never happen in PA

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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/19 14:32:55 (permalink)
1980 is not pior to the beginning of AR/HR

IT AIN'T ?????

according to my calendars it is way before (think prior to) HR and AR (2002) and was back when we had alot more hunters than we have today BUT were killing about the same number of deer each year...

as for validity... nit-picking the high year before and oomparing it to the lowest year after is not a valid claim either...

but that is just my opinion.. you're free to compare any way you want that meets your agenda... I'm just not buying it...

one last point on the subject.. I think if you do some research you will find herd reduction started before 2002 ,, I seemed to remember lots of "bouns tags" being issued way before Dr. Alt hit the scene .... I started harvesting 2 deer a year in 1997 ....
what year did the old "one and done" stop.. that change alone started to reduce the herd...

as for the tin-foil hat.. you've never posted a picture of yourself so who knows what it looks like ?????
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2012/02/19 14:42:44
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/19 15:31:20 (permalink)

1980 is not pior to the beginning of AR/HR

IT AIN'T ?????

according to my calendars it is way before (think prior to) HR and AR (2002) and was back when we had alot more hunters than we have today BUT were killing about the same number of deer each year...

as for validity... nit-picking the high year before and oomparing it to the lowest year after is not a valid claim either...

NO--1980 is not prior to AR/HR for any kind of legitimate comparison
If you want to keep the fantasy why not use 1900. By your definition it is prior to HR/AR
1980- reported buck harvest 73,196 with 60%+ reporting rate---2000 AND 2001 both OVER 203,000 by the new math. It's only about the same number of deer when you have your special glasses on.

I'am not nitpicking the highest and lowest year either. I'am using the start date and the last date. The fact that they happen to be the highest and lowest just shows here could be a problem. Didn't Dardys explain the proper way to conduct a study clear enough?

As far as the tin hat goes I consider them as useless as those rose colored glasses, That's just the fall back position a couple guys use when they can't dispute the facts.

BTW---you have seen my photo, sorry, no hat They say the memory is the first thing to go.
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/19 17:18:44 (permalink)
Had the PGC recognized the problem in the early 80's, they would not have had to take the drastic measures they did. IMO, that is one of the reasons they have little credibility, at least in my book. Took way to long to respond to the deer problem and now are to slow to respond again...WF
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/19 18:02:56 (permalink)

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/19 18:50:29 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: wayne c

2A Buck harvests. No twisting required.


These numbers also show the total slide much better, so ttt for them.

You seem to be very concerned about the way the buck harvest declined from 6800 in 2009 to 5800 in 2010 since antler restrictions and then since both herd reduction and the EHD outbreak reduced the herd. That is only a 14.7% reduction from one year to the next.
Yet you seem to be just fine with the fact that from 2000 to 2001 and prior to herd reductions, antler restrictions or the EHD outbreak the buck harvest dropped by 15.3% in just one year.
The point that it is not at all uncommon to have major harvest fluctuations from one year to another even when it has nothing to do with changes in the deer population.
A couple other examples of significant buck harvest changes from one year to the next are between 1990 and 1991 when the buck harvest declined by 12.0% and from 1995 to 1996 when it declined by 15.8%.
So for those reasons I see nothing in the 14.7% reduction in 2A last year that would lead me to believe there is any concern. Besides if the deer population is declining in unit that is a good thing based on what I observed the last time I hunted the unit which was about eight years ago. Back then I was seeing a lot of evidence of deer populations that were starting to have a seriously damaging affect on their own habitat and food supplies.
R.S. Bodenhorn    
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/19 19:08:48 (permalink)
How 'bout the elephant in the room right now?

A 42% decline in 10 years
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/19 19:47:48 (permalink)
PGC touting "stable" herd?
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/19 21:06:00 (permalink)
 Besides if the deer population is declining in unit that is a good thing based on what I observed the last time I hunted the unit which was about eight years ago. Back then I was seeing a lot of evidence of deer populations that were starting to have a seriously damaging affect on their own habitat and food supplies.
R.S. Bodenhorn    

I would agree that 8 years ago the population was above where it should have been. With that said, we are talking today's numbers. We have unlimited antlerless tags in a unit in close proximity to the second largest population center in the state and now, lowered antler restrictions.
The trend in this unit is clear, a decreasing herd. Rosenberry agreed when pressed. The trend will continue with the current allocation allotments.  This, despite the goal of herd stabilization by the PGC.

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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/20 07:48:06 (permalink)
As I posted before there have been NO significant changes and the changes that have occurred were the ones the HUNTERS ASKED FOR. Is that not what all of you keep saying that the Game Commission needs to listen to and do as the HUNTERS ASK?

But, when they give the hunters what they ask for and demand it just infuriates someone else that is also a hunter.

R.S. Bodenhorn

There are a whole host of changes that have been made in the timeframe that ESOX was speaking of "NONE" of which were asked for by hunters and "NONE" that were made with the interests of hunters in mind. Following are some of them.

1. In 2005 the AUDUBON became a major player in deer management when following their leadership in the early stages of HR they published their 350+ page "Managing Deer From an Ecosystem Perspective" which is the blueprint for PERMANENT herd reduction and is currently being followed.
2. Following the mid 1990's release of the FISHER as part of improving Biodersity and controling small game populations one main reason given for needing the reduced deer population was the declining populations of ground nesting birds. The Fisher is a major predator of ground nesting birds and animals.
2. In the late 2000's the PGC began to partner with the HSUS---You know, the radical anti hunting organization. Steve Smith, the PGC Legislative Liaison took Sarah Speed of the HSUS to meet with all the politicians to promote laws pertaining to increasing fines on hunters.
3. In spite of loading the CAC's with people of their own choice the PGC was unable to convince them the Herd Reduction program was not going too far. Most CAC's wanted to slow the killing and allow a few more deer. The PGC's Answer----ELIMINATE THE CAC'S.
4. The PGC hired 14 new NON-GAME biologists and others to help oversee the expendure of monies they were to receive from State Wildlife Grants and other monies. There is NO PROBLEM EXCEPT in order to receive those monies the PGC has to spend an equal or greater amount than they will receive and all money is spent on non-game species. Then they let the AUDUBON and other non/anti hunters determine where to spend the money. This at a time when they cry they are unable to spend monies on game research or increasing ringneck populations.
5. To make all this appear proper and give them cover, in 2011 the PGC BOC in a quickly called meeting changed their official policy giving every non or anti hunting group in the state the same influence as the hunters on "ALL" issues regarding wildlife or the use of State Game Lands.

Yes, I would have to agree with Esox's comments that there have been many SIGNIFICANT CHANGES in the last few years that were not to the hunters benefit and the HUNTERS DIDN'T ASK for any of them.
post edited by S-10 - 2012/02/20 10:45:41
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/20 17:19:32 (permalink)
So for those reasons I see nothing in the 14.7% reduction in 2A last year that would lead me to believe there is any concern. Besides if the deer population is declining in unit that is a good thing based on what I observed the last time I hunted the unit which was about eight years ago. Back then I was seeing a lot of evidence of deer populations that were starting to have a seriously damaging affect on their own habitat and food supplies.

R.S. Bodenhorn

WEllll-----It must be that your leaders are lying to the Pennsylvania Legislature because they are telling them a entirely different story than you are telling us.

They are telling them that the estimated deer population for WMU 2A has DECREASED BY 29% from 2005 to 2010. They said the TREND is DECREASING in spite of the GOAL being STABLE.

My guess is it would cost your leaders a lot more getting caught BS'n the Legislature than it costs you BS'n us so I will have to believe them over you.
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/20 17:34:14 (permalink)

So for those reasons I see nothing in the 14.7% reduction in 2A last year that would lead me to believe there is any concern. Besides if the deer population is declining in unit that is a good thing based on what I observed the last time I hunted the unit which was about eight years ago. Back then I was seeing a lot of evidence of deer populations that were starting to have a seriously damaging affect on their own habitat and food supplies.

R.S. Bodenhorn

WEllll-----It must be that your leaders are lying to the Pennsylvania Legislature because they are telling them a entirely different story than you are telling us.

They are telling them that the estimated deer population for WMU 2A has DECREASED BY 29% from 2005 to 2010. They said the TREND is DECREASING in spite of the GOAL being STABLE.

My guess is it would cost your leaders a lot more getting caught BS'n the Legislature than it costs you BS'n us so I will have to believe them over you.

I most certainly did not say that the deer population in 2A has not decreased since 2005. In fact I was very clear about that the intent was decrease the 2A from the extremely too high numbers to something that was within the limits of the habitat. They issued enough antlerless licenses to start the reduction. Then in 2007 EHD hit the area and that resulted in a natural herd reduction that did not have anything to do with hunters.
But, I still absolutely nothing that would lead me to believe there is a shortage of deer in the unit or that the unit should have more deer than there are at the present time. The simple fact that hunters used to see more deer and want to see more deer again is not evidence that the area should have or even could have more deer or that there is any level of mismanagement.
R.S. Bodenhorn
wayne c
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/20 18:24:51 (permalink)
Then in 2007 EHD hit the area and that resulted in a natural herd reduction that did not have anything to do with hunters.

Pgc said it was a nonissue. They said hunters avoided hunting the areas that year. It was a convenient excuse not to lower the allocations. The decline continued afterwards. So your theory holds no water.

But, I still absolutely nothing that would lead me to believe there is a shortage of deer in the unit or that the unit should have more deer than there are at the present time.

1.Since when is the goal supposed to be= everying is as it should be as long as rsb decides there is no "shortage"? lmao!

2. There is no reason there shouldnt be more when the goal years ago was stabilization, yet further reductions continued on into last year 2010, with our lowest buck harvest in decades.

post edited by wayne c - 2012/02/20 18:53:05
wayne c
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/20 18:25:45 (permalink)


As I posted before there have been NO significant changes and the changes that have occurred were the ones the HUNTERS ASKED FOR. Is that not what all of you keep saying that the Game Commission needs to listen to and do as the HUNTERS ASK?

But, when they give the hunters what they ask for and demand it just infuriates someone else that is also a hunter.

R.S. Bodenhorn

There are a whole host of changes that have been made in the timeframe that ESOX was speaking of "NONE" of which were asked for by hunters and "NONE" that were made with the interests of hunters in mind. Following are some of them.

1. In 2005 the AUDUBON became a major player in deer management when following their leadership in the early stages of HR they published their 350+ page "Managing Deer From an Ecosystem Perspective" which is the blueprint for PERMANENT herd reduction and is currently being followed.
2. Following the mid 1990's release of the FISHER as part of improving Biodersity and controling small game populations one main reason given for needing the reduced deer population was the declining populations of ground nesting birds. The Fisher is a major predator of ground nesting birds and animals.
2. In the late 2000's the PGC began to partner with the HSUS---You know, the radical anti hunting organization. Steve Smith, the PGC Legislative Liaison took Sarah Speed of the HSUS to meet with all the politicians to promote laws pertaining to increasing fines on hunters.
3. In spite of loading the CAC's with people of their own choice the PGC was unable to convince them the Herd Reduction program was not going too far. Most CAC's wanted to slow the killing and allow a few more deer. The PGC's Answer----ELIMINATE THE CAC'S.
4. The PGC hired 14 new NON-GAME biologists and others to help oversee the expendure of monies they were to receive from State Wildlife Grants and other monies. There is NO PROBLEM EXCEPT in order to receive those monies the PGC has to spend an equal or greater amount than they will receive and all money is spent on non-game species. Then they let the AUDUBON and other non/anti hunters determine where to spend the money. This at a time when they cry they are unable to spend monies on game research or increasing ringneck populations.
5. To make all this appear proper and give them cover, in 2011 the PGC BOC in a quickly called meeting changed their official policy giving every non or anti hunting group in the state the same influence as the hunters on "ALL" issues regarding wildlife or the use of State Game Lands.

Yes, I would have to agree with Esox's comments that there have been many SIGNIFICANT CHANGES in the last few years that were not to the hunters benefit and the HUNTERS DIDN'T ASK for any of them.

BIG +1
wayne c
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/20 18:28:38 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: rsquared

How 'bout the elephant in the room right now?

A 42% decline in 10 years

When you look at the stats, its kinda like a huge red quarter-sized zit on the end of a nose, that one is kinda hard to miss!
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/20 19:55:47 (permalink)

But, I still absolutely nothing that would lead me to believe there is a shortage of deer in the unit or that the unit should have more deer than there are at the present time.

I don't see anyone saying that there is a shortage of deer in 2A. What many are concerned about is the decreasing population trend which has been ongoing for some time now. This, in a unit that is supposed to be in stabilization mode according to the PGC. You seem to be backpeddling a bit.
We have unlimited antlerless tags and now a lowered AR in a unit with a clear trend of a decreasing population.  I am OK if it were truly held at its present population. There is no way that is going to be the case with the current plan in place.

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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/20 22:59:33 (permalink)


But, I still absolutely nothing that would lead me to believe there is a shortage of deer in the unit or that the unit should have more deer than there are at the present time.

I don't see anyone saying that there is a shortage of deer in 2A. What many are concerned about is the decreasing population trend which has been ongoing for some time now. This, in a unit that is supposed to be in stabilization mode according to the PGC. You seem to be backpeddling a bit.

We have unlimited antlerless tags and now a lowered AR in a unit with a clear trend of a decreasing population.  I am OK if it were truly held at its present population. There is no way that is going to be the case with the current plan in place.

To start with the goal was to reduce the deer population in unit 2A. Everyone who was paying any attention at all most certainly should have known that. But, the data pretty clearly shows that there was not much of a reduction in the deer numbers prior to the EHD outbreak. Then the buck harvests even started climbing again right up until last year. No one knows why the buck harvest was down in unit 2A but everyone who has any understanding of deer management and deer harvest data certainly knows that one year of high or low data does not mean much of anything since it takes at least three years of increasing or decreasing harvests to even see a trend.
Making management adjustments based on one year of data would be foolish in most cases.
As doe the unlimited doe licenses I think we would have much better deer management with unlimited antlerless licenses in all units. They have had unlimited licenses in the special regulations areas for about twenty years now and the deer populations are very healthy there even though they been harvesting 5 –10 times as many antlerless deer per square mile, city streets included, as they have in the big woods units during each of those years.
You are much more likely to experience seriously declining deer numbers from not harvesting enough then you are from harvesting too many. That is especially true in the areas like you have down there with deer living on posted ground or within the residential areas where hunters have a hard time getting to many of them.
R.S. Bodenhorn
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 04:34:27 (permalink)
The harvest numbers are down because we didn't shoot enough deer- is this another blond joke???...WF
post edited by World Famous - 2012/02/21 04:35:55
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 06:55:51 (permalink)
WF you must drink a glass of koolaid with that last post or it just sounds silly.

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 07:43:01 (permalink)

To start with the goal was to reduce the deer population in unit 2A. Everyone who was paying any attention at all most certainly should have known that.

Agree.  Common knowledge.

No one knows why the buck harvest was down in unit 2A but everyone who has any understanding of deer management and deer harvest data certainly knows that one year of high or low data does not mean much of anything since it takes at least three years of increasing or decreasing harvests to even see a trend.

Again, I agree.
As doe the unlimited doe licenses I think we would have much better deer management with unlimited antlerless licenses in all units.

Got me on that one.  You are advocating unlimited doe licenses in all units?

They have had unlimited licenses in the special regulations areas for about twenty years now and the deer populations are very healthy there even though they been harvesting 5 –10 times as many antlerless deer per square mile, city streets included, as they have in the big woods units during each of those years.

No access is the reason why populations remain high. In areas of the SRA where there is better access, the deer have been hit very hard. 
You are much more likely to experience seriously declining deer numbers from not harvesting enough then you are from harvesting too many.

I tend to agree in general.

That is especially true in the areas like you have down there with deer living on posted ground or within the residential areas where hunters have a hard time getting to many of them.

Much of 2A is not unlike the 1A, 1B. What you are describing is much of the SRA. Most of 2A is nothing like the urban sprawl of the SRA.

You still haven't addressed my question.  Why, in a unit with a decreasing population according to Rosenberry, do we have unlimited antlerless tags and reduced AR with a goal of herd stabilization, according to the PGC.
post edited by dpms - 2012/02/21 07:54:07

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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 08:27:41 (permalink)
To start with the goal was to reduce the deer population in unit 2A. Everyone who was paying any attention at all most certainly should have known that. But, the data pretty clearly shows that there was not much of a reduction in the deer numbers prior to the EHD outbreak. Then the buck harvests even started climbing again right up until last year. No one knows why the buck harvest was down in unit 2A but everyone who has any understanding of deer management and deer harvest data certainly knows that one year of high or low data does not mean much of anything since it takes at least three years of increasing or decreasing harvests to even see a trend.

Making management adjustments based on one year of data would be foolish in most cases.

Again there is that 5# of truth in that 100# sack of manure.

ADDED= Don't forget folks, the decreases shown in the report are from 2005-2010 and reflect the DECREASES in the WMU's SINCE the PGC said they started managing MOST OF them for a STABLE HERD. They DON"T REFLECT the years of MAJOR HERD REDUCTION.

1. There were several years of severe herd reduction in 2A as in most others prior to 2005.
2. They are not talking 1 year, they are talking a long term DOWNWARD TREND in spite of the GOAL BEING STABLE.
3. Since we now know the LONG TERM TREND has to be DOWNWARD nearly 30% before the PGC even acknowledges it, isn't it about time you quit the BS on this WMU and admit the obvious. Your own leaders and Professional Biologists admit it is a problem.
post edited by S-10 - 2012/02/21 09:07:02
wayne c
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 16:25:20 (permalink)
Its been shown time and again, they just basically do whatever they like for the real "plan". And it doesnt matter who likes it, who doesnt, or even what the data itself says. Kill more deer is always the mantra. And it doesnt matter what the goal is now, stabilization or reduction, because I have little doubt it will be changing back to reduction anyway, soon enough. Thats just how deer management goes in PA today. The enviroflakes & the timber industry have their claws sunk in DEEP.

Previously they had set extremely low deer densities goals upon what they felt were necessary to achieve desired extreme habitat conditions. They were never achieved across most of the state, and most found them completely unacceptable, because MOST units were slated to have 2G like deer densities as the goals. Which is one of the reasons why those were never met. The numbers were EXTREME to say the least! Thats exactly why they went to the habitat based plan with no deer density goals. If they told us up front how few deer they felt would be likely to achieve the end goals per unit...again...many fewer would accept them, than the seemingly benign goals of "habitat health" even if the end goals end up with exactly the same results habitatwise & deerwise.

They also realize they must take it slow and long term to circumvent counter political pressure.

post edited by wayne c - 2012/02/21 16:27:51
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 16:36:55 (permalink)
The harvest trend in 2a speaks for itself, and doesnt need decietful twisting for folks to understand it. There has been significant decline and NOTHING has been done to counter it. No excuse.

2A Buck harvests. No twisting required.


To start with the goal was to reduce the deer population in unit 2A. Everyone who was paying any attention at all most certainly should have known that.

Absolutely. But that doesnt mean the amount of reduction achieved was in any way needed or warranted. I contend the unit couldve used some, just more as preventative measures than anything else. but its heading overboard, with predictably no data at all supporting the direction.

As doe the unlimited doe licenses I think we would have much better deer management with unlimited antlerless licenses in all units.

That just goes to show how "out there" and extreme your antideer deer management views really are.

You are much more likely to experience seriously declining deer numbers from not harvesting enough then you are from harvesting too many.

Thats simply not true. And the reason it isnt, because our states herd health is just fine and according to earlier data always was for the mostpart, so therefore its not an issue. On the other hand we DO have an extremely high antlerless allocation as a currently existing condition. So while what you say is true in a very board general sense , its not at all in our states present reality. Nor am I aware of any state that has that as a problem large scale.

Also, Im not condoning extreme poor habitat conditions caused by way too many deer, Im supporting responsible management which includes not having unnecessary excessive reductions for no good reason in many areas. So again, your concern isnt valid.

That is especially true in the areas like you have down there with deer living on posted ground or within the residential areas where hunters have a hard time getting to many of them.

As dpms said, thats not largely the case. 2A conditions overall are not similar to the sras. There is no doubt that we have more private land than some other units, but much of it is huntable and hunted. While it would obviously take more tags here, than a unit starting out with similar deer numbers, and mostly public land... The reductions in pretty much every unit of the state, show how ridiculous your contention is that we should have unlimited tags, pretty much ANYWHERE except arguably the sras urban areas.

The pgc survey showed LACK OF GAME to be the number one reason hunters quit buying licenses. Im sure unlimited tags would certainly help to stifle that trend.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/02/21 17:07:16
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 16:59:01 (permalink)
Unlimited tags here in Amish country would decimate what deer are left....

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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 18:07:07 (permalink)
Got me on that one.  You are advocating unlimited doe licenses in all units?

I do not know that I would say every unit should have unlimited antlerless licenses. But, I am not yet convinced they should not or would not have better management if they did have unlimited antlerless licenses.
All of the special regulations areas have had unlimited antlerless licenses for nearly twenty year now and they still have the highest deer populations in the state even though hunters have been killing (notice I did not say protecting but that they are killing) five to ten times as many deer per square mile, (city streets, highways and buildings included) as what hunters have been killing in the big woods areas each and every year. In fact sharp shooters still have to go into those special regulations areas hunters have already hunted and kill many more deer just to keep the deer populations in check.
If hunter harvests could depress the deer populations why is it not occurring where hunters are killing five to ten times as many deer?
I believe there should be unlimited antlerless licenses in the big woods areas because we simply cannot get enough hunters into the remote area to kill enough deer. Besides the sanctuaries of the big woods are much larger and much more under hunted then any of the posted properties of the special regulations areas.
If you take a look at how long it took to sell all of the antlerless license in unit 2F this year it is obvious that having unlimited sales would not add all that many to what are being sold now. It is also evident that hunters reach a point where they just no longer continue to fill rags even if they do have them. Based on those facts I do not believe we would see much increase in deer harvests even with unlimited antlerless license sales.
No access is the reason why populations remain high. In areas of the SRA where there is better access, the deer have been hit very hard. 

I do not know that I believe the areas not hunted are saving the deer to the point it is resulting in the high populations and harvests of the other area open to hunting, even though it is a common argument. My experience is that most areas of the special regulations areas do get some hunting pressure and harvest. The fact that hunters are harvesting so many deer in the special regulations areas is an indication that hunters are gaining access to most of the areas of the unit or they would not be harvesting over 14 deer per square in units 2B and 5C while they harvest an average of less than 3 per square mile in the big woods areas that make up unit 2G.
Much of 2A is not unlike the 1A, 1B. What you are describing is much of the SRA. Most of 2A is nothing like the urban sprawl of the SRA.

But when you look at the facts of the harvest history for the counties that make up unit 2A it certainly appears that the harvest in 2A should be very comparable to the harvest of 2B. To prove that point I am going to post both the antlerless and total deer harvest history for the two areas so you can see how they historically compared and then how the harvests in 2A have dropped from the tradition of being equal to those of unit 2B. All data is in harvest per square mile. Since 2B is more developed than 2A then it is only logical that the hunter harvest in 2A should be even higher than they are in 2B.
Time period____________antlerless harvest trend_____________total deer harvest trend 
As you can see for the first fifteen years both the antlerless and total deer harvests for the counties that make up unit 2A were higher than the harvests in the counties that make up unit 2B. But, during the past ten years or more the harvests per square mile for both does and total deer have been higher in 2B. Those historical facts lead me to believe that hunters have been either under harvesting 2A during recent years or there is some other reason it has suddenly declined in its ability to support as many deer per square mile as the areas of 2B,even though unit 2B has far less area that is not city streets for deer to live on.
You still haven't addressed my question.  Why, in a unit with a decreasing population according to Rosenberry, do we have unlimited antlerless tags and reduced AR with a goal of herd stabilization, according to the PGC.

First of all lowering antlerless licenses and doe harvests might be the exact opposite of what should happen to increase deer numbers unless you have some evidence that the reason the population declined in the first place was the result of an over harvest and that the habitat and other environmental conditions will even allow for an increased population if you harvest fewer deer. I am not convinced, and I am not so sure any of the professional deer managers are either, that the reason the deer numbers have declined in unit 2A is from over harvest. There are many, many natural and environmental factors that influence deer population both up and down. If you jump to conclusions and reduce the allocations and harvests only to find out the deer are in a natural decline you might very well just be increasing the rate of the natural decline. As much as many hunters refuse to recognize it that is exactly what happened in the big woods areas and we do not want to see the same mistake made in other areas of the state because it much harder to reverse than an it is to recover from a simple over harvest. If the decline is from an over harvest it can be corrected very quickly but it the decline is from natural occurrences based on environmental factors it might be impossible to correct if you simply cut the harvests and allow the environmental conditions to further decline as a result.
Besides at this point there is nothing to indicate the current antlerless allocation and sales are going to result in an antlerless harvest that was any higher then the previous harvests or the target harvest. You cannot forget that unit 2A went from a 12-day concurrent season to a 7-day concurrent season this year. That change was the reason they increased the allocation. The increased allocation was simply to get the same harvest as what had been occurring with the longer season. Since there were licenses available than what were sold it is very much possible that the doe harvest was actually lower then normal and expected even though the allocation was higher. It does not matter how many licenses are allocated if they are not sold and used.
So, the bottom line is that there is no evidence that what is occurring in unit 2A is anything other than what is the best possible management direction to have the best possible deer populations for the future of the area. That is true even though many people who are not deer management professionals do not understand it.
R.S. Bodenhorn 
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 18:17:48 (permalink)
So, the bottom line is that there is no evidence that what is occurring in unit 2A is anything other than what is the best possible management direction to have the best possible deer populations for the future of the area. That is true even though many people who are not deer management professionals do not understand it.

R.S. Bodenhorn

It's your own Deer Management Professionals that are saying there is a problem. The current management practice IS NOT leading them to the stable herd they say they want.

The bottom line is you have been telling us everything is ok for so long you feel you cannot admit you are wrong. Tell us who else in the PGC agrees with your above statement on 2A.
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 18:19:43 (permalink)

So, the bottom line is that there is no evidence that what is occurring in unit 2A is anything other than what is the best possible management direction to have the best possible deer populations for the future of the area. That is true even though many people who are not deer management professionals do not understand it.

R.S. Bodenhorn 

As always, thanks for the thorough reply. I continue to remain perplexed that the PGC states the best possible management direction for 2A is stabilization, yet, the biologists report a decreasing population.  Highlighting the word "decreasing" which implies a trend.

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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 18:33:52 (permalink)
I just can't understand how we can all agree the number of hunters is "decreasing" (a trend ) but yet some expect the harvest totals to go up ???

2A did not even sell all the tags., but some expected the harvest to go up ??

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2012/02/21 18:34:22
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 18:34:38 (permalink)
Having lived in and hunted 2B all of my life, I strongly disagree with your contention that access is not an issue in the more urban portions of 2B.  Aside from hunters sneaking on to the little parcels of land that border the burgh, there is very little available land to legally hunt.  I regularly have 15-20 deer at a time feeding in my back yard which abuts about 10-12 acres, yet no possible way to legally hunt it.  I could say the same for literally hundreds of areas in the North Hills area.  In the fall, it is common to see 3-5 deer hit per morning on 279 a few miles north of the burgh, or on the parkway east a few miles out from the burgh, yet once again few or no options exist for hunters to help.   Although I am not quite as familiar with the South Hills, I know of a number of areas there which have similar situations. 

These areas were overrun with deer 15 years ago, and despite (drastic) efforts made by the PGC to help control populations in these areas, the deer continue to be a problem today.  No amount of tags or season structure will help these true problem areas that exist today.

2B deer management strategies have done little more than concentrate hunters in the more accessible fringe areas of the WMU.  I was under the impression that the SRAs were put in place primarily to control urban deer populations, not to focus pressure on the rural fringe areas as it has.     

BTW, 2B doe harvests decreased dramatically last year if you didn't notice.  I am looking forward to seeing what they look like this year.
wayne c
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 18:49:08 (permalink)
All of the special regulations areas have had unlimited antlerless licenses for nearly twenty year now and they still have the highest deer populations in the state

Um, actually thats NOT true. While high DENSITIES exist in the urban areas of those units where access is limited, its not the case elsewhere in those units, or even "overall". Have a gander at the herd estimates given on the audit report. They arent even close to the highest overall. And also the buck harvests per square mile are FAR from the top. The last year given on the audit was 2008 And in 2008 2B for example had 1.2 bucks harvested per square mile. 2G by comparison had 1.6!!

But when you look at the facts of the harvest history for the counties that make up unit 2A it certainly appears that the harvest in 2A should be very comparable to the harvest of 2B.

WRONG!. The huge population centers within those counties are in 2B...NOT 2A! And therein to a large extent lies the difference in access issues.

As you can see for the first fifteen years both the antlerless and total deer harvests for the counties that make up unit 2A were higher than the harvests in the counties that make up unit 2B. But, during the past ten years or more the harvests per square mile for both does and total deer have been higher in 2B.

Course it has NOTHING to do with extended seasons etc. In 2B or the fact 2a was more easily reduced due to the access being lesser issue. Naw..that makes too much common sense! lol

I also like how cleverly your numbers were "bundled" as usual, to alleviate the "pain" and take the sharp edge off! lmao.

If you jump to conclusions and reduce the allocations and harvests only to find out the deer are in a natural decline

Simply not possible. It wasnt with over double the overwinter deer previously, it sure as heck isnt now.

Besides at this point there is nothing to indicate the current antlerless allocation and sales are going to result in an antlerless harvest that was any higher then the previous harvests or the target harvest.

Doesnt take as high of a harvest to reduce a much smaller herd.

You cannot forget that unit 2A went from a 12-day concurrent season to a 7-day concurrent season this year.

Which was assumed to have the exact same effect as the concurrent season + 55000 tags previously, according to the antlerless allocations pamphlet. It said the option for "herd stabilization" if the board decided to vote for that, was 55,000 tags + concurrent season or they could get the exact same from the increased allocation plus nonconcurrent season. Problem is, the previous allocation orf 55,000 + concurrent season was proven to DECREASE our herd. So it was nothing more than pure deciet, as usual.

That change was the reason they increased the allocation.

It shouldnt have been increased, since the goal was supposed to be STABILIZATION not reduction. And not only that, it was supposed to have been stabilized at a HIGHER density than our current one since our herd is now smaller than it was when stabilization was supposed to be the goal.

So, the bottom line is that there is no evidence that what is occurring in unit 2A is anything other than what is the best possible management direction to have the best possible deer populations for the future of the area.

And thats completely unsupportable ridiculousness, to the point of actually being humorous. There is ZERO evidence showing "best possible management" is occurreing, yet there has been quite a bit of very easy to understand glaring evidence of mismanagement, despite your meaningless denials, which you base on absolutely nothing.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/02/21 19:00:39
wayne c
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RE: never happen in PA 2012/02/21 18:52:57 (permalink)
I just can't understand how we can all agree the number of hunters is "decreasing" (a trend ) but yet some expect the harvest totals to go up ???

2A did not even sell all the tags., but some expected the harvest to go up ??

Oh god forbid 2A didnt sell all 65,000! lol. The highest allocation by a mile, in 2a's history this year! An sra-like allocation in a unit that isnt an sra! The deer will no doubt eat everything down to bare soil!

Since they didnt fool anyone by going split season and upping the allocation, maybe they can go back to what it was the year before with longer season and the less tags, next season, and maybe we won't know the difference?

post edited by wayne c - 2012/02/21 19:45:53
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