Ohio Land

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2012/01/25 20:57:13 (permalink)

Ohio Land

I have been looking for property for some time. I am really not in a position to buy right now, but if the right piece came up I may be able to swing something. I figure it doesn't hurt to look and maybe I get lucky. If anything else it is good reference for when I am in a better position to buy. Land in NW PA is hard to come by and if you do happen to find some it is so expensive it is hard to justify for recreational use. I recently thought that I would do searching in Ohio after being over there this past week for work. I was surprised at some of the prices I was finding for decent tracks of propeties(100-200 acres). Are there areas one should stay away from? Is there anything to be aware of as far as Ohio and owning property, ie taxes, trespass laws, etc...? Am I too assume that anywhere in OH would be decent for hunting? I thought this would be a good place to ask since many seem to hunt Ohio and may know more of the market there. Thanks

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    RE: Ohio Land 2012/02/04 13:12:07 (permalink)
    I would certainly think the current land owner would let you walk the property before you purchased it. Is that possible? No offense to any of the guys on here but walking the land you're going to buy is going to give you a way better idea of the wildlife than any one of us that hasn't walked that land.

    Good luck.

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    RE: Ohio Land 2012/02/05 12:32:11 (permalink)
         Walked my place in upstate NY before purchasing- Looked like a zoo with all the sign- Was mid October too. Scrapes- rubs- poop all over the place- even turkey feathers and poop here and there-scratchings too. NOT my first rodeo and this place looked HOT.
         5 years later aint a Deer or Turkey around- NOOOOO I didnt push them off - didnt hunt it at all this year and only 2 days last.
     Good to take a look- wouldnt buy with out doin that- but talk to the locals too and get the history on the area. Its worth a special trip to do the homework when considering how much time ya intend to be there later.
    post edited by retired guy - 2012/02/05 12:33:45
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    RE: Ohio Land 2012/02/05 13:04:27 (permalink)
    Make sure you get the mineral rights or at least know the history of them. Nothing like spending 100K for a piece of ground and find out it's slated to be strip mined or heavily drilled.
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    RE: Ohio Land 2012/02/05 16:08:51 (permalink)
    Make sure it has good soils...
    retired guy
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    RE: Ohio Land 2012/02/05 20:06:15 (permalink)
    Depending on the type of Deer huntin ya do  but I would certainly want to be near agriculture. A year with a bad mast crop  or anything similar can make a wood lot pretty much a wasteland without some alternative food sources nearby.
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    RE: Ohio Land 2012/02/06 21:33:51 (permalink)
    Thanks all
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