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Spoons, spinners and jigs
Hey guys. Been reading the board for a while. Some good (and funny) stuff. I'm wondering how many of you fish spoons, inline spinners and jigs, especially for trout. These are my main go-to's but it seems like I don't see as many as I used to on the streams. Maybe times are changing, maybe I'm wrong. I'm curious to know. If you use them, how frequently and what are your favorite styles and colors? For trout and steelhead I always have luck with little cleos in blue and silver. I also do well with blue fox spinners and small marabou jigs in olive, black and brown. I know mepp's spinners, mini foo jigs, and dare devil spoons are popular and have been around for a long time, but I've never done good on any of them! I have had a lot of like with mepp's cyclops spoons for pike though. As you can probably tell, I can't wait to get back on the water.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/02 20:24:59
I love trout fishin and throw a 1/8 ounce gold huss lure from Jan.1 till Dec.31...catch my all time favorite...very very very seldom change...if i do it to a nitty for a few casts....cant wait to get back out....weathers been great...just been busy....tight lines!!
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/02 21:26:20
Joe Flies murder trout more than any other spinner I've found. The 1/4oz gold/yellow are my fav
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/02 22:48:48
I don't thow spoons hardly at all, sometimes I throw knives, but I have never thown forks. Just kidd'n I use rooster tails almost exclusively. When I ain,t chuck'n flies. Thats for trout that is. Use alot of plastics for the bigger stuff. BTW Welcome aboard.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 01:27:17
I dont bait fish at all for trout.I use the thomas bouyant,rooster tails,nitty,cleos,ko wobblers,and the three bb joe flies.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 16:21:41
Best lure for trout are C.P Swings, so much action in brass blades. Panther Martins are great too with chrome blades. I've found Joes flies are garbage, your line gets hung up in the blades and it gets frustrating. Thomas lures that are double bladed in red and blue are awesome. Trout magnets I do good on in purple and pink, reds a good color to pop along with the clear magnet with glitter.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 17:03:06
I've found Joes flies are garbage, your line gets hung up in the blades and it gets frustrating. Ur doin it wrong.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 17:10:15
ORIGINAL: Cold I've found Joes flies are garbage, your line gets hung up in the blades and it gets frustrating. Ur doin it wrong. He is an Expert angler, I am sure it is the lures fault, not his...
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 17:17:14
i make alot of my own lures. i also customize purchased ones to make them more productive.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 17:20:57
Haha ya believe me I could get upset and start posting pics but to the guy who actually reads these to better his game, believe me don't buy those. Too lite won't stay down in current and adding wait can sometime give away the presentation. If your gonna use them throw on a swivel and a bullet weight just in front but don't expect to catch alot
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 17:39:39
Panther Martins,Rooster tails,Huss,Dare Devils,Cast Masters,Joe Flies,Mepps Spinners,and some very small raps and baby fry crank baits. The key is small 1/8 oz(is the biggest I go) lighter is better and slow retrieves in cold water. I never bait fish trout,if I do it's a small jig or ice jig and mags under a bobber and jig,jig jig.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 17:49:38
ORIGINAL: SevenMileShowcase Haha ya believe me I could get upset and start posting pics but to the guy who actually reads these to better his game, believe me don't buy those. Too lite won't stay down in current and adding wait can sometime give away the presentation. If your gonna use them throw on a swivel and a bullet weight just in front but don't expect to catch alot Again: You're doing it wrong. Before I transitioned over to fly fishing, Joe's Flies were one of my top 5 most productive lures. They work for lots of people, they just don't work for you. And that means that the problem lies at the opposite end of the line from the lure.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 18:38:27
ORIGINAL: SevenMileShowcase I've found Joes flies are garbage, your line gets hung up in the blades and it gets frustrating. HAHAHAHA Joe Flies are the furthest thing from "garbage". Ya you're def doing it wrong bud.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 22:16:07
There are a three bb joe fly out there but are hard to find.They stay down in current and always produce fish.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/03 23:29:51
I can guarantee you a CP swing will outfish a Joes Fly 5 to 1. I have done good on Joes Fly once that was last year at Piney Creek DALO in Clarion county I can catch fish on a CP swing year round and I tie on a Joes Fly from time to time Idk I just find that they're garbage compare to some other lures I have fished with. Also use strike king crawdads with red jig head and bounce em up and down the creek Ive learned if you can see a brook trout, In late summer on a redd or low on rocks you can put it right on the nose and they'll gobble it up
post edited by SevenMileShowcase - 2012/03/03 23:31:07
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/04 00:08:10
If you are trying to fish a fast current or deep water with Joe's flies put a split shot 12 to 18 inches infront of it, works pretty good for me. Also like Rooster tails, trout magnet, and panther martins
post edited by kill3ducks1deer - 2012/03/04 00:09:33
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/04 00:32:50
Dont get me wrong I know I said theyre garbage but with me, if they aint producing I litterally give em away or throw em away. I used them opening day two years ago and nothing hit em, than I throw on a panther martin, boom two palis, that wouldnt touch it. I dont know I dont think they give off good vibrations, when I did catch fish on them they would bend, the flies would rip off, I thought they were garbage. Heres my arsenal from last year if ya got questions shoot me a pm.
post edited by SevenMileShowcase - 2012/03/04 03:59:01
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/04 14:07:01
try rubbing that axe crap on all your lures......might catch all the old breeders....
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/04 14:11:41
If it works like it does with female humans, the old breeders will jump on it like a trampoline
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/04 14:52:32
Whatever you have most confidence in and use most of the time will be "your favorite go-to lure", and at times that lure will change due to the changing water(fishing) conditions. I will use just about any or all of the above named lures under varying conditions until hopefully find the one that trout will hit. JMO!
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 00:18:52
like a trampoline! LMFAO! ahhhhh....thats good stuff.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 07:28:44
I have better luck with joes flies in lakes than streams, especially when the fish a fairly shallow. Slow steady retrieves or slow twitchy retrieves trigger them pretty well. I like to put a berkley trout worm on the single hook of the Joe fly, it adds casting distance and more movement especially on the fall.I like them cuz in clearer water you can actually watch the fish follow and strike at it. Small spoons and heavier spinners(panther Martin or blue fox) work well for me in streams. I have picked up a few small crankbaits ill be trying over the course of the season, but I think they'll work better for crappies than trout. I've heard a lot of good things about those huss lures, may pick up a couple of those. I don't really like the rooster tails, seems you have to fish them real fast to get the blade goin good, that's the only real popular one that I personally don't like.
post edited by FishinGuy - 2012/03/05 11:09:48
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 08:17:30
ive taken off the detachable blade hickey off some joes flys...and rebent my own with extra metal beads for weight, a small willow blade and one plastic bead for color...and permentaly reattached it so the big goofy metal loop isnt in the way anymore.... i also bend the blade on all rooster tails, it seems to help. i admit it sounds like a bit too much work to put into pellet heads...but it works, so i dont mind.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 08:29:58
In what way do you bend the blades? I have a few that never get wet, I'd like to know...
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 09:25:05
thats a tough one to explain.... i bend the leading edge and 1/8 inch of the tip out a little with needle nose pliers. hope that helps.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 09:38:18
Flattening the leading edge somewhat? I have some old rusty ones I've found ill try it on first, thanks for the tip!
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 10:10:31
I've tied my own flies and then attached them to the Joe Fly spinners (and had good success) but modding the blade sounds interesting...
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 16:17:03
i like the flys because of the trailor hook.....just wish theyd use a single hook instead of a treble....i did make my own 2 hook minnow streamer and LOVED it....but i donated the prototype to an elk creek steelhead and havnt tied a new one yet. and your welcome for the tip. hope you figure it out and it works for you.
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/05 16:45:06
ORIGINAL: FishinGuy I've heard a lot of good things about those huss lures, may pick up a couple of those. Just went and got me a brand new gold one on Sunday....
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RE: Spoons, spinners and jigs
2012/03/06 12:06:38
I use small crank and jerkbaits almost exclusivly. 1- 2 1/2 inches.