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winter fishing
anyone been getting out this mild winter ? I took advantage of the warm weather hit upper elk creek my buddy hooked up one floating a fathead then water rose fishing went out the door anyone seeing any walleye action ?
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/12 16:26:56
Usually do ok with crick chubs from shore this time at the Allegheny. Caught one healthy 20incher last Saturday 3-4 pounder. That was the only bite of the day.
Josh "Says You Fish Poorly"
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/14 13:14:00
been wanting to get down the river my buddy has been having some success on the yough
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/15 02:35:10
The alewife already started spawning at moraine
East side love is living on the west end
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/15 02:43:47
Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference. Step Up, or Step Aside The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody. GL
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/15 04:25:26
Not sure about the alwives spawning. Would be funning to see them do the SPIN on/threw the ice though. There were a ton of shad coming over the **** last week.
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/15 08:47:53
What is the ice condition at Arthur? Any open water at all (besides below the dam)? I wouldn't mind doing the old "Honey, I need to go check on the boat"...
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/15 17:50:20
u aint even gettin' the ole FartKnocker out there today dudd. Dang Timmy mustta tried launchin' the boat today I guess. The boat is hooked to my van with a bunch ov tackle & rods & tire tracks in the snow when he mustta backed up commin' back from the lake. Awle he had to do is ask me before he ventured out Alwifes spawning, that's a good one, u make funnie crappy
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/16 08:39:34
Not thinking to actually take a boat out. Just fart around from shore, and break this case of cabin fever!
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/16 11:58:56
If you wanna fish over near the cave one day next week, give me a call. Should be able to get a few hundred Crappie,Perch & L/M this time ov yr. purdy easy there. Later, crappy Oh yeah, Happy New Year!!
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/24 18:24:56
hit the yough lots of stockies a few people pulled in some nice one though
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/24 19:10:28
ya the alewife spawning was a joke. the yough is loaded from what i heard. I just cant wait to start striper fishing and pulling out lunker trout and i do need to break my cabin fever bad
East side love is living on the west end
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/25 11:21:53
Picked up 3 nice smallmouth last saturday(2-18); earliest I've ever caught them, but it was probably the earliest I've tried for them. A good lesson learned.
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/25 16:32:30
ORIGINAL: BenC Picked up 3 nice smallmouth last saturday(2-18); earliest I've ever caught them, but it was probably the earliest I've tried for them. A good lesson learned. My first smallie last season was the 1st week of March. Good stuff!!
Practice CPR: Catch, Photo, Release
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/27 18:51:04
Anyone know any spots you might be able to pick up some smallies or walleye on the mon river near Cal U? Im kind of new to the area.
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/27 19:06:35
Creek mouths, current breaks, near a dam... Just like newhere else, try Google maps sat view
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/28 10:13:33
ORIGINAL: FishinGuy Creek mouths, current breaks, near a dam... Just like newhere else, try Google maps sat view  That pretty much sums up river fishing! Any sort of structure (current breaks), bridge pillars, barge tie offs or downed trees, ect. Hot water discharges are nice, but likely only getting that info from PMs. Most are only accessible by boat too, especially the large ones. The shore access near Cal U shouldn't be as rough as it is closer to the town. A lot of fences and posted signs closer to the city.
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/29 00:47:00
Got ya, maybe I'll try the pike run mouth in coal center, where I live when Im here. Im used to fishing the susquehanna so im not used to fishing such open water like the mon where there isnt any rapids or anything. Will twister tails, rapalas, or even worms work for this time of year?
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RE: winter fishing
2012/02/29 17:19:57
Think I may have had my best day of trout fishing ever, numbers wise today at a local lake. They really like the moving water. Lots of beat up nasty lookin little ones only 2 over 13". But a good day none the less, only saw 2 other people out, a nice older couple I stopped and talked to for a minute.
post edited by FishinGuy - 2012/02/29 17:28:14