing and might go out on a 1/2 day charter.
On the way back up north in a few weeks will probably stop somewhere around VA beach.

Any ideas on other areas I may want to look into?
post edited by pghmarty - 2012/03/03 15:03:02


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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/04 16:36:51 (permalink)
    Why do I find my steelhead, bass, perch and trout fishing stuff wile searching for my ocean gear?
    Why did I find my ocean gear when headed to Kinza?
    Why can't I find these things when I want them?????????

    fish whisper
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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/04 16:41:08 (permalink)
    I would stop by the Chesapeake and check out some whippers if your driving, take the turnpike
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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/04 17:37:39 (permalink)
    fish your inbox is full cant get ahold of you
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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/04 18:22:41 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: fish whisper

    I would stop by the Chesapeake and check out some whippers if your driving, take the turnpike

    I might on my way home.
    I stayed just south of there last fall then a storm hit when I was going up there.

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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/04 18:55:57 (permalink)
    Probably cause you are a lot like me. A gear head. Sometimes it seems I spend more time sorting out my fishing equipment, than fishing!!!!
    ORIGINAL: pghmarty

    Why do I find my steelhead, bass, perch and trout fishing stuff wile searching for my ocean gear?
    Why did I find my ocean gear when headed to Kinza?
    Why can't I find these things when I want them?????????

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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/09 15:52:10 (permalink)
    I am in Raleigh now, spooling new line, getting ready to go to the ocean soon and maybe Falls Lake tonight.
    Weather is mid 60's but it feels warmer in the sun.

    How much snow did northern PA get today?
    My dad told me that it was snowing in Bradford this morning.

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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/15 01:16:49 (permalink)
    A lot of the NC piers are still closed and very little is being caught on the ones that are open.
    Surf fishing is reported as poor :(
    Not sure about charters
    Guess it is Hilton Head Saturday instead, then down to Florida Sunay or Monday

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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/15 08:30:52 (permalink)
    Might be a good idea this time of year to check out some backwaters Marty.

    I know it's a little further south, but I check out some Mississippi saltwater fishing reports every once in awhile. Seems most of their success down that way is coming in the back bays and tidal rivers on speckled trout, flounder and redfish.

    Haven't checked their site lately, but Red Drum Tackle Shop in Buxton, NC seems to keep reports current throughout the spring.
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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/15 12:07:10 (permalink)

    I'm going to Falls Lake a little later today.
    Did not renew my NC license yet but just want to look around and let Nico fish

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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/15 12:53:42 (permalink)
    Yeah, back bays are the way to go early. They warm up much faster than the open ocean.

    Did you retire Marty??? You seem to be in NC more than PA these days! Good luck & keep us posted.
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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/15 14:06:23 (permalink)
    Hello Marty,

    Where in FL are you going? If you are in the Sebastian or Fort Pierce areas, they both have jetties that are always producing something. South side of Sebastian with live shrimp east of the A1A bridge will probably be producing good numbers of smaller snook now, though with the warm winter I don't know how well past patterns will hold. It will also likely be crowded. I'd expect there to be good numbers of redfish in the inlet itself. Don't know if snapper blues will still be there or if they will have gone north.
    Any of the flats in those areas should also be productive for trout and reds--south of Sebastian Inlet, or park on the east side of the north bridge in Ft. Pierce and wade south. The flats around Wabasso Bridge can also be productive for big trout, reds, and probably some nice snook as well. You might even pick up some small grouper in the deeper pockets.
    If you've never fished flats, shuffle your feet--you don't want to step on a ray. Look for drop-offs (where the sea-grass ends) or the light spots in the grass (where there is a break in the grass and it's a sand bottom). Depending on time of day and conditions, top water plugs, jigs, and live bait all should work well.
    If you can fish the ocean side of the south jetty in Ft. Pierce on a rising tide with live pinfish, you should have a good shot at some large snook. South bridge catwalks at night with a red tailed hawk will probably also produce some nice snook.
    Probably any inlet with a strong outgoing tide at night will produce ladyfish.
    I expect they'll be getting some nice pompano in the surf if it's clear. Local bait shops would probably be your best shot in telling you the best areas. Sandfleas (mole crabs) are generally the way to go there.
    Anyway, those are just some of the areas I know best and that have always been good to me. Admittedly, however, it's probably been 10 years since I've fished them. Any questions, feel free to PM.
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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/15 14:50:48 (permalink)
    Headed toward Orlando and Vero Beach but other stops are likely.

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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/17 00:12:46 (permalink)
    Yesterday Nico said that he would rather go to a fishing pier with me than Disney
    That is cool but I think I will probably force him to go to Disney for a day anyway and he is also going to Universal Studio's Theme Park whether he wants to or not.
    I am a mean uncle- forcing him to do these things when we could be fishing

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    RE: East coast ocean fishing this month (March) NC to Fla then VA 2012/03/17 00:31:28 (permalink)
    If you are in the Sebastian or Fort Pierce areas, they both have jetties that are always producing something. South side of Sebastian with live shrimp

    That is a good possibility,I asked a friend of mine in Boyton Beach is she could find me a 20-27 foot boat for a few days.
    Would be nice to spend a half day there on way down or even overnight when headed back to Raleigh.

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