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2012/02/26 11:11:57 (permalink)


Here goes my shot at a tutourial.

Materials list..

Hooks---- Shank---6xl streamer/cut of hook.... Trailer---#3 Octopus

Tail---- Black Zonker strip

Body---- Black Ice Dub

Body wrap--- Mylar Tinsel small/Gold

Back flash---Blue Wing-n-Flash

Sides--- Small Black marabou like feathers from the bottom of a dry fly Cape.

Eyes--- Large lead dumbells with 3/16" 3-D Holograrhic eyes epoxed on them.

Thread---- Black 70 UTC

Head--- Black Sculpin Wool or Senyo Lazer Dub

Trailer--- Small piece of 30# Spiderwire.

Materials. Missing is the Black Ice Dub And the Marabou.

Side feathers.

Step 1: I thread the Spider wire on the trailer hook. Put the hook in the vise and tie on the Zonker strip on the bottom of the hook. Making sure to clean the hair out of the tie in point.
A drop of Zap-a-Gap on the thread.

Step 2: Put the 6xl streamer shank in the vise.
Tie in your eyes back from the hook eye. Leave enough room for a good full head and not crowd the eye. A drop of Zap-a-Gap helps to hold in place.

step3: Tie the trailer onto the shank with the spiderwire. Make sure you set your length so the Zonker strip will reach the tie in point on the shank. Run the spiderwire to the eyes and back to the rear at least once. Braids are very slippery and a long hard battle could pull out a single wrap.

Step 4: this is the only tricky part of the tie.
Tie the Zonker onto the shank, making sure the spiderwire and zonker are of equal length. Couple drops of Zap-a-Gap here also.

step 5:Tie in your tinsel and leave it hanging of the rear.

step 6: Return thread to tail and dub(Black Ice Dub) the body forward to just behind the eyes.

step 6: Wrap your tinsel forward and tie off.

Step 7: this is where you tie in the side feathers. Strip them so when tied in they just reach the front of the trailer hook. One on either side.

Step 8: Tie in a small batch of wing-n-flash on top of the hook right behind the eye.

Step 9: Tie in your first batch of Sculpin Wool behind the eyes. Tie the wool in the middle of the clump make about 4 wraps and then fold the forward facing wool back and put a few wraps in front to hold in place. I tie a small batch on top of the hook and a small batch on the bottom. Behind the eye it is hard to get good coverage if using one large clump and trying to get it to wrap around the hook.

Step 10: Move thread to in front of eyes and tie in a larger clump of wool. Making sure it wraps fully around the hook when cinching it down. 4-5 wraps and fold back the forward facing wool. Put a few wraps in front to hold.

Step 11: Continue adding wool till you have the head size desired. Make them about a 3rd bigger than you think they should look. You will loose some when you brush them out.

Step 12: Tie off thread with a whip finish and add a drop of Zap-a-Gap to the knot.

Step 13: Get your dubbing brush and brush out all the loose wool. This should shape the head and align all the materials.


Tied with no weight and about 6 inches long for a toothy critter.

post edited by bingsbaits - 2012/02/29 08:44:27

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB


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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/26 12:00:09 (permalink)
    Nicely done Bings. Thanks for takin the time to put this together.

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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/26 12:10:59 (permalink)
    WOW!.....That was a good tut.,I think I remember when you started on the fly rod not that long ago,you have really done well.
    Thanks for putting that together, as I said in your previous thread that thing looks alive on a still shot.I bet the smallies will go for it too,as will any toothy fish.
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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/26 23:42:08 (permalink)
    great tute and great looking sculpin!
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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/27 10:13:03 (permalink)
    Nice, Bings. I hae a couple thoughts for you.

    1. when attaching the tether, even though you're using glue, wrap it to the shank, then double it back and wrap over that tether again, then trim. Hate to see a 24" brownie on that tailwater pull the tether out of your flytie.

    2. The bunny strip looks upside down to me. Try this, see if you like it: stick teh point of the stinger hook through the leather from the bottom up through the fur. Don't embed that hook in your thumb! Then adjust the bunny strip length to the tie in point. This will allow the hair side to ride up. This is how I do my bunny sculpins.

    Nice wool work, for sure.
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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/27 11:42:22 (permalink)
    Dnymph is right on both

    also.. changing your order may make things easier
    rig your hook then do the rabbit

    for you stinger hook... leave the line material long... i usually wrap up to the eye, back down the shanl then back up to the eye
    while you want to secure with the wraps... leave a bit of space.. so when you go to glue at the end, the glue can penetrate

    also with the rabbit, make a mark, cut a hole, and then put the hook through allowing the hide to be on the bottom

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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/27 15:27:51 (permalink)
    Tips noted, thanks guys....

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    Plum Bob
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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/28 10:55:18 (permalink)
    Very nice Bings. Would be a great fly for the Catt. Would like it better though with the strip hide and hook pointed down as previously mentioned. You tie some nice stuff.
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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/29 08:41:45 (permalink)
    Tried a couple more putting the hook through the hide with the hide on the bottom..
    Good tip, thanks guys...

    I was tying these with the hook up so It doesn't get caught in the rocks when dredging it on the bottom. I see PB likes his hook down or was that just to get the hide on the bottom.
    Is one way better than the other ??

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: Sculpin 2012/02/29 10:13:16 (permalink)
    I go hook up, for the same logic you mentioned. But it's a personal preference thing.
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