Does Pa Hold a New Record?

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2011/12/29 11:29:47 (permalink)

Does Pa Hold a New Record?

After being amazed at the size of the bucks being taken in PA now, just a general question, does PA have the program in place to produce the next world record whitetail? Each year - they seem to get bigger! The publicity would be relentless for sure (maybe not a good thing!). What are your thoughts on this?

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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 12:00:23 (permalink)
    IMO there is no chance of a world record coming from PA.  I would cite our very high hunter density as the main reason for my opinion.  We simply don't allow enough bucks to reach full maturity (potential).
    If you look at the top B&C buck producing areas, the common denominator seems to be that they all have relatively low hunter densities. 
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 12:05:30 (permalink)
    Not likely, IMO.  Too many factors agianst it. 
    High hunter numbers, lots of public land, long firearms seasons, not shotgun/muzzleloader/bow only, not alot of agriculture, history, no larger blocks of QDM co-ops etc.........

    My rifle is a black rifle
    wayne c
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 13:20:34 (permalink)
    does PA have the program in place to produce the next world record whitetail?

    Lol. Not by a longshot. Unless something escapes from a high fence or some idiot tries some decietful crap shooting a farm raised deer etc...

    Current world record typical whitetail= 213- 5/8". Pa record = 189... Quite a difference.

    Current world record nontyp whitetail = 333 7/8"...... Pa record = 238-6" Gee only a hundred inches behind. Look out B&C number one slot here we come!

    BTW, both Pa records were taken in the 40's. Maybe something has recently passed them, not sure, but thats the info on Pa according to the pgc website.
    post edited by wayne c - 2011/12/29 13:22:09
    wayne c
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 13:55:42 (permalink)
    Ugh. Worse than I even thought. Here is a list of states with higher state record bucks than Pa


    Georgia-------191 4/8
    Illinois------204 4/8
    Indiana-------195 1/8
    Iowa----------201 4/8
    Kansas--------198 2/8
    Kentucky------204 2/8
    Maine---------195 2/8
    Massachusetts-193 1/8
    Montana-------199 3/8
    Nebraska------199 2/8
    New Jersey----189 4/8
    New york------198 2/8
    North Dakota--195 2/8
    Ohio----------201 1/8
    South Dakota--193
    Texas---------196 4/8
    Wisconsin-----206 1/8
    Wyoming-------191 5/8

    One would figure that with Gary Alts super duper program in place that we could have at least beaten out NEW JERSEY for cryin' out loud! lmao.

    And now for the nontypicals, and for those with an aversion to stink, ya might wanna hold your nostrils. lol.

    States with higher scoring nontypical bucks than Pa:

    Alabama--------259 7/8
    Colorado-------258 2/8
    Georgia--------248 4/8
    Illinois-------304 3/8
    Indianna-------251 4/8
    Iowa-----------307 5/8
    Kansas---------280 4/8
    Kentucky-------270 5/8
    Louisianna-----281 6/8
    Minnesota------268 5/8
    Mississippi----295 6/8
    Missouri-------333 7/8
    Montana--------252 1/8
    Nebraska-------279 7/8
    New York-------244 2/8
    North Dakota---254 6/8
    Ohio-----------328 2/8
    Oklahoma-------248 6/8
    South Dakota--256 1/8
    Tennessee------244 3/8
    Virginia-------257 4/8
    Wisconsin------247 4/8
    Wyoming--------238 7/8

    Wow! Talk about sucking "hind teat"!


    post edited by wayne c - 2011/12/29 13:56:37
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 13:58:55 (permalink)
    Not with 500,000 meat hunters and hunters that think a 3 year old deer is a magnum.

    Just to hard to get those deer into the 4-5-6 year old bracket where their true potential can be seen .

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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 17:03:28 (permalink)
    The reason I ask is that I have heard of some 200+ class bucks that are waiting for the normal waiting/drying period. Is this false info or are there some monsters waiting to be officially scored? Thanks for the replies! Cool to hear other hunters opinions and I know you guys are always armed the latest info/stats. Good hunting and shoot straight!
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 17:20:08 (permalink)
    You will find that 200+ Class bucks tend to shrink (a lot) when the man with the tape measurer starts to work. That's why I chuckle when hearing about all the mega 160+ or whatever bucks someone judged on the hoof. Besides that a buck that may gross 200 typical will have a lot of potential deductions due to abnormal points, lopsided, etc. My relations have shot 4-5 bucks that gross P&Y but didn't net enough to make the book.
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 17:23:55 (permalink)
    rumor has it there is an archery buck that mite over take the exsiting PA STATE archery record wich i think is in the high 160,s low 170 typical cant quite rember the score

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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 17:44:08 (permalink)
    State record typical archery buck netted 178" I believe, which was taken a 5 or 6 years ago in the Burgh. Non-typical state archery record was 209", from Allegheny Co in 2007.

    I saw a buck killed this archery season that supposedly was rough scored in the low 190s, gross. It is going to take some serious deductions and I doubt it has a chance to threaten the current state record. It is still an incredible buck though.
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 17:50:27 (permalink)
    I saw a buck killed this archery season that supposedly was rough scored in the low 190s, gross. It is going to take some serious deductions and I doubt it has a chance to threaten the current state record. It is still an incredible buck though.

    That's the one problem I have with the PY and BC scoring system. There some real nice bucks taken that due to their antler configuration and amount of deductions don't show up in the books.
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 18:08:22 (permalink)
    I agree, the guy who shot it thought he had a definite state record and was pretty bummed to find out that only the net score mattered. I am still curious to see what the official score will be. It was without a doubt one of the biggest bucks I had ever seen killed.

    My buck from last year grossed close to 150", however because it was so asymmetrical, net score wasn't enough to make P&Y as a typical. Even if it was scored as a non-typical, the basis of the scoring is still on the symmetry of the "mainframe" portion and mine wouldn't have come close to making the book.

    Nets are for fishing anyways
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 20:08:43 (permalink)
    Maine must have Ohio type soils
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 20:36:27 (permalink)
    post edited by S-10 - 2011/12/29 20:39:10
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 20:39:20 (permalink)
    Not unless something changes.....

    Has it ever been proposed or talked about to manage particular game lands for trophy deer? I think that would be a decent idea if each of the WMU's had 1 or 2 large game lands managed for trophy buck via lottery. I guess another spin on that would be primative weapon only on particular game lands. I think that would allow the deer to get to a greater age hence growing larger antlers. I like the lottery idea, and other states do it, so why couldn't PA? There are trophy stretches of trout water that have particular regulations, why couldn't game lands do the same(outside of obvious catch and release reasons!). Could also issue Cull tags for sub-par bucks, that may be tough to manage, but I think it could be doable.

    It would be nice to have the opportunity to hunt trophy bucks on public land close to home(as long as you were lucky to draw tag). I personally would pay more money to have the opportunity.

    What are everyone's thoughts?

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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 21:23:11 (permalink)
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 21:29:54 (permalink)
    I thought AR was for trophy deer?
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 21:45:40 (permalink)
    You got in line for the Kool aid too, didn't you...

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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/29 22:02:18 (permalink)
    It would be nice to have the opportunity to hunt trophy bucks on public land close to home(as long as you were lucky to draw tag). I personally would pay more money to have the opportunity.

    What are everyone's thoughts?

    Go west young man...Ohio
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/30 15:18:21 (permalink)
    I remember taking my wife for her first trip to the Harrisburg sports show.  After about an hour or so, she looked at me and said, "It isn't the opera crowd, is it?"  Well, no its not.  And that is exactly why PA will never be a "trophy" deer state.  PA hunters want to hunt deer, see deer, and kill deer.  A very small majority, like the opera crowd vs. the football crowd, want to see it become such and as long as the vast majority don't, PA will not have trophy deer hunting and the opera will drawn in the hundreds, not hundreds of thousands like a good college football game.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/30 16:06:46 (permalink)
    Some of us are confident in our manhood to take a forkhorn or spike buck....WF
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/31 12:54:19 (permalink)
    Some of us are even more confident in our manhood because we don't have the need to kill everything that moves just because we can.

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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/31 14:24:48 (permalink)
    Antler envy...WF
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/31 17:38:01 (permalink)
    Gotta wonder how many guys even have them scored- have seen some real bruisers at the taxidermist shops from time to time.
      Some just want the memory on their wall and dont give a hoot bout the notoriety.
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/31 19:46:43 (permalink)
    RG there was a 204" nontypical killed here 3-4 years ago with the bow.

    Will never see the books, amish kid probably has it on the barn wall.

    Although I did get to hunt him for 3 days after we got trail cam pics of him. He was killed 3 days later.

    These were the pics we got.

    Here he is dead.

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    wayne c
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2011/12/31 21:08:47 (permalink)
    Something kinda interesting just saw posted on another site, an article from last year.

    post edited by wayne c - 2011/12/31 21:09:45
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2012/01/01 13:43:53 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: wayne c

    Something kinda interesting just saw posted on another site, an article from last year.


    Even if Block scored fewer B&C bucks during the year that doesn’t really mean anything other than he as just one person scored fewer. The fact is other people score B&C bucks as well and they must have had an increase in the number they scored since the number of B&C bucks coming from Penna. has been on the increase during recent years.
    From what I am hearing Penna. went from being number fourteen to number nine in the P&Y record book during the past ten years and is now putting more bucks in the record book than Kansas and Kentucky.
    It does appear though that the number of record book bucks coming from the Southwestern part of the state, where Block would have always been getting the bucks he measures from, might be on the decline when you compare the past to recent entries in the state record book. Since there is an obvious increase in record bucks coming from other parts of the state it appears likely that either the southwest habitat is declining and no longer producing the quality of bucks it once did but, what I suspect is most likely is that many hunters simply aren’t getting some of their lower end record book bucks measured any more because they are now just average bucks instead of what was once looked on as a trophy.
    R.S. Bodenhorn 
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2012/01/01 15:11:37 (permalink)
    what I suspect is most likely is that many hunters simply aren’t getting some of their lower end record book bucks measured any more because they are now just average bucks instead of what was once looked on as a trophy.

    R.S. Bodenhorn

    REALLY!!!!! Do you happen to know the odds of harvesing ANY Record Book buck. In ANY State?
    wayne c
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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2012/01/01 17:53:23 (permalink)
    "Even if Block scored fewer B&C bucks during the year that doesn’t really mean anything other than he as just one person scored fewer. The fact is other people score B&C bucks as well and they must have had an increase in the number they scored since the number of B&C bucks coming from Penna. has been on the increase during recent years."

    What is shows is a likely decline in entries in an area that has historically been one of the better areas of the state for trophy production. And now the herd reductions are clearly limiting it.

    "From what I am hearing Penna. went from being number fourteen to number nine in the P&Y record book during the past ten years and is now putting more bucks in the record book than Kansas and Kentucky."

    Yeah. And I saw who it was that posted that claim also. Someone with zero credibility. Not saying whether its true or not, I havent checked out that claim, but it sounds like you havent either. But I wouldnt put a whole lot of stock in it, just because you saw it posted on the internet by an environmentalist that is known for always posting all kinds of inaccuracies.

    As for WHY the decline in southwest region its abundantly clear, the deer herd being slashed in half played the number one role. Pretty much common sense, no mystery there. Many less deer = Many less deer. Including "big bucks".

    I also dont buy the ridiculous claim less guys are getting them measured. Especially when so few folks take ANY buck, let alone book qualifiers. Hardly as if they are a dime a dozen... For the record, I dont bother getting racks measured, unless it would be an extreme monster, Id THINK about it.. And that hasnt changed Ive felt the same 30 years ago as I do today.

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    RE: Does Pa Hold a New Record? 2012/01/01 18:20:17 (permalink)
    PA is ahead of Kansas and Kentucky?

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