Stream in Youngwood

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2012/01/12 04:23:42 (permalink)

Stream in Youngwood

What is the name of the stream that passes through new stanton and youngwood and eventually dumps into the yough? and is there any access to it? I'd imagine there's fish in it somewhere. I've been driving over it for years and wondering if you could fish it, it looks deep enough in some places. Back in highschool I overheard some kids talking about fishing for pike or muskie under a bridge in new stanton? idk maybe I heard wrong? any info is much appreciated, you guys have been very helpful

On a second note, the stream that passes through manor has some of the biggest carp i've ever seen in a pool about 5' deep in the slate dumps in westmoreland city, but i've heard too many stories to go back there. This stream is just as big so i figure there must be something in it.

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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 07:09:48 (permalink)
    i think that creek is jack's run. i fished it once at the bridge by the produce factory. there are plenty of carp in there. none i saw were over 10lbs though. it would be a great stream for catching minnows for bait. there were tons of chubs swimming around. if i were to fish it again. i'd take my fly pole and go after carp that way. that creek bottom is loaded with insects. i've seen carp coming to the top for them. i just wasn't fishing at the time.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 07:19:20 (permalink)
    Is this the same stream that runs along the bike trail in greensburg? You guys really got my attention on this one, always looking for a chub spot. And would LOVE to get my hands on some small carp. PM's welcome
    post edited by FishinGuy - 2012/01/12 07:29:22
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 07:38:34 (permalink)
    Sewickley creek, from what I can gather on Google maps.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 07:44:48 (permalink)
    It's Jacks Run.

    Might be decent for someone with a minnow trap looknig for bait, but the water quality is pretty lousy, and I wouldn't mess with it. Much better chance of catching something worthwhile in the aforementioned Sewickley creek, and even that is not the greatest water.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 08:49:29 (permalink)
    Google maps says the creek that runs along jacks run rd in youngwood is sewickley creek. Typo I'm sure. And yeah that creeks pretty Orange, in the summer ne way. Never seen any life in it while bike riding. Will check farther down stream in the spring time. Thanks for the info. I will respect the resource if it works out.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 08:55:48 (permalink)
    respect the resource

    Where did this phrase come from? I've been seeing it a lot. It sounds like some sort of talking point or buzz word to me. Just wondering.

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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 08:57:08 (permalink)
    Brush creek is the second one you're referring to Catbass, that is a healthy stream. Any info on where to park to get to the spot by the slag piles? I see it on the map but don't see a parking spot. Pm if u prefer, especially if its private property.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 09:05:47 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: FishinGuy

    Google maps says the creek that runs along jacks run rd in youngwood is sewickley creek. Typo I'm sure. And yeah that creeks pretty Orange, in the summer ne way. Never seen any life in it while bike riding. Will check farther down stream in the spring time. Thanks for the info. I will respect the resource if it works out.

    Yeah that's a typo. Sewickley comes in from farther east, and eventually Jacks Run dumps into it. Sewickly isn't exactly what I'd call pristine, but if you're in the area, it might be worth checking out. In the upper reaches, it even gets stocked. I've heard of guys catching pike in there, throughout it's length, but never actually saw it done, or even pics, so take that for what you will.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 09:41:07 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: FishinGuy

    Brush creek is the second one you're referring to Catbass, that is a healthy stream. Any info on where to park to get to the spot by the slag piles? I see it on the map but don't see a parking spot. Pm if u prefer, especially if its private property.

    Been 20+ years since I fished there as a teenager, but you used to be able to park at the P.A.L. ballfield complex in Shafton and walk the creek. Back then, there were carp and suckers right by the ballfields too.

    I used to hunt as a kid where those slag piles are. Back then, the guy that owned it - Dan Medich - used to let everybody hunt there. Think the farm is still in the family, but access is very limited now from what I understand.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 09:41:10 (permalink)
    Fun fact: I know a descendent of the guy that they named jacks run after.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 10:12:24 (permalink)
    For what it is worth; both Jacks Run & Brush Creek have Sewage plants on them. Also quite a few years ago,a sportsmans Club" Youngwood Sportsmans, I think" tried stocking Jacks Run with channel cats, I don't remember how that turned out. sam
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 11:09:31 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy

    respect the resource

    Where did this phrase come from? I've been seeing it a lot. It sounds like some sort of talking point or buzz word to me. Just wondering.
    I won't trash the place, overharvest, or ruin it for anyone else who may be pulling their hair out cuz their spot just got blown up.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 11:17:02 (permalink)
    I live 5 minutes from the PAL ballfield. Been a couple years since I been back there always did good on the carp if you parked there and walked about a mile downstream. Do not park on the tracks I got fined a couple years ago. Ed
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 13:35:23 (permalink)
    The creek in Manor is Brush Creek. I have not been around that creek for about 20 years, but at one time there were carp in it above Tinkers Run in Irwin. From that point on it is polluted with mine acid drainage. The sewage plant is in the polluted portion of the creek.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 13:48:52 (permalink)
    Carp can live some amazing places....Don't let pollution ruin the thought there could be something there to catch...
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 14:14:50 (permalink)
    Look where tinkers run dumps into brush creek... I would be very surprised if there were healthy populations of anything downstream from that bright Orange mess. But from there up, its very clean.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 15:48:03 (permalink)
    We're probably talking about the same hole about a mile up from pal, I've never fished at pal just up the stream a little from it, i've seen huge carp in there. And how do you catch the chubs/minnows?
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 18:05:41 (permalink)
    Minnow trap and bread, or a small hook and worm
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/12 21:36:04 (permalink)
    Jack's run flows from Greensburg through Youngwood then merges with Sewickley creek between Youngwood and New Stanton.

    There are carp in Jack's run in Youngwood right at the end of Trolley Line Ave where Depot Street Crosses the creek.  I saw a school of about 20 carp right below the Depot St bridge one day last year.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/13 04:02:11 (permalink)
    Thats crazy, never woulda thought lol. Is there any access to the stream? everywhere I see is all grown in, I'd love to get at these carp
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/13 07:47:18 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: catbass

    Thats crazy, never woulda thought lol. Is there any access to the stream? everywhere I see is all grown in, I'd love to get at these carp

    Check a map, dUUd. Find places where roads are near or cross the stream, then use satellie view to check for pull offs. Drive around to these places and if there's no posted signs, check it out.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/14 09:55:58 (permalink)
    u could fish right off of the depot street bridge if u wanted to.
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    RE: Stream in Youngwood 2012/01/15 08:13:13 (permalink)
    there's parking in the warmer months at that park behind heplers. i think it's on thermo village rd.
    there's a section of jacobs creek that flows into scottdale that is virtually the same kinda deal as jack's run. if you park at kendi soccer field. not sure i spelled that right. anyway, if you walk across the fields, cross the swamp and into the woods. there are a few real nice holes back there i used to fish all the time. i did pretty good on carp and some small cats. there are loads of little bait fish in there too.  
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