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Why can,t 2b just be slugs archery only i live in the northern part of 2b and the deer here should b on the endagerd list i love hunting but reducing the herd to 1 deer per sq mile is wrong imo i disagree w/ the exstened doe in let alone the use of rifels in 2B {late season should be primative weapons only] If we live in 2b then the law should be equal for all its just wrong that one guy has to use a slug gun in allegheny while hunters outside allegheny but still in 2b use rifels
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2011/12/28 08:41:01
2B needs re-aligned. Same problem on the western and southern fringes. Unlimited tags and a very long season has taken its toll on the more rural areas of 2B. Pressure needs to be directed where it is needed.
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2011/12/28 09:46:18
Commissioner Schlemmer was willing to entertain the discussion about a year ago but I think that discussion died. He may be a good one to contact to see where he stands on it at the moment.
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2011/12/28 11:57:26
Toad, you are not alone on this issue and nearly all 2B hunters I know would agree with you. Deer populations in rural parts of 2B are spotty at best and in urban/suburban parts(such as where I live) are still ridiculously high and have been unaffected by policy changes over the last 10 years. Regarding the extended season, as I have said before when you have only 2 small limited access areas open for a free for all doe kill while the rest of the state is not open(limited), where do you think the majority of our 700k+ deer hunters will wind up? I am all for additional hunting opportunities, but the special reg extended free for all season does far more harm than good concerning LO relations and the deer herd. I guess most of my concerns would be alleviated with a reconfiguration of 2B to concentrate pressure where it needs to be. I think it is time to put together my comments and be heard. Thanks for the contact D, I am going to get something in writing to him soon.
Big Tuna
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2011/12/29 11:13:48
2B should only be Allegheny Co. and slug and bow.The small parts of Beaver,Butler and Washington co. Get a real pounding,it's just crazy.
Moses Guthrie
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2011/12/29 13:08:52
1 change I think that has caused a decrease in the deer heard in northern allegheny/butler area is the opening of the county parks to hunting. Deer Lakes and Harrison hills used to be absolutely loaded in late season with deer pushed from the surrounding areas. while there are still deer nothing like it used to be prior to be opened. That said my group has a lot of access in that area mentioned above and is still seeing deer every time out. I think the lack of access has a lot to due with people not seeing deer. If I did not have permission to hunt about a dozen different pieces of land and drive out some safety zones and had to hunt the same piece one or two peices of property I am sure our numbers would dwindle fast.
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2011/12/29 15:00:45
harrison hills is in allegheny co i hunt on a small piece of property near there i still see deer in that area now across the river less than a mile from hhp the deer pop is near neil this is the problem small areas where hunting is restricted and anti hunters live are still over populated and pgc thinks because they issue so many permits people will go there they dont they go on open hunting grounds an hammer the doe w/ rifels if the surrounding areas that u hunt where open to rifels and unlimited tags till the end of jan those numders would dwindle even faster than u think now with all that said if 2b was archery only for the exstended season i feel more hunters would go to the more populated areas where they have better odds of getting a doe than areas where all they have to do is see one to get a shot off
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2011/12/29 16:38:51
I've killed well over a dozen deer....some doe and some buck, with a shotgun or ML in areas open to rifle. None of the deer new the difference between a slug gun or 06 when i hit them. For the most part, very few deer are killed with a rifle in PA that could not be killed with a shotgun or ML. Illinois, Iowa, Ohio has far fewer trees and flatter topography (generally). The likelyhood of seeing a deer at 200+ yards is many times greater than here, thus saving more deer with slug laws. I too agree that 2B is arranged improperly. As I stated before, If the PGC would use DMAP tags more effectively in 2B, instead of WMU wide tags exclusively, the deer and the hunters would be better off.w_w.
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2011/12/29 19:48:48
The majority of the deer in 2B is either on private property with NO hunting access or in the suburban neighborhoods with NO hunting access due to safety zones. There are areas in the suburbs where the deer numbers are high and bowhunting is only allowed but most bowhunters fail to do their duty. They would much rather sit, wait, pick and choose on the big bucks instead of taking a doe or 2 and trying to help control the deer pop. in that particular area. 2B needs to be reduced in size and managed accordingly. More than half of 2B in a metro area, do we need deer at all in the metro area? Why is there even a antler restriction in 2B???
post edited by ridgehunter - 2011/12/29 21:58:06
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2012/01/02 17:53:50
Well, Christmas eve, on the way to the inlaws in Southern Butler Co. (just north of Cranberry), the family and I saw over 60 deer b/w 4 different fields and not a posted sign in sight on the woodlots bordering two of the 4 fields. The other 2 had posted signs nearby. I may be venturing a little farther next year for archery season if I can land some permission this spring/summer. Those fields must be taking a beating with all those deer hammering them.
post edited by eyesandgillz - 2012/01/03 12:25:26
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2012/01/02 18:53:09
I also agree 2B needs better management. Here in the bottom of Allegheny county we have several hundred acres of open to the public hunting. Channel 4 broadcasts it every year. 900 acres of Consol property and 400 of the Triple B farm, plus lots more. The first week it looks like a pumpkin patch. I don't feel safe so I hunt a private farm in 2c first two days. My buddies however love to hunt here....saves gas and time. They met a group of Amish people that come down here and slaughter as many as they can. They bring 2 or 3 vans and pull a flat trailer. My buddy counted 14 on the trailer, I believe it was the first Saturday. I ran into 4 guys from Cambria County and they said they don't see anything up their way so they come down here. Between the 4 of them they took 6 out in one day and said they would be back for more. If you got the enough guys to drive them out you can see plenty. Also some strong legs as everything is a hill or hollow. If you hunt solo or with just one or two buddies you will probably be lucky to see anything. I used to hunt Jefferson Boro, but 43 took out my favorite hunting spot. Archers, smoke poles and slugs yes. BUT let's limit the number of doe tags per hunter. Also why can an archer take a buck in extended season but an flint lock hunter cannot? OH yeah, if you think only slug guns are used down here you are delusional. I've ran into several guys over the years with rifles on their shoulders. WCO's can't be everywhere..........
wayne c
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2012/01/02 19:02:56
Commissioner Schlemmer was willing to entertain the discussion about a year ago but I think that discussion died. He may be a good one to contact to see where he stands on it at the moment. Commissioner Schlemmer also said in an email that I had read to a friend after he had contacted him with concerns over the excessive reductions that have been taking place, especially since the goal was supposed to be STABILIZATION since 2004! lmao...anyway, to alleviate his concerns, schlemmer said that a split season and allocation REDUCTION was something that the unit would be recieving. The split season was delivered, along with not only no reduction to the extreme 55000 allocation, but actually ADDED to it another 10,000 tags! lmao. Commissioner Schlemmer is just another full of- commissioner, cut from the same political antideer cloth as most of the others on the stacked board for the last 12 or 15 years. He has the usual credentials.. Environmentalist background/education. Also a member of WPA conservancy. Contributor to the wildlife for everyone endowment, and the "Ned Smith" center.  lol. Also affiliation with dept of ag. cwd task force. OF course he also has the "necesssary" hunting organization I guess thats all that matters. lmao.. ...Anyway..if there were unit restructuring you can bet your last dollar that both "new" sections would recieve the same unlimited tags per mile that they have now anyway, and no "gains" to be had deer psm-wise.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/01/02 19:31:09
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2012/01/02 19:50:16
ORIGINAL: BIG WAGS Also why can an archer take a buck in extended season but an flint lock hunter cannot? They can. Late archery, flintlock and extended antlerless all run concurrent and end on the same day in the SRA. Just got to have the right tag and license.
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2012/01/02 20:29:57
Not to rain on your parade but you fellows do realize that a fairly extensive study actually done by a research outfit in Pennsylvania found that slug guns are just as dangerous as rifles and there is really no reason to use them in populated areas other than to satisfy a incorrect perception that they are safer than rifles.
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2012/01/03 07:37:35
ORIGINAL: S-10 Not to rain on your parade but you fellows do realize that a fairly extensive study actually done by a research outfit in Pennsylvania found that slug guns are just as dangerous as rifles and there is really no reason to use them in populated areas other than to satisfy a incorrect perception that they are safer than rifles. I remember it well. Study did show that the perception among non-hunters is that shotguns are safer than high power. Statistics prove that wrong. But, the discussion in this thread is not about the safety issue but about the use of high power by hunters with virtually unlimited tags for almost 7 weeks. I guess the question is then is high power more effective than shotgun if all others factors are equal? You know Ohio rather well. Would the legalization of high power for deer affect the harvest during firearms?
post edited by dpms - 2012/01/03 07:44:23
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2012/01/03 09:58:21
While I really think the discussion is irrevelant concerning slug guns because the PGC isn't about to go that way due to having that study data and also wanting to reduce the deer herd I will try to answer your question. The data from nearly all states shows that the ones with the greatest number of big bucks are also the ones with shotgun only seasons as opposed to rifle seasons. This would indicate that (in general) MOST shotguns in the hands of the AVERAGE hunter are less effective than rifles. My experience in hunting with them in several different states leads me to the same conclusion. I know several hunters in Ohio that use modern muzzle loaders rather than shotguns perfering their increased accuracy to the additional shots.
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2012/01/03 10:08:54
I have no expereince hunting deer in shotgun only states but my guess would be what you conclude. With some rural parts of 2B be in the high power areas, unlimited tags, easier access and a 7 week season is taking its toll.
My rifle is a black rifle
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2012/01/03 10:14:21
I would presume that it has a whole lot more to do with 2 main factors in the midwestern states: lower hunter densities and more limited access to private land. And in some cases, restricted access to hunting on public lands during gun seasons. In KY for example, all deer hunting on public lands during general firearms seasons is by lottery only, even for residents. Also, aren't gun seasons in those states generally more along the lines of 7-10 days long, instead of 2 weeks?
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2012/01/03 11:20:10
ORIGINAL: dpms ORIGINAL: S-10 Not to rain on your parade but you fellows do realize that a fairly extensive study actually done by a research outfit in Pennsylvania found that slug guns are just as dangerous as rifles and there is really no reason to use them in populated areas other than to satisfy a incorrect perception that they are safer than rifles. I remember it well. Study did show that the perception among non-hunters is that shotguns are safer than high power. Statistics prove that wrong. But, the discussion in this thread is not about the safety issue but about the use of high power by hunters with virtually unlimited tags for almost 7 weeks. I guess the question is then is high power more effective than shotgun if all others factors are equal? You know Ohio rather well. Would the legalization of high power for deer affect the harvest during firearms? I would suspect that any deer shot and killed with a shotgun with slugs would also be shot and killed with a rifle (rare exception would be extremely close to the animal limb hit that would deflect a slug, but disintegrate a rifle bullet), while not all deer shot and killed with a rifle would necessarily be killed with a shotgun, especially at distance. Yes a modern slug gun is fairly accurate, but physics has not reversed itself and gravity still proves that the earth sucks. The drop of a heavier, slower slug becomes quite the X-factor (no singing permitted) when 100 yards is eclipsed, 200 yards becomes a reality, 300 yards is the only options, and 400 yards is still within the realm of possiblities -- particularly if that distance is unknown to within 25 yards or so at the moment of truth. Almost any modern rifle of any decent velocity (and especially any magum caliber rifle) with good optics can turn an inch high or two inch high 100 yard zero (depending on claiber) into a muzzle to 300 yard still-on-the-animal hold, while the sluggun cannot. Now, whether the shooter can make the shot is another story. I shot an antlerless deer two years ago off a shooting stick rest that was later ranged at 419 yards. It was a top-of-the-back hold with my Remington Sendro in 300 Weatherby Magnum (zeroed 2 inches high at 100 yards). Take any sluggun you want with a box of ammo (presuming the deer doesn't bolt at the first shot)and good luck on making that shot. Since switching from primarily woods hunting to farm hunting my shots have grown from the previously normal 50 yards to bwtween 150 (the shortest) to the above mentioned over 400, with most falling somewhere in the 175 to 225 range. Not too difficult to do with a rifle, much harder with a shotgun.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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2012/01/03 12:13:02
If I recall correctly, the research showed that a slug fired at a zero degree angle had a greater ricochet distance than the rifle projectile fired at the same angle. I wouldn't say that alone makes a slug gun more dangerous, but it certainly was a wake up call that sluggers are not the safety gun which they are often thought of as. Dars, I agree with your assessment and there is no doubt that even the best performing sluggers/inlines can not compare with the ballistics of most popular centerfire cartidges. Most slug gun hunters I know would never shoot beyond 150 yards with a rifled barrel and saboted slugs. The same people (including myself) however, have no problem taking a shot to 250 yards with rifle in hand.
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2012/01/03 12:25:50
Also, aren't gun seasons in those states generally more along the lines of 7-10 days long, instead of 2 weeks? In many cases yes although you have to look at the entire season structure. For example in Ohio their gun season for bucks is 9 days as compared to our 12. However, they also have a weekend gun season for youth that includes all bucks and also their archery season runs from late Sept through the first week in Feb and 35% of their deer kill is during archery. As a general rule I think the facts do show that rifles are a much more effective weapon for killing deer than shotguns, the exception being in states or areas where the majority of cover is just too thick for the advantages of the rifles long range accuracy to come into play. I have a shotgun set up with a rifled barrel and pistol scope that I will kill any stationary deer at 150 yards just as easily as you will with your rifle. At 250 yards I'll take a pass.
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2012/01/03 12:34:32
Get rid of the extended antlerless season outside of the Orange belt (see this link: and most of the concerns go away, I think. Need to pick off a road to complete the "loop" in the South but that would probably do it. Populations in the County parks are already managed by WMA, for the most part, so they shouldn't factor into it.
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2012/01/03 12:57:19
Have shot a few with a 12 ga slug and always considered it to be a very good Deer projectile. That said all were well within 1oo yds. Most do not have the will or expertise to shoot much over 100 even with a modern rifle thus making the slug gun - specially the modern ones- at least equal to a rifle in the hands of the average hunter. Few of us have the skills or experience that Dar has when shooting distance therefore IMHO a slug gun is in fact generally not much of a deal breaker when considering where to hunt with those restrictions. Same here in Ct with similar restrictions on State lands.
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2012/01/03 13:04:46
My rifle is a black rifle
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2012/01/03 14:34:35
ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz Get rid of the extended antlerless season outside of the Orange belt (see this link: and most of the concerns go away, I think. Need to pick off a road to complete the "loop" in the South but that would probably do it. Populations in the County parks are already managed by WMA, for the most part, so they shouldn't factor into it. This
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2012/01/03 16:50:20
ORIGINAL: retired guy Few of us have the skills or experience that Dar has when shooting distance therefore IMHO a slug gun is in fact generally not much of a deal breaker when considering where to hunt with those restrictions. I just put the old Haloween Jack-O-Lantern out at 50 yards and take a shot off my porch. If I hit, I'm good to go.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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2012/01/03 17:08:51
It all depends on the type of hunting and shooting your used to doing. If you ding chucks in the summer at 250+ a deer sized critter with a rifle is a piece of cake. If you dust off the old shooter the weekend before deer season and shoot a couple times to make sure it still does then perhaps you should pass on long shots. I know a couple long range shooters that will shoot a standing deer at 500 yds with no problem. I'am not one of them. My longest shot on a buck with the sabot and rifled barrel was a measured 140 yds. With the rifle about 3 times that. That was a couple pair of glasses ago.
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2012/01/03 21:06:44
Dar- Hmmmmm-seem to recall that same procedure some time ago on another post. 10-- 500 yds is usually over a hill or two round here- or off in the woods where ya cant see more than that 140. Sounds like that big corn lot or beanfield shootin- must be fun.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/01/03 21:27:58
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2012/01/04 10:07:35
RG, The wide open is quite a change from the woods hunting I did for the bulk of my PA deer hunting experiences. In the past, with the exception of a power line, the most I could see in the woods was about 150 or so and most shots were well under 100. But a required change in hunting venues meant a change to hunting more agrarian places such as bean fields, cut corn, mown hay, and warm season grass fields. With this change distance became more of a factor. I won't say it is any more "fun" than woods hunting, though. In actuality, I prefer to hear a deer crunching in from behind me; let it pass by my stand location; identify it as legal (something that got more difficult with AR); pick a spot; and make the shot -- all within a half minute or less most of the time. Watching deer and not being able to take a shot isn't my thing -- that is one of the reasons I am not an archery hunter -- I fish to catch fish and I hunt to shoot things -- and just watching, sometimes for a very long time and not being able to get a shot just isn't my cup of tea. Where I was set up this year, I could see about 1,000 yards. With the location of certain things -- distant buildings, farm animals, rural roads, etc., even with that much open, there were limited zones of fire. Those zones of fire were also subject to topograghy, the normal deer travel passages, the approach one had to make into the area in order not to cause a change in travel passages, cover that made deer disappear like magic, and how quickly deer would appear or travel through an area. In other words, I got to see deer moving way too fast for a shot at the distance provided; saw deer way too far for an ethical shot (I had my sporter weight rifle, not my sniper gun); didn't see deer soon enough to set up for a distance shot; the deer didn't offer the proper angle for a shot; they changed their normal route and never offered a shot; etc. Of the 63 deer I saw there in the three days I hunted that property (before the "and you keep whining about the number of deer" bashers start, keep in mind that this is a highly specialized situation with four properties [I get to hunt one] comprising about 3,000 acres of highly posted, patroled, and closed ground with maybe a dozen hunters over the course of the season, so it is not indicative of the number of deer seen on public or private open-to-hunting properties in the area or my woods area in which I saw a total of seven deer in two days of hunting), I had acceptable shooting opportunities on three. Of the three, one was an antlered deer, which is off limits to me on this property, so that meant there were two available shots. Had I seen that number of deer in my woods area, which I did before AR/HR, there would have been more than likely 50+ available shots. So, fun, I don't know, at least for me. What one has to do to get a deer in my area of PA these days, yeah.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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2012/01/05 03:15:59
ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz Well, Christmas eve, on the way to the inlaws in Southern Butler Co. (just north of Cranberry), the family and I saw over 60 deer b/w 4 different fields and not a posted sign in sight on the woodlots bordering two of the 4 fields. The other 2 had posted signs nearby. I may be venturing a little farther next year for archery season if I can land some permission this spring/summer. Those fields must be taking a beating with all those deer hammering them. Same as i have seen down here in 2A....the last week the deer are here...i think the free food hand outs quit and there up longer looking for food.... i was out driving last night and tonight fresh tracks everywhere....most on properties where hunters use stands only... i think feeding...and so many guys just stand hunting is why hunters are not seeing the deer...nobody bumps them out.... if all the posted signs came down for the first two days of rifle next year and hunters hunted like they did 20 years ago...there would be a lot of shooting..... there isn't the deer of 20 years ago...but there's not as many hunters either.... i also seen 1 super buck tonight...and 2 average....