Below Braddock Dam

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2012/01/31 20:12:10 (permalink)

Below Braddock Dam

Getting cabin fever and started planning out some trips for next year and was wondering if anyone does good below the Braddock Dam. It looks so good across from the town with all the big boulders and rip rap, but we never seem to do any good at all there (always from a boat). In fact, I never even went up to it this year b/c I have no confidence there.

Anyone have stories to prove me wrong?

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/01 11:34:43 (permalink)
    All depends on what fish you're targeting and what time of year?

    If you're fishing near the dam in the summer time, you'll catch bass, sheephead, cats, carp, etc...

    Walleye fishing in the spring is good.

    Walleye fishing in the fall is excellent, especially trolling.

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/01 12:24:58 (permalink)
    My friend an i fished from the dam all the way down to Sand Castle in the middle of summer an we did well on Bass .
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/01 13:46:41 (permalink)
    how close can you get to the dam from shore?
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/01 14:12:57 (permalink)

    I think you can access from here, but the dam isn't very close to any access points. Would likely need to bike your way there. Not sure if there are any cliffs to scale either. Have wanted to check it out for a while now though.

    The other side, I think is where most people fish, but is the lock side. So, that already puts you a good 400 yards below the dam itself, and not even sure how close to the lock you can get by shore. I know my buddy fishes in Braddock, about 1/2 mile from the dam. It's just close to his work, and he gets a few smallmouth. Much better places to fish, but if it's a 5 minute drive, and need to get some fishing in, I've fished in much worse to get a fix...
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/01 14:52:00 (permalink)
    There's no access to the new dam to get close from shore on either side.  On the Braddock side, you have the lock which restricts anyone from trespassing.  On the Kennywood side, the hillside is way to step for access to the dam.

    There is a path on the Kennywood side that will take you down to the river where the wall of the old dam used to be.  That would be as close as you could get too the dam on that side which is about 300 yds. or so from the new dam.

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/01 18:13:05 (permalink)
    So the old dam was further downstream? I didn't realize that either - can you tell where it used to be?
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/01 18:23:56 (permalink)
    Yes, the new dam was constructed alittle up river from the old dam.

    I think that the old wall that connected to the dam is still there.

    post edited by ridgehunter - 2012/02/01 18:25:19
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 07:20:05 (permalink)
    Before the new dam we used to put a small boat in at i think 10th st motor across and get up on the wall,Lot's of walleye!!!!!!
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 08:09:51 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: carpin06

    Before the new dam we used to put a small boat in at i think 10th st motor across and get up on the wall,Lot's of walleye!!!!!!

    Yes sir, that wall was awesome to fish from.  Non-stop action no matter what time of day.

    Btw, that primitive boat ramp is at the end of 11th street across the tracks. 

    Warning: It can be a very dangerous down there even during the daytime.  I highly recommend not to be there at night.  There have been a few fishermen that have beaten and robbed and a couple others that have been shot down there. 

    You're way better off launching your boat down river from another ramp and traveling up river too the dam.  Avoid the 11th street ramp all together.  Way to dangerous not too.


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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 08:37:14 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: ridgehunter


    Warning: It can be a very dangerous down there even during the daytime.  I highly recommend not to be there at night.  There have been a few fishermen that have beaten and robbed and a couple others that have been shot down there. 

    Not trying to stir up a debate but I grew up about 3 minutes from there and have fished there many times over the years. Of all those times, and years growing up there, I've never heard of a single story like you mention.

    Just wondering if you know someone personally where it didn't make it into the news or what.

    In all due respect to ridge it isn't the best neighborhood so maybe he's just trying to give people a heads up. The people that I've met there are there to honestly just try and catch the biggest catfish they possible can and relax while doing so.

    Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
    Jimmy D Moore

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 10:05:38 (permalink)
    TastyTrout I can only relay what the Braddock cops told me when I reported vandalism to my truck when I launch from there. This was a few years back and since then, I no longer launch from there.

    I was born in Braddock also but grew up in North Braddock just across the tracks on Franklin not very far from there.

    Maybe it's not as bad as it was in the past ESPECIALLY since they've bulldozed much of it and most of the trouble as moved out. Even if that's the case, you wouldn't see me there fishing or launching from there.

    If you're old enough, do you remember Talbot Towers that was located not far from that ramp? When that building was up and running, nobody and I mean nobody launched or fished from that ramp.

    You may feel safe fishing there, but remember Braddock is still Braddock. Maybe not as bad as the past but it could still be dangerous.

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 11:16:20 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: ridgehunter

    TastyTrout I can only relay what the Braddock cops told me when I reported vandalism to my truck when I launch from there. This was a few years back and since then, I no longer launch from there.

    I was born in Braddock also but grew up in North Braddock just across the tracks on Franklin not very far from there.

    Maybe it's not as bad as it was in the past ESPECIALLY since they've bulldozed much of it and most of the trouble as moved out. Even if that's the case, you wouldn't see me there fishing or launching from there.

    If you're old enough, do you remember Talbot Towers that was located not far from that ramp? When that building was up and running, nobody and I mean nobody launched or fished from that ramp.

    You may feel safe fishing there, but remember Braddock is still Braddock. Maybe not as bad as the past but it could still be dangerous.

    I actually agree with you. I would never launch a boat a leave a vehicle unattended. I didn't know that's what you were talking about. Once again not somewhere I'd take a young child, but somewhere I personally feel comfortable fishing from shore.
    post edited by TastyTrout - 2012/02/02 13:49:12

    Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
    Jimmy D Moore

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 13:30:05 (permalink)
    This same thing can be said of many urban fishing holes. For those in the metro area, you pretty much know what neighborhoods trouble is more likely than others. I've had a few encounters in many places around, some middle class safe areas too. The rivers in general in the metro area, are unpredictable. One of the main reasons that my river ratting days are over with.
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 13:30:53 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: TastyTrout

    ORIGINAL: ridgehunter

    TastyTrout I can only relay what the Braddock cops told me when I reported vandalism to my truck when I launch from there. This was a few years back and since then, I no longer launch from there.

    I was born in Braddock also but grew up in North Braddock just across the tracks on Franklin not very far from there.

    Maybe it's not as bad as it was in the past ESPECIALLY since they've bulldozed much of it and most of the trouble as moved out. Even if that's the case, you wouldn't see me there fishing or launching from there.

    If you're old enough, do you remember Talbot Towers that was located not far from that ramp? When that building was up and running, nobody and I mean nobody launched or fished from that ramp.

    You may feel safe fishing there, but remember Braddock is still Braddock. Maybe not as bad as the past but it could still be dangerous.

    I actually agree with you. I would never launch a boat a leave a vehicle unattended. I didn't know that's what you were talking about. Once again not somewhere I'd take a young child, but somewhere I personally feel comfortable fishing from sure.

    As a home-boy no one would know those surroundings better than you.

    Btw, did you ever fish the old dam on the other side? The fishing over there was 2nd to none.

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 13:52:43 (permalink)
    nope...actually never knew how to get down on the other side.

    Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 14:32:14 (permalink)
    How far down from the current dam was the old one? I'm looking at Google Earth right now and can't tell - was it right across from 11th street?
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 16:37:18 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: esbdmb

    How far down from the current dam was the old one? I'm looking at Google Earth right now and can't tell - was it right across from 11th street?

    My best guestimate would be 150-200 yards, give or take.

    It's very shallow where the old dam used to be from the halfway point of the old dam to the Kennywood side. Back in the early to mid 70's me and my buddies would wade and fish 20' in front of the dam on days when the water wasn't very turbulent.

    Crazy but true.

    post edited by ridgehunter - 2012/02/02 16:38:24
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 16:48:52 (permalink)
    Wow Ridge, that's really pretty interesting. Surprised there isn't a QED special on it!
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/02 17:10:47 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: esbdmb

    Wow Ridge, that's really pretty interesting. Surprised there isn't a QED special on it!

    I guess the staff from QED didn't have the nads to wade out there while filming? LOL

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/03 23:31:09 (permalink)
    Fishing up on the walk-way at the old dam used to be quite productive. (sorry about the picture quality, very old digital picture.) You never knew what you were going to catch. And yes, I launched and parked down at the 10th Street launch and I never had any problems. However, I don't think it would be a smart idea to leave any valuables in sight. BOC Gas Co has security cameras in the area that might deter some criminal activities.

    Fishing has not been the same since they floated the new dam into place. Boating restrictions prohibit you from getting close to the "whitewater" and the shoreline below the old dam is very shallow with no current flow.

    I wouldn't recommend  trying to walk down from the Kennywood side. The hill side is extremely steep.

    There is a launch in McKeesport where the Yough enters the Mon. The stretch down to where Turtle creek enters can be productive for smallies.


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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/03 23:32:34 (permalink)
    Try picture again.


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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/04 00:43:26 (permalink)
    I walked from the dam to the Rankin bridge 3 days ago behind kennywood, about 200 yards below the dam and further north towards Homestead, it appeared if you could make it down the bank, shore fishing looked possible.

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/04 07:28:05 (permalink)
    If you do a Google satelite view of the current dam--go down the southern bank about 150 yds. and you'll see a small section of the old dam sticking out slightly from that side.
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/04 12:32:17 (permalink)
    nice fish snyd

    Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/04 13:04:11 (permalink)
    the bike trail is completed between duquesne and the waterfront. i know it goes along the hillside by kennywood. perhaps that can make it a little easier to get down to the shore on that side.
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/04 13:22:49 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Accountant

    the bike trail is completed between duquesne and the waterfront. i know it goes along the hillside by kennywood. perhaps that can make it a little easier to get down to the shore on that side.

    There was a path that would take you down to the old dam that would put you right on the shoreline. It was kind of steep but it would get you down there. Not sure if it's still visible, accessible or grown over?

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/04 14:08:36 (permalink)
    im going to have to ask my parents. neither of them fish, but they did ride the bike trail last summer. i highly doubt either of them spent much time looking for easy ways down that cliff just to fish, lol.
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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/04 15:28:39 (permalink)
    Sorry Accountant, my comment wasn't direct towards you. I was just making a general statement and used your quote because you mention the location of the bike trail.

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    RE: Below Braddock Dam 2012/02/04 20:38:12 (permalink)
    I never fished the Kennywood Side personnally, but know a guy who used to stand on the old dam wall in the late 70's and early 80's who caught many huge walleyes some over 30"
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