Noodle Rod Ideas

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2012/02/29 22:09:41 (permalink)

Noodle Rod Ideas

I have an 8' Cortland noodle rod that I picked up a few years ago form Poor Richards.  It's been a great rod but I am looking for 9'.  What other brands should I look for.  I want something I can fish 2 an 4# line for since I plan on using this rod for jigging for trout in the spring. 
post edited by Tracker12 - 2012/02/29 22:14:04

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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 06:09:41 (permalink)
    -$>>>>>>+$.....Fenwick,St. Croix,Loomis

    You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 08:10:22 (permalink)
    St. Croix is probably the best, but if you don't want to spend that kind of money, check out Okuma. They make a really nice rod for the price. Ebay is the way to go.
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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 08:29:11 (permalink)
    Personally, fishing a "true" noodle rod has gone to wayside (for me anyways). The whole stigma of you need an ultra light line for steelhead is complete silliness.
    If you are simply flipping an egg sack 10 feet in front of you, and have the room to fight a fish for 15 minutes, (which again is complete silliness), then a noodle rod is for you.

    The closest thing I fish to a noodle rod is a spinning rod made on a fly rod blank, has a ton of bend, and you can whomp the crap out of it without it even coming close to breaking, but still does not have the super slow action of a noodle rod.

    If you plan on jigging, I would caution you getting a true noodle. It simply does not have the tip response to swim a jig properly, and when it flexes half way down will create slack and tip-tangling because it bounces in a circle. Getting something in the moderate - fast realm will put you where you need to be to fish a gamut of baits, and jigs, and will still protect a light line. Someone has mentioned a St. Croix, which in my opinion makes a great steelhead/trout rod for a factory. If I (and this is just my opinion) was going to make a purchase of a factory rod, I would suggest this model.

    WS90LM2 -

    Great all around rod for Erie, 9 foot, moderate flex with a light action. Has enough give to protect a light line, but enough to keep a jig pulsing.

    Hope this helps!

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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 10:41:03 (permalink)
    I have an 11' Kunnan I,ll sell ya. Paid 159.00 many yrs. ago and only used it 3 times.
    They made the most indestructible blank that you could find out there and their older long rods fetch quite a handsome price over on scambay. A well used custom conventional based on their 11 foot 8066 blank went for over $450 a few yrs. back.

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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 10:47:47 (permalink)
    I got one for $40 from Gander Mountain that works just fine. It's a 9' and it made by Riverside.

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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 11:29:58 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Mikastorm

    I have an 11' Kunnan I,ll sell ya. Paid 159.00 many yrs. ago and only used it 3 times.
    They made the most indestructible blank that you could find out there and their older long rods fetch quite a handsome price over on scambay. A well used custom conventional based on their 11 foot 8066 blank went for over $450 a few yrs. back.

    I just looked up Kunnan rods on E-bay, I didn't see one over $80.00??
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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 11:35:52 (permalink)
    Did you find an 11' Kunnan noodle? Haven,t seen one in yrs.
    If you can get one for that you better buy it...mines 75.00
    post edited by Mikastorm - 2012/03/01 13:49:39

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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 11:35:58 (permalink)
    Money is not an issue but I do see no reason to spend $300 when I can get by with half that.  I did not really see anything in the Loomis line that hit me as what I want.  I like to throw a lot of light jigs especially the Trout Magnets during trout season.  I want something that can throw a light jig.  I want the ability to use #2 if I want.  St Croix looks like they have a good selection.  I see they list spinning and drifting.  Not sure what the difference is.  I want to keep the rod at 9'-10'. 

    I sent a PM.
    post edited by Tracker12 - 2012/03/01 15:13:54
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    RE: Noodle Rod Ideas 2012/03/01 20:19:24 (permalink)
    9 foot in my oppinion would be perfect for steelhead, but for trout i would go smaller, i use a 5 ft ultra light that might as well be a noodle rod.
    its a st. croix triumph and its 60 to 70$ and works great.
    I wouldnt go over a hundred for stockies

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