Look before pulling that trigger

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2012/01/18 10:59:50 (permalink)

Look before pulling that trigger

The Pennsylvania Game Commission says it's still investigating, but it appears that a hunter using a crossbow shot another man in the thigh after mistaking the victim for a deer.
Authorities aren't releasing the names of either man while the investigation continues.

The incident happened at dusk, about 5 p.m. Monday, in a wooded area of North Union Township, about 40 miles south of Pittsburgh. Monday was the last day of deer archery season in that part of the state.
Officials say the 59-year-old hunter apparently mistook the victim, who is believed to be 18 or 19, for wild game.
 The victim was taken to Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, W.Va. for the arrow lodged in his upper thigh   I was nearly shot when I was a teenager after the buck I shot ran past me and 3-4 guys above me shot at it running. There were bullets wizzing past me everywhere! The deer dropped 25 yards from me and as I got there this guy comes up and said his daughter shot that deer. I couldn,t beleive what he was saying! I did hear a shot 10 minutes before I saw the deer, but it was standing broodside at 50-60 yrds. looking up the hill at those guys above me when I shot. I struck him in the left side. I asked the guy where his daughter was and where the deer was when she shot. Now these 3 guys are standing beside us. She said she was shooting at him running uphill on his right side. As a teenager I always thought bigger is better..lol, so I loaded up my own shell using 220 gr mag. tips in a 30.06.I showed them the entry hole was on the left side then rolled it over and there was a hole your fist would fit in. She was using a 30.30. All agreed, but the dad, that was my deer.After the girl and dad left these guys were looking at the deer and I commenced to giving them hell for nearly killing me. They did look a little white and apologized. I was in a complete orange coveralls.My very first deer by the way.


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    retired guy
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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/18 13:10:48 (permalink)
    Ya cant teach common sense. These kinda idiots are producing nothin but anti fodder and killin the rest of us in more ways than one.
    post edited by retired guy - 2012/01/18 13:11:55
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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/18 15:28:29 (permalink)
    Sad day when a hunter can't tell the difference between a man and a deer.

    He should loose his hunting rights in this state for good.

    Got shot once while turkey hunting.
    Was set up about a 75 yards of off a dirt road before daybreak.
    About first light I hear a car stop on the road.
    Next thing I hear a shotgun going off and getting hit with shot.
    Luckily the distance amd all my clothing and rain gear didn't let anything penetrate.

    Man did that fella get a serious azz chewin from me. He kept saying " well you can hit me if you want, what can I do to make it right." I told him to walk down in the woods 75 yards and let me pepper his azz.

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/20 17:53:19 (permalink)
    i was archery hunting near buckaloons in anf one foggy morning, as i stood on a large boulder just off an old logging trail i hear some guys comming up the mtn. from the bottom. i thought very little of it . from time to time i would turn to see where they were going . now i turn to look and they are about 40 yds. down the mtn. when one of the 3 must have saw my movement and starts to draw his bow. now if i can see him WHY IS HE DRAWING ON ME??? . well what i said i cant put here but all 3 turned and left. how do you mistake someone 6 ft. 240lbs for a deer???. i really belive he would have shot first an looked later. SCARY
    Big Tuna
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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/20 18:31:52 (permalink)
    Scary to say the least. 59 years old and a guy does that. I'm 59 and have never even been close to mistaking a man for any game animal. I've pass up a ton of shots on every game animal in Pa. just to be safe. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I've been pepperd by small game hunters a few times in my life.
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/20 21:20:56 (permalink)
    Been "peppered" twice from upland bird hunters,

    one of which was while I was walking on a tram road during archery deer season overlap ... ,

    I actually saw the guy's dog.. stopped walking --- saw the bird take off and saw the guy raise his gun and shoot at it.... and yes felt the pellets hitting me... guy said he did not see me at all ...

    While deer hunting in Delaware(shotguns), A nice buck walked into the middle of a field and someone I had not even seen on the other side cut loose and his "pumpkin ball" hit the tree I was sitting under about a foot above my head... I just sat there for a few minutes in shock (I guess) ... I took off across the field after the guy.... he about died when I told him what happened... bad part was that back then it was not required for flo orange ... I count that as one blessing in my life...
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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/21 17:07:02 (permalink)
    Let's see here.  It's 5PM (prime-time) on the last day of archery season in that area.

    There's still plenty of daylight left to ID your target.

    Along come this 18 YO walking right thru this guys hunting area.

    Maybe, just maybe this bozo got pizzed and shot him for ruining his last minute hunt??

    There's nutjobs like that out there and don't think that there aren't.


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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/21 17:24:04 (permalink)
    If they play this off as an accident it will be a very sad day. Guy should be prosecuted imo. Not possible to shoot a human being. Your suppose to identify your target before you shoot. Bunch of b.s. I can't wait to hear what they come up with
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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/21 20:41:40 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: ridgehunter

    Let's see here.  It's 5PM (prime-time) on the last day of archery season in that area.

    There's still plenty of daylight left to ID your target.

    Along come this 18 YO walking right thru this guys hunting area.

    Maybe, just maybe this bozo got pizzed and shot him for ruining his last minute hunt??

    There's nutjobs like that out there and don't think that there aren't.

    Good point

    retired guy
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    RE: Look before pulling that trigger 2012/01/21 23:12:49 (permalink)
    Nahhh -the only way to get way with it is to run them over with your car some night and call it an accident. One year max unless you can say he was steppin out in front of ya in dark cloths or some other drivel==
     Gotta really wonder sometimes-----
      Right up there with those guys who accidentally shoot themselvs to death in hunting "accidents". No inuendo bout bein 'messed up' and the insurance pays off.
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