Drift fishing?

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2012/02/26 11:41:07 (permalink)

Drift fishing?

Most of the reading I have done on here for eyes is all about trolling. I am not set up for trolling but I have had good luck over the years drift fishing smaller lakes for eyes. I have been wondering why no one seems to use this method on Erie. Basically I finally got a boat I feel is good enough to take out on Erie I haven’t done it yet but hope to this spring sometime. It is not set up for fishing (yet) it’s an older fiberglass 20’ open bow outboard. I hope to take the kids out for perch and eye’s and don’t want to invest in down riggers and all the fancy stuff until I see if my girls and i are going to like the big lake at all.

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    RE: Drift fishing? 2012/02/26 14:00:44 (permalink)
    Yes, folks do drift fish for Eyes, moreso in the western basin waters of Ohio, but to some extent here too. It's the primary technique of at least one charter out of Walnut.

    You don't need to invest in downriggers, to troll for eyes. A planer mast & boards will give you an advantage, but is not absolutely necessary. A few dipsey rods, ( you don't need top end for Eyes ), and a hasdfull of dispseys ( not that expensive ), lures, and spoons. You're good to go starting out.

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    RE: Drift fishing? 2012/02/26 14:06:03 (permalink)

    Should you decide later on, to "set the boat up" for trolling", downriggers should be your last investment. Electronics, quality rod holders, and a planer mast are far more important. At least for trolling lake Erie Eyes.

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    RE: Drift fishing? 2012/02/26 15:05:51 (permalink)
    Agree with spoon, you can get by without riggers. I didnt even use mine last year. Dipseys Planer boards, and good rod holders all you need.Dont even need a mast I run a dipsey off each side and and flat line or straight planer off the stern.
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    RE: Drift fishing? 2012/02/26 18:28:39 (permalink)
    Thanks guys. I appreciate the information. I am in the process of setting up a good rod holder system If it works out well I will stick up some pics. I was just starting to question my plan to drift fish for eyes because no one on here talks about it at all. So thanks again I supper appreciate the information.
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    RE: Drift fishing? 2012/02/27 12:59:38 (permalink)
    I had riggers on my boat and eventually took them off. I caught just as many flat lining reef runners, using dipseys and in-line planer boards.
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    RE: Drift fishing? 2012/02/27 22:59:27 (permalink)
    Thanks again for the information. After doing a fair amount of looking at various set ups for rod holders. I don't like my original idea.. So what do you consider/or look for in a good rod holder?
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    RE: Drift fishing? 2012/02/28 21:52:00 (permalink)
    If there is one thing I can say. I have tried drifting for eyes before. Pluses : use less gas Minuses : you need wind to drift fast enough,which means the lake could get rough on you , You cant use dipsys as well cause the drift isnt constant and they may not get out to the sides , boards may not work so good either drifting. Rod holders are just that , rod holders , dont need to buy expensive ones just ones that will work for you , your boat and set up. Good luck and be safe out there when the time comes.

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