warm water?

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Sunday, January 29, 2012 10:06 PM (permalink)

warm water?

I'm somewhat new to the area. I'm from Lancaster, Pa but I'm out here at school right now at Cal U of Pa. Ive been searching for somewhere relatively close to fish as we've had some mild weather lately and Tuesday is supposed to be around 50. I fish a warm water discharge at home (Brunner Island) and I was wondering if there are some warm water discharges around California. Im looking for somewhere within about a half hour drive. I have seen stuff about warm water at New eagle but not much detail, again I don't really know the area that great but Im pretty good with directions. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You

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    RE: warm water? Monday, January 30, 2012 1:16 AM (permalink)
    I think I know where you are talking about, probably Mitchell Power station right by new eagle. To get there take 43 till you get to the New Eagle/Monongahela exit. Follow 136, the road you end up on after 43, to Monongahela it will come to a red light. Make a left and keep going until you get to the power plant. I don't know where you can park, you might just have to pull of the road and walk down to the spot. Fished it when I was on a boat a few years ago and there were two guys sitting there fishing on the shore so you must be able to get back there somehow

    "Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it." Ed Zern
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    RE: warm water? Monday, January 30, 2012 1:54 AM (permalink)
    Do you know if its any good there? My roommate and I are looking for something worth while since its gonna be so warm out. 
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    RE: warm water? Monday, January 30, 2012 2:36 AM (permalink)
    Except for the one time I was on the boat I never really fished it, I have heard of others doing good there though

    "Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it." Ed Zern
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    RE: warm water? Friday, February 03, 2012 1:12 PM (permalink)
    Head to the locks at Maxwell, not too long ago we got got about 6 or 7 walleyes an saugers using rapalas. The end of March if your still around, everything will be heatin up and theres a ton of places under a half hour drive to fish.

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    RE: warm water? Friday, February 03, 2012 3:11 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: HardCore Fisher

    theres a ton of places under a half hour drive to fish.

    Probably a bit longer by horse and buggie though.

    I've got a few buddies from Lancaster, so couldn't resist. I'm not too familiar with the area, but do a search on Kreamy's & HardCore Fisher's posts. They have some great info on the Mon in that area, or close to. Might not be warm water, but fish are fish...

    My cousin lives out in York. It seems like the Susky has many more large warm water discharge options that we do out this way, at least accessible by shore.
    post edited by Porktown - Friday, February 03, 2012 3:15 PM
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    RE: warm water? Monday, February 06, 2012 4:24 PM (permalink)
    haha yeah the i get a lot of amish jokes out here everytime I tell people where Im from.

    Ive had some good luck fishing until about the end of October just fishing in the river at coal center (where my house is out here), but im just looking for some good winter fishing around the area. Its been such a mild winter i always have a need to go out and do some fishing. Is it possible to have some success right around here in coal center or California? If so what lures and or baits should get fish to bite?
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    RE: warm water? Tuesday, February 07, 2012 10:25 AM (permalink)
    I've never tried it but the mouth of Pike's Run is in Coal Center (pretty much borderline of Cal and Coal Center) it may produce in evenings and mornings and it has very easy access. Pike's Run is on the stocking list for trout and usually gets stocked the first or second week of March, it runs from Coal Center where it empties into the river for about 7 miles up to Deems Park, when it gets its stocking in March theres a delayed harvest section about 5 minutes from Coal Center, it sees alot of pressure but i never have trouble catching trout and if you wanna explore, it has a few holes where fish can holdover thru summer, few an far in between but i have found them before thru July and August so there may still be a few around. In my other post i mentioned we went to the locks at Maxwell, its probably a 10 minute drive from Coal Center, we went there a few weeks ago for a few hours and got a few small eyes and saugers, all fish were caught on deep diver rapalas right at dark on normal/natural colors, PM me for directions if interested and other places to go.

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    RE: warm water? Tuesday, February 07, 2012 1:50 PM (permalink)
    Check the regulations on trout stocked waters. I have heard of guys running into some issues fishing the mouths of the creeks that are stocked well above. If you stay in the river you are fine.
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    RE: warm water? Wednesday, February 08, 2012 4:44 AM (permalink)
    sent you a pm hardcore fisher
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