Half full

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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 16:36:40 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: retired guy

Think that may have been ice those fishes were layin on. Sure aint around Pulaski.
Understand that up in the headwaters of the Ct River on the upper lakes in Vt or NH or wherever they are the Atlantics stay kinda smallish and have lower size limits- maybe- hopefully- it was out thataway.

15" and 3 a day under general regs. (not the great lakes special regs.) Those fish don't look to be 15" either. Maybe 12"...

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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 17:33:15 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: salmotrutta

Is that reel duct taped on? Really? Jeebus- that's a rig right outta the mouth breather snag happy encyclopedia.
And the loser is into killing smolts too. What a loser. Last I checked Atlantics had to be 25" to kill, and 1 a day.

not caught, filletted&releazed on SR or Lake O trib (hehe) -

re-check (this time reading for comprehension) the smolt reg book - DOLT SEXchun - 4 you DEER LEADER..

nice attempt at readingz betweenz da linez - tooze hbad u gotz da rong linez (not that there is anything wrong wiff dat)..

tape = OLDSKOOL lowtech technique - (a.k.a. redneck engineering)...
DEER LEADER's new HAPPY BIRFDAY Million Mexapicklez Flower Fruffer Cam (btw - excellent foto)..

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 17:36:56 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: metalslayer

DT--u'll b sure to end the day w/ leg cramps--lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lSRISMVb_E&feature=related

which leg would dat be?

no frettin botz cramp-ons - I always buy a bunch-o-bananoez at Little lukey's,,

hang em in da truck - next to Chimpfone...

toss skins off da bridge overlookin (well ya know)

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 17:39:24 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: salmotrutta

15" and 3 a day under general regs. (not the great lakes special regs.) Those fish don't look to be 15" either. Maybe 12"...

try I-800-NYDEC-RAT..

jeez - did they issue you a green jacket & ticket book during re-programminz???


SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 18:53:10 (permalink)

Steel on a pin---so easy a caveman can do it.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 19:07:45 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: metalslayer



gonna loop dat one - till'z I'ze breakz to stratsfere's udder limitz..

I love the YEEEAAAHHHHHHHHH at da end --- hehe


I like the bow shootinz part,,

whilst I'ze shakinz here in rocketzbucketz, let meeze sharez a tales from
my Ute:


Around age 10 my dad got me one of those little compound bow beginner kits.
Of course, the first month I went around our land sticking arrows in anything that could get stuck by an arrow.

Did you know that a 1955 40 horse Farmall tractor will take 6 rounds before it goes down? Tough tractor.

That got boring, so being the 10 yr. old Dukes of Hazard fan that I was, I quickly advanced to taking strips of cut up T-shirt doused in chainsaw gas tied around the end and was sending flaming arrows all over the place.

Keep in mind this was in the middle of summer with high humidity and plenty of green growth so there really wasn't any fire danger.

One summer afternoon, I was shooting flaming arrows into a large rotten oak stump in our backyard.I looked over under the carport and see a shiny brand new can of starting fluid (ether).
The light bulb went off. I grabbed the can and set it on the stump. I thought that it would probably just spray out in a disappointing manner...lets face it to a 10 yr. old mouth-breather like myself ether, really doesn't "sound" flammable. So, I went back into the house and got a 1 pound can of pyrodex (black powder for muzzle loader rifles).

At this point, I set the can of ether on the stump and opened up the can of black powder. My intentions were to sprinkle a little bit around the ether can but it all sorta dumped out on me. No biggie... 1 lb. pyrodex and 16 oz. ether should make a loud pop, kinda like a firecracker you know? You know what? The heck with a firecracker – so I went back in the house for the other can. Yes, I got a second can of pyrodex and dumped it too. Now we're cookin'.

I stepped back about 15 ft. and lit the 2 stroke arrow.
I drew the nock to my cheek and took aim.
As I released I heard a clunk as the arrow launched from my bow.

In a slow motion time frame,
I turned to see my dad getting out of the truck...
OH NOOOOO!!! he just got home from work.

So help me God it took 10 minutes for that arrow to go from my bow to the can!!!!

My dad was walking towards me in slow motion with a WTH look in his eyes.

I turned back towards my target just in time to see the arrow pierce the starting fluid can right at the bottom. Right through the main pile of pyrodex and into the can !!!

When the shock wave hit it knocked me off my feet. I don't know if it was the actual compression wave that threw me back or just reflex jerk back from 235 freaking decibels of sound. I caught a half a millisecond glimpse of the violence during the initial explosion and I will tell you there was dust, grass, and bugs all hovering 1 ft. above the ground as far as I could see. It was like a little low to the ground layer of dust fog full of grasshoppers, spiders, and ants.

The daylight turned purple.

There was a big oak tree out by the gate going into the pasture. Notice I said "was". That sum-of-a-bee got up and ran off.

So here I am, on the ground blown completely out of my shoes with my thundercats T-Shirt shredded,

my dad is on the other side of the carport having what I can only assume is a Vietnam flashback:


His hat has blown off and is 30 ft. behind him in the driveway.
All windows on the north side of the house are blown out and there is a slow rolling mushroom cloud about 1,000 ft over our backyard.
There is a Honda 185s 3 wheeler parked on the other side of the yard and the fenders are drooped down and are now touching the tires.

I wish I knew what I said to my dad at this moment. I don't know- I know I said something. I couldn't hear.
I couldn't hear inside my own head. I don't think he heard me either... not that it would really matter.
I don't remember much from this point on. I said something, felt a sharp pain, and then woke up later.
I felt a sharp pain, blacked out, woke later.... repeat this process for an hour or so and you get the idea.
I remember at one point my mom had to give me CPR so dad could beat me some more.

Bring him back to life so dad can kill him again. Thanks Mom.

One thing is for sure... I never had to mow around that stump again.
Mom had been complaining about that thing for years and dad never did anything about it.

I stepped up to the plate and handled biznezz.

Dad sold his muzzle loader a week or so later.
And I still have some sort of bone growth abnormality either from the blast or the beating. Or both.

I guezz,

whatz I'ze been tryzinz to sayz:


get your kids into archery.

It's good discipline and will teach them skills they can use later on in life.

post edited by draketrutta - 2012/03/04 19:17:29

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 19:17:44 (permalink)
Said it before-----ISSUES
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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 19:32:07 (permalink)
Fearz Not Yabbit (R u da One dat livez in da woods with da Rabbitz?)

its all part of da MasterPlan...


needs extra ching to pay for new camera,,

Xtra mouse clicks on FISHUSA AWWAKSTER forum, = Xtra Rev frum da Xtra Mouse Clicks =
Xtra SalezCommissChing in

DEER LEADER's pocket..


the Circle of Life is compleet.



who r all dem strangers peering in our window???

post edited by draketrutta - 2012/03/04 19:33:46

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 19:39:16 (permalink)
Words out - they are jealous of us. Big fishin talk goin on here.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/04 21:02:44 (permalink)
intrigue, relationship repairz, lots of fish knowledge, uptodaminute, riva reports (via Snagman)
in depth fishy knowledge by someone who KNOWS THE STUFF IN-DEPTH and FACTUAL --- (what a pleasant change from da ego-brussians) --- , fantasticflower pic by DEER LEADER,
and yes - nonsenslessless by me (guilty as charged badgeman).

for the do-goody'z

pics of legal dead Atlantics (over 15" - use that 24" rod to gage dare age...

some great tunage of a great variety,,,

and Daisy Duke 2 boot !!!!

whatz not to like??

Stay tuned for da CAKE !!!
post edited by draketrutta - 2012/03/04 21:04:37

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/05 08:42:52 (permalink)
RT - you should have done some fishing on Al Gore's interwebs...me thinks you would have had $20 of my ching donated to good cause..

I predict this fish topped 20# mark on scale, although George did not mention.
Caught in SR - Jan 2012 - could be DSR (not sure - TrophyAngler jumps around)..

does not look like DSR in pic, I'm foggy as to island but gotz a clue riva at 900cfs - maybe someone else can hotspot the locale.

Caught on da PINK WORM..Landed on 5# tippet.
Evidently the nice lady knows how to employ side pressure to land dat PIGGY on light line.

photo linked to my fotobucket (I don't do linkiez to slinkie/dinkie,keyloggin ***holes...).

A BEAUTY caught by a BEAUTY

nicest fish I've seen hauled out of the SR in quite awhile..

20#LBS?? - YEAH or NEA - what say u?

I thinkz 21.5lbs.
post edited by draketrutta - 2012/03/05 08:47:59

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/05 09:13:13 (permalink)
That one is a beaut-its been up on the post for a while now too along with some other very nice ones. They are around.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/03/05 16:27:54
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RE: Half full 2012/03/05 11:26:48 (permalink)
Yeah- 21. dang

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RE: Half full 2012/03/05 20:56:02 (permalink)
I fished alot around George this winter and timed drifts with his clients. Never had the slightest problem, except gettin' hungry smelling his breakfast sandwiches.  Good guy.After watching him with clients, I'd recommend him. That's the pic of the year in my book. I lost one a few weeks ago  from the same seam that had a tail like someone waving a magazine in the air. It ran off a couple hundred feet when  it dropped out of the pool and it was history.  George fishes the side where you can chase. Not to say I would've landed it had I been able to. That fish wanted its picture taken with the person who landed it. I don't blame it.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 06:02:24 (permalink)
There's no doubt that the big boys are out there.. that pic looks like dsr, but im not gonna spot burn it down... I would venture to say that's one of those male rainbows I was referring to with the salmon like features...

my thickest run of salmon I ever hit was in a pool that George and his 2 daughters were fishing. It was a pleasure to share the pool with them that day... they were the only others in sight
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 07:20:56 (permalink)
Nah , George don't fish there in the winter. It looks like a giant chambers steelhead . Nice fish by any means and anyone that looks in those concrete ponds can see there are some well above average fish that swim these waters

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 07:51:59 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: salmotrutta

ORIGINAL: retired guy

Think that may have been ice those fishes were layin on. Sure aint around Pulaski.
Understand that up in the headwaters of the Ct River on the upper lakes in Vt or NH or wherever they are the Atlantics stay kinda smallish and have lower size limits- maybe- hopefully- it was out thataway.

15" and 3 a day under general regs. (not the great lakes special regs.) Those fish don't look to be 15" either. Maybe 12"...

If the landlocks are only 12" that would make a couple of those perch 2" long. These look to be pretty standard 15 and 16" landlocks from 4th Lake or one of the other Adirondack fisheries that allows ice fishing, or from another state. Also, compare with the ice rods, usually in the 16 to 22" length range. Someone had a fine mess of eating that night!

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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 13:43:50 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: draketrutta

RT - you should have done some fishing on Al Gore's interwebs...me thinks you would have had $20 of my ching donated to good cause..

I predict this fish topped 20# mark on scale, although George did not mention.
Caught in SR - Jan 2012 - could be DSR (not sure - TrophyAngler jumps around)..

does not look like DSR in pic, I'm foggy as to island but gotz a clue riva at 900cfs - maybe someone else can hotspot the locale.

Caught on da PINK WORM..Landed on 5# tippet.
Evidently the nice lady knows how to employ side pressure to land dat PIGGY on light line.

photo linked to my fotobucket (I don't do linkiez to slinkie/dinkie,keyloggin ***holes...).

A BEAUTY caught by a BEAUTY

nicest fish I've seen hauled out of the SR in quite awhile..

20#LBS?? - YEAH or NEA - what say u?

I thinkz 21.5lbs.

What do they always say on those TV shows?.........Nice Fish!
I wonder if they released that?
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 14:07:23 (permalink)
   Release is a good thing but gotta say I have a few on the wall at home and in camp and have tasted a few too.
 Think one reason some releasing gets done is cause us 'old guys' just cant dragem out like before. lol.
   Hope whatever they did with that one the memory lasts - know the ones I mounted are all ' memory fish' not necessarily the biggest or best - but they all have a good story.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 15:06:05 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: retired guy

   Release is a good thing but gotta say I have a few on the wall at home and in camp and have tasted a few too.
Think one reason some releasing gets done is cause us 'old guys' just cant dragem out like before. lol.
  Hope whatever they did with that one the memory lasts - know the ones I mounted are all ' memory fish' not necessarily the biggest or best - but they all have a good story.

"but they all have a good story"....and that's what it's all about :)
You got that right RG,I stopped dragging them out about 20 yrs ago.Those big ones are n't too tasty,if you want to eat them keep the skippers.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 17:08:13 (permalink)
One thing to consider with that fish, is how old it is. What's the chances  of it  making yet another run up the river, next year?  Or even having survived the rigors of the spawn? If they kept it as a trophy it was certainly did no harm. How many runs do you think that fish made?
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 17:40:46 (permalink)
Fichy, I agree 100%.... the fish has to be what 5 years old; maybe more???? I would never look down on someone keeping a fish like that....

Back in 2000 I landed a fish that was 20+ hooked in the butt though as I mentioned earlier... I hooked the fish in between the town bridges. The fish hunkered down for a while and eventually broke the pool giving no signs of being foul hooked. As I caught up to it, in the slack water above the tall bridge I saw it was foul hooked, but was also astonished by its size. At this point I had to land it to ensure proper reviving...
When I held that fish in my hands I was in awe and I thought the same thing you just said....how many years old is this fish???? Will it even make it to spawn???? I thought for a moment I had to keep it but he came around and swam away healthfully... definitely not proud of myself and take no credit towards landing a 20+, but landing this fish was necessary once he finally came to surface. He was old and tired to say the least...

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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 19:07:09 (permalink)
It really does n't matter one way or another to me if she kept that fish,I certainly would n't blame her as it is a true trophy.
You're correct in saying it is doubtful that fish had another run left in him,they only live so long and that one had to be 5-6 yrs old.
Now where is his twin swimming?I want to play too!
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 19:49:09 (permalink)
I looked it up, and according to the DEC, steelhead  average a 6-8 year lifespan  and can spawn up tp 5 times. Some don't spawn until age 3. Others will run after their first year in the lake. A reasonable assumption would be that it was at least 5 and was on it's third run at a minimum.
I netted a 17 lb. male a few weeks back that was large, but dark and old looking. Wasn't very good looking, but hey it was big!  This  fish is just impressive, even if it's not silver. Good luck with the twin, Jack, I'll be stuck  playing with  the grandkids.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 20:14:17 (permalink)
the only thing I'm stuck with right now is the fly vise and a e-brake cable on the truck
oh well tomorrow is another day ....

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 20:36:16 (permalink)
My best was on garden hackle long ago and  HIT-went to the bottom of a pool and just bulldogged a bit and then gave up all too quickly.- It was early April and when I got it in there was no webbing on the right front fins and his right side was all scraped and scarred. Must have been his preferred ' breeding side"
 Let him go but was always pretty sure it was his last run.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 20:53:29 (permalink)
Hey Charlie-
  Just another Wild A** Guess here- my brain kinda fizzels this time of year- could some of those Football 5lb Cookie Cutter Steel be because they are running younger ??
   Might have misinterpreted the dif. between running and actually breeding here but your last made it sound like ' some' will come into breed earlier in age. Just sittin here hypothizin bout if more than some decided to do that.
Not that I give a  hoot either way - dont really care if they are huge or not- likem all- just wonderin.
  Point bein the biguns are most likely the oldest-  in the old days of less pressure ( by far) they had the chance to make it in larger numbers of course but if the 'new fish' were to start running to breed a year or so earlier on a regular basis it would mean --cookies predominate by percentage from long ago.
     Therefore the issue of where did the biguns go may not be such  a mystery. Mayhap they didnt  go anyplace - just a smaller percentage now.
Im goin nuts
post edited by retired guy - 2012/03/06 21:03:42
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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 21:19:19 (permalink)
Way back, WB and I hit a run of chrome early and kept 3 between us that we figured were decent fish, 10-12 lbs. But we had been fishing salmon every week of the run, actualoly before it in August, at least 2 days, and this was still early October, so we were used to seeing large (25-30)lb fish and these fish did not appear exceptional. Back then, Silver Star would freeze your fish for a couple of bucks if they were hog-dressed, you'd bring em in, fill out a tag, and they'd give you a plastic bag, you'd dump in your fish, tie it up and tag it, and into the freezer they went, and you paid your fee and got a slip to bring back when you were picking 'em up. We picked up the bag on the way out of town a day or two later, and drove home. WB told me to take the fish as he had no use for them then, and no place to keep them. I got them home and had no place to store them,either, this was one big lump of ice. I decided to get them to someone I knew with a smoker as soon as I could get them to them after getting them into some kind of cooler, so I worked with water and broke them apart so I could fillet them. Based on the weight moving them around, I was pretty well convinced that someone at the Silver Star had switched tags on us and our 20bs of steelhead in prime shape had turned into 40+ lbs of mid October king, but when I got to the anal fin of the first fish, I could see that they were, in fact, trout. The largest of the three was a 39" male, and, based on tables out then, would have weighed 19+ lbs. The two smaller fish were only a couple inches smaller. We were still hippies back then so I can't tell you who caught what, but we gotta lotta dem, and they were HUGE!!! And then there was Halloween at the Glide.....

This getting old is a real drag!!

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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 21:34:04 (permalink)
And, depending on how big that young woman is, that fish could be 23+ (or if she is 4'1" it's 16!)

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RE: Half full 2012/03/06 22:10:04 (permalink)
Trev, it could very well be be fish that are  healthy, aggresive 2 years old and on their first run. The odds for survival for larger fish go down as they make succesive runs. They gotta run the gauntlet and avoid Russians,  snaggers, 5 minute photo sessions... etc. Mortality has to be double what is actually taken home to eat.    I am not of the opinion that  large fish are rare, having seen quite a few and hooked my share, just very few landings. I have nothing to compare it to, unless I use the Klamath and the Trinity and their tribs. We have good fish in comparison. Lucky and Lee are the ones that have the true perspective. Great tales that I enjoy reading. 3 fish of that size.....you can only dream
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