Folks are paying attention

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2012/01/28 18:05:05 (permalink)

Folks are paying attention

Found this while surfing the net. Apparently sportsmen from other states are paying attention to the promises vs actual results we are seeing in our deer management practices and reacting in their own states. They also voted down going to AR in the other counties there were resolutions for.

New York State Conservation Council, Inc.

A non-profit organization preserving and protecting the world we live in

Please note:
Committee comments are recommendations only;
all resolutions will be voted on at the NYSCC Annual Meeting in September to determine a resolution’s passage or failure.

Subject: Antler Restrictions/Alternate Harvest Strategies
Page 1 of 3 Pages

# 7-10 Delaware County
This resolution PASSED at the NYSCC Annual Meeting on September 18, 2010.

Whereas there has been a sustained effort on the part of sportsmen who already have mandatory antler restrictions in their counties to impose them on Delaware County;

Whereas Ulster County has proven that the Council’s help is not mandatory for implementation;

Whereas Delaware County Federation has continued to oppose the restrictions in our county which comprises WMU’s 4O and 4P by an overwhelming majority vote;

Whereas the data coming out of the areas that were in a 3 year pilot program has had mixed reviews and should continue to be studied;

Whereas the most negative potential effects of the restrictions are not always quickly experienced and need time to be appropriately studied;

Whereas there is no biological need for mandatory antler restrictions;
Whereas buck take from those areas that were supposed to recover in 3 years have not recovered, and after 3 years one of the WMUs was still down 39%;

Whereas hunter satisfaction that was supposed to rise with implementation has actually fallen. Dissatisfaction has risen double and triple the rate of satisfaction.

Whereas Pennsylvania has seen an annual 4% DECREASE in the number of nonresident licenses sold since the implementation of mandatory antler restrictions;

Whereas Pennsylvania has seen a buck harvest drop from a 2001 pre-restriction harvest of 203,247 to a 2007 harvest of 109,200 after it had 6 years to start a recovery;

Whereas New York does not have a penalty that fits the offense. In New York it is a minimum $250 fine and $75.00 surcharge with up to $2,000, 1 year in jail and a revoked license;

Whereas New York has by no means tried other alternate ideas to achieve the goals of the mandatory antler restriction advocates;

BE IT RESOLVED that the NYSCC oppose the implementation of mandatory antler restrictions in Delaware County’s Wildlife Management Units 4O and 4P.

post edited by S-10 - 2012/01/28 18:12:24

4 Replies Related Threads

    Big Tuna
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    RE: Folks are paying attention 2012/01/29 11:36:01 (permalink)
    I can't wait for RSB response.You know he's got the answers.
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    RE: Folks are paying attention 2012/01/29 12:11:12 (permalink)
    The problem is is NY's Koolaid isn't as good as ours....

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: Folks are paying attention 2012/01/29 12:37:44 (permalink)
    Now their buck/ doe ratio will be all screwed up and deer will not breed...WF
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    RE: Folks are paying attention 2012/01/29 22:19:46 (permalink)
    Whereas Pennsylvania has seen an annual 4% DECREASE in the number of nonresident licenses sold since the implementation of mandatory antler restrictions;

    but but but Doc the decrease isnt due to AR/HR
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