annoyed at PFBC

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2012/02/06 21:33:15 (permalink)

annoyed at PFBC

If you fish North Park Lake, are you a little annoyed right now? There is not one body of water in Allegheny county which received winter trout. I know they just got done with the sediment removal there. But why couldn't they have stocked it with winter trout? Lack of forage? If there's enough forage for the fish they threw in from Glade Run, why wouldn't it be enough for some traht? And how hard would it be to throw in a couple thousand shiners or other small forage fish?
I know there are other bodies of water to fish at. Plenty of creeks and the rivers. But sometimes i just wanna grab a chair, sit by the lake and chill out with the hopes of catching a trout or two. And now with my kids, I would have really loved to take them there today while it was warm and sunny. Where is the license money going?
I did email the fish commission and am awaiting a response.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/07 08:56:10 (permalink)
    That sucks they didn't stock, especially with how this Winter has been. It's a perfect set up for taking kids fishing. The first few weeks of trout season are only for the brave though... Hopefully it is back to normal next year, but that likely means ice covered and a high of 29 degrees...
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/07 09:11:58 (permalink)
    You could have fished brady's Run,It isnt more than 20 miles from North Park.Weve been hammering them since they stocked.Most fish fave been realeased Plenty of fish, some nice weather.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/07 09:31:33 (permalink)
    I suspect that like Brady's run, a period of time for bank stabilization, and grass regrowth along the shore line was required. Before the contractor, or engineer would/could sign off on opening it to the public.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/07 14:04:28 (permalink)
    Brady's run is an extra 35 minutes. With two small children I was looking for something quick and easy.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/07 16:08:42 (permalink)
    Annoyed for other reasons.

    Has anyone tried to contact them via the website. I have 3 separate times and never once got a response over a 7 month period. I have also left messages via phone. They seldom try to interact with individual PA anglers. I have lived in FL and Texas. In both states I have had individual interaction with fish biologists. In one instance I was invited to go along during a electro shock of spawning female striped bass. In order to obtain eggs to be raised in the hathery. Try to contact them. Maybe you will get a response. I never have.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/07 17:00:27 (permalink)
    There is not one body of water in Allegheny County fit to support trout. None of them should be stocked at all.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 09:52:56 (permalink)
    Dynymph I'm sure many bodies of water in many other counties fit that billing.
    Since when do we worry about what is really fit for trout? We are paying for them to be stocked.
    The fact is there are lots of senior citizens and parents/kids who take advantage of north park's accessibility, fishing opportunity and beauty. For a place that's 10 miles from downtown, it's pretty nice. I look forward to helping my kids catch their first trout there this spring.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 09:55:35 (permalink)
    Fish 79-I contacted then via the website 4 days ago and haven't gotten a response yet.
    Spoon your answer seems valid, but there have already been people fishing their this year. They coulda just thrown some in.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 10:12:35 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: fisherofmen376

    Dynymph I'm sure many bodies of water in many other counties fit that billing.
    Since when do we worry about what is really fit for trout? We are paying for them to be stocked.
    The fact is there are lots of senior citizens and parents/kids who take advantage of north park's accessibility, fishing opportunity and beauty. For a place that's 10 miles from downtown, it's pretty nice. I look forward to helping my kids catch their first trout there this spring.

    That is true, there are many of bodies of water that are stocked that are also a waste of money.

    I disagree with the PFBC's policy of stocking these waters.

    Take the kids to a trout stream, I hope they catch a bunch. What's wrong with senior citizens and parents/kids catching bass and bluegill in North Park Lake? Fish that can actually live in there.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 10:21:59 (permalink)
    What's wrong with senior citizens and parents/kids catching bass and bluegill in North Park Lake? Fish that can actually live in there.

    I've asked this question before, but nobody has a very good answer. It goes back to the great tradition of Pennsylvania trout worship.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 10:55:07 (permalink)
    i know many senior citizens and children who love snakeheads and would welcome the oppertunity to catch them 10mins from downtown

    fisheramen- can you appropriate some of your efforts to the introduction of snakeheads?

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 10:58:42 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: spoonchucker

    I suspect that like Brady's run, a period of time for bank stabilization, and grass regrowth along the shore line was required. Before the contractor, or engineer would/could sign off on opening it to the public.

    +1 Spoonie,
    I'm sure the same thing applied to North Park as Bradys as you stated. They still have the access road roped of at Brady's. It's all walk in past the beach.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 15:18:06 (permalink)
    You must be flying to get from NP to Downtown in 10 minutes... I'm usually sitting on McNight Rd for longer than 10 minutes, when I go there.

    That place is perfect for small kids. I'm talking under 7 or so years old, that only have the attention span of 20 minutes or so of not catching fish. The playgrounds and people/dog watching within an easy walk, makes it alot easier on parents. Taking small kids to a real trout stream, driving 2 hours, for them to splash in the creek, and have to leave within an hour, since they are likely soaked or scared every fish in the area from biting, really isn't a good idea. Also consider, it takes an extra half hour, just to get them in the car to go anywhere, and about 1.5 the time to get anywhere due to potty breaks, ect. Real trout streams are a bit more age appropriate destination.

    As for trout stocking, yeah, this falls under the PA trout worship. I'm not sure if they would put the density of warm water fish in the lake, if they took away the trout? If they did, I'd personally much rather get into large mouth or panfish of a decent size, that can survive and reproduce. Although, I think that takes a good bit more management, than just dumping buckets of trout. Making sure the balance is there, to not stunt or over predation, ect.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 15:40:37 (permalink)
    Well regardless of whether your for it or not.Id be more concerned with the possibilty that they are gona discontinue the winter season stocking and also the special march season in particular.I read the article in sundays tribune review.
    Ive always enjoyed the early season stockings at raccoon and bradys run.No ice this year so it was the only game in town.Its nice to fish local without throngs of people this time of year! Ive personally witnessed 3 young kids catching trout this past week at bradys run they had a ball as I did watching! The weather was nice and good to be out!!!!!!! Id rather they didnt stock a particular lake but continue to stock other lakes so the season wont be discontinued>>>>>>>
    I just think we should be thank-ful we have these seasons and hope the program continues rather than quabble over they did or didnt stock this lake.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 16:01:22 (permalink)

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/08 22:20:42 (permalink)
    Read my post, i said 10 MILES, not minutes!!!
    -I will devote every waking hour to introduce snakeheads immediately...
    -Yes of course the kids catching bluegills and other panfish is a good idea. We did that last year with them and they loved it! Even got a couple bass too. I plan on continuing that for a few more years to help the kids establish some excitement about catching some.
    Taking a 2 and a 4 year old to a stream just wasn't conducive-glad Pork u understood that. Getting the older one on a stream will happen soon though.
    Cowboy-It's not "trout worship" dude...i love catching all types of fish. My original post was on a 48 degree sunny day that was perfect for a quick getaway to NP lake with the little ones. In years past it would have been a cinch, because every year they stock it in late january. I was disappointed that they didn't this year, and also that there aren't many other waterways in the county which did get winter trout. Could i have taken them anyway? yes. But i had just recently returned from a trip to Erie, and was talking to the kids about catching trout, so they wanted to get one too. My 4 year old daughter can actually identify the difference between a rainbow, a brown and and a steelie, so i wanted to try and do a little hands on lesson. Ive been fishing north park lake since i was a kid catching stockies. Looking forward to passing that along to my kids. Hence the original reason for the thread and the focus on trout....sheesh yinz guys!

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 07:51:47 (permalink)
    Fisherofmen, they get so "precious" and allknowing on these boards some times....
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 09:21:41 (permalink)
    I'd say stop stocking the class B streams, and keep the fall stocking.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 10:18:33 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Swans500

    Fisherofmen, they get so "precious" and allknowing on these boards some times....

    Yes, that's clearly it.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 13:12:58 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: fisherofmen376

    Read my post, i said 10 MILES, not minutes!!!

    My bad. At least I understood the kids part... Also know what you mean about passing on the tradition. I used to always fish Cannonsburg Lake with my Dad. Much of what got me into fishing (somehow, that place sucks). I'm sure my kids will end up fishing the same banks that I did as a youngster before too long.

    BTW - I think your 4 year old is smarter than many folks that I see on the waters, if she can tell the difference already.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 13:39:23 (permalink)
    Well I've decided I'm taking the kids to a hatchery under the cover of darkness tonight. We will catch lots of trout there. We will worship at the altar of trout.
    I know I know, I'm a really good dad....

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 13:43:14 (permalink)
    Trout worship appears to be the largest organized religion in Pennsylvania. From what I gather, their holiest day is a Saturday in April.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 15:07:34 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy

    Trout worship appears to be the largest organized religion in Pennsylvania. From what I gather, their holiest day is a Saturday in April.

    A more secular offshoot sect in the southeast celebrates this day a bit earlier than the rest of the state, which follows a more conservative, orthodox view of the religion.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 15:27:49 (permalink)
    I bow the knee all year long to the glorious traahht. It seems there are some parallels though between Christianity and trout fishing. Some folks I call "Chreasters"-they only come to church on Christmas and Easter. In trout fishing, many only attend once or twice a year when it's most popular.
    I am MUCH holier than THOSE people.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 15:45:07 (permalink)
    You forgot to get the holy bread before you started this whine thread.
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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 16:58:53 (permalink)
    wow, talk about cold the pot calling the kettle black.

    fisherofmen376, havent been through there in awhile but is anything going on at marshall lake? might be an option until north park is up and running. just askin' just suggestin'

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 17:40:19 (permalink)
    I havent checked it, that's a good idea commander.
    Cold is STILL the man.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 19:16:29 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Cold

    You forgot to get the holy bread before you started this whine thread.

    Join the Cult of Karp. To enter you must sacrifice 13 Steelhead to represent the 13 days of the carps spawn, then drain the blood 25 Channel Cats and 65 trout (TROUT MUST COME FROM TWIN LAKES OR THIS WILL NOT BE PROPER) into a kool whip bowl and keep it in your freezer to keep all fish except for the carp away from your rigs, and drink a bottle of "the cheap wine" and eat a whole loaf of bread to represent the blood and bread of Karpfenex.

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    RE: annoyed at PFBC 2012/02/09 20:23:54 (permalink)

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