LockedHow did you do muzzle loading

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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/30 17:42:43 (permalink)
If you guys spent more time in the woods and less time crying on the internet, you would see more deer. But I forgot that takes EFFORT.

I must have missed your hero shot this year and last.
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/30 17:48:11 (permalink)
And it seems that you are the only person on this thread complaining about not seeing deer.....


Nope, not complaining, Doc and I got ours so everything is just fine in the state of Pennsylvania. Just pointing out that apparently having lots of opportunities to hunt a deer doesn't mean much unless there are deer in sufficient numbers to hunt and in many areas of the state there aren't.
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/30 19:40:16 (permalink)
And just about everyone on the thread has seen deer and in good numbers.
I've been to Point State Park several times and have yet to see a deer there, so maybe you have a point about there not being deer everywhere. :)
I'm not going to trash a good thread about hunting, so I'm done with this.  We can poke and prod on one of the many other threads devoted to the lack of deer.w_w.

If it has fins and gills, I'm there.

wayne c
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/30 21:28:03 (permalink)
Been out twice driving for some guys looking for buck only. One had a coupla does past him on one drive and blanked on all others, other guy saw nothing yet. Very few deer jumped for time and effort invested. Not surprising after very low numbers seen throughout archery & rifle season I guess. Gonna give 'er a go in the a.m.
post edited by wayne c - 2011/12/30 21:29:57
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/30 23:48:35 (permalink)
Sat in a new location today.
Went to an old beaver swamp.
Started with booting a flock of mallards.
Stood still for nearly 20 mins. before heading to the stand.
Half way there I hear a pack of coyotes chasing something.
I scamper to my stand with hopes what ever they are chasing will come my way.
Heard them off and on for 3hrs. Near dark 3 doe walk buy. So goes another day...:)

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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/31 15:10:47 (permalink)
      Disappointing day. Thought the rain would ruin the day, BUT saw no rain. The winds were whipping though, and it felt colder than 43. Went in @ 6:40. heard one walking thru ahead of me. Sat till 10:00am and saw nothing.....oops 2 squirrels, 554 crows, 14 geese, and 5 ducks........ Heard 3 shots all in one round and then no more. I was hoping for some hunters to push them around and saw none of those either.
        Monday forecasts is scary high of 24. Hope the snow comes as they are forecasting (guessing) it will. Vacation almost over..........ARGH !!!!!!
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/31 19:38:22 (permalink)
  Our Muzzel season in Ct closed today- No go  for the Muzzel season. Hate to admit it buy only saw 3 Deer in rifle and Muzzel put together on ' my' ridge with no nuts this year. Took one rifle Doe.
 Amazing what can happen when confined to one relatively small portion of woodland where the major food source has dried up. Generally see a few unmolested deer a day there and can pick and choose.
  Fields a mile or two away with NO signs all round- loaded. Like folks here say commonly- sometimes it all depends on where you go.
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/31 19:58:35 (permalink)
My brother and his buddy hunted Warren Co. this afternoon for about 2 hours. Saw 4 grouse, and 3 doe. They missed twice and had a missfire. Can't believe no one else was hunting with snow on the ground! I sure wish I was retired!!! Once again S10 there are plenty of deer, but you must go IN the woods.
wayne c
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/31 20:45:11 (permalink)
Once again S10 there are plenty of deer, but you must go IN the woods.

Yep PLENTY of deer. Thats why pgc is the most beloved agency in the state, maybe the nation... All because s10 doesnt go "IN" the woods.

Some of you "Jackie Bushman" professional types crack me up. LMAO!!
post edited by wayne c - 2011/12/31 20:50:03
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/31 22:09:47 (permalink)
wow some of you really know how to ruin a good thread we all know that the number of deer are down in the state but face it nothing is gonna change so just keep hunting while you still can never know when you might not be able to get out into the woods so enjoy it now and quit trashing interesting threads
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/31 23:04:53 (permalink)
Hunting deer, just like fishing, takes alot of preparation to be successful at it. People that " put their time in " usually have pretty good success. If you are not finding deer where you usually hunt, try throwin some time to new hunting areas. I just got permisiion friday to hunt a farm by simply pullin up and talkin to the farmer. A few nights before I put my time in, by spotting the farm and found some deer. So if you are not finding deer, dont be shy and get out their and FIND them.
wayne c
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/31 23:51:11 (permalink)
So the problem that trashed this thread is someone not being able to find deer?.... Not the condescention of others, or intolerance of others to having someone point out a perceived inaccurate statement was made....and therefore the best way to rectify the situation isnt with going back on topic now that its been addressed.... its more likely to be 'fixable' situation if ya jump right in with some completely inaccurate finger pointing. lol.

Gotta love the internet.
post edited by wayne c - 2011/12/31 23:57:06
wayne c
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2011/12/31 23:56:27 (permalink)
As for the TOPIC here, hunted little over half day, only one "stander" today to drive to, 2 of us driving for him. Drove several patches with some really nice thickets on 3 different properties. Most were dry runs, but had some deer go out wrong way twice,First I heard deer running and came across a single set of fresh tracks leaping over the hillside partway through the drive. On one other drive Isaw a few tails and got a quick look at, looked to be a mamma doe with twins. On last drive our stander had a buttonbuck sneak past and that was it for the day. In years past we'd probably have seen 15 to 20 deer driving all those patches late season, and quite likely put a buck or two out.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/01/01 00:04:27
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2012/01/01 08:59:48 (permalink)
Once again S10 there are plenty of deer, but you must go IN the woods.

Theis is the type of post that start the bickering and ruins threads, especially coming from someone who isn't even hunting himself but merely recounting the hearsay actions of others. For the record, I have been in the woods, driving for others, most of five full days so far this season and will be in the woods for several more, including scouting today for next years archery, so I do take serious exception to those types of remarks.
There are deer in the woods but no where near the numbers there were on average and I tire of those claiming there is. I have seen several 2-1/2 or better bucks that should be very good bucks next year. I have found two pockets of fair numbers of critters. I have also worked a good number of places that should, and used, to harbor many deer but no longer do. So far there has been no shooting but a couple shoulda, woulda, coulda, if only's. No doubt there will be a bit more action as the week goes on.
post edited by S-10 - 2012/01/01 09:08:42
fishin coyote
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2012/01/01 09:40:15 (permalink)
My results from the 1st week while battling this nasty cold. Have been a whopping 4 doe seen on thurs. but the guys I've been hunting with have all seen deer mostly does but some bucks. one guy got a 5pt with a 17" spread(good thing for the new rule of 3 up)

Nothing is Free!!
Reward equals Effort

Dr. Trout
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2012/01/01 09:58:32 (permalink)
This is what really starts the bickering and you know it..

There are deer in the woods but no where near the numbers there were on average and I tire of those claiming there is.

No one that I know of is saying there are the number of deer there once was.. most admit openly that the herd has been reduced significantly.. but that was the reason for herd reduction...

Most of us have just learned to deal with the lower numbers and see no point in continuing to post/complain or compare about the "good old days with lots of deer" ...

Many of us have found areas that still have good deer numbers,

Many are successful still in areas that have few deer (2B for example)

Some complain others kill deer....

It's 2012 and the deer herd is what it is .. we have to adjust .. complaining on the Internet is not going to add one single deer to this fall's population... that's a fact..

To add a deer to a poor area.. hunters just have to stop shooting deer in that poor area and we all know that is NOT going to happen.. one guys passes.. the next guy pulls the trigger..

It's called PA DEER HUNTING....


post edited by Dr. Trout - 2012/01/01 10:02:52
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2012/01/01 10:06:45 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: wayne c

As for the TOPIC here, hunted little over half day, only one "stander" today to drive to, 2 of us driving for him. Drove several patches with some really nice thickets on 3 different properties. Most were dry runs, but had some deer go out wrong way twice,First I heard deer running and came across a single set of fresh tracks leaping over the hillside partway through the drive. On one other drive Isaw a few tails and got a quick look at, looked to be a mamma doe with twins. On last drive our stander had a buttonbuck sneak past and that was it for the day. In years past we'd probably have seen 15 to 20 deer driving all those patches late season, and quite likely put a buck or two out.

One stander? What the heck is that? You put on a drive with one shooter? No wonder you didnt see any deer. Learn how to hunt em! oh my, I'm sorry, I got off topic. Please admin, dont delete my post.
wayne c
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2012/01/01 10:48:10 (permalink)
Dont care if there was one or ten that were able and wanting to stand. I filled my tag, was gonna drive regardless and they would do the same for me if it came down to it.

Thats all that were able, and wanted to go from our group. A couple others that muzzleload had buck tags were already filled. Others doent muzzleload. Other had other plans that day. We also arent hunting the "big woods" areas and small few man drives move anything in the woods out easily if they go out the wrong ways, usually they are seen anyway. Just seen by drivers or out of range for stander. 2 guys were driving because we had no buck tag. One standing because he did. And we put him at highest odds spot on each drive. The sightings muzzleloading have been pretty much in line with those seen rifle season as well. When we had more standers. And also the probably 24 days or so we archery hunted. And for the record, years ago, I killed my very first buck ever and many others have been taken by us since with one man driving to one man. Then again, I'll probably never do it again, because according to you its impossible. lmao.

If I need any further tips in the future I'll be sure to Pm you Mr. Bushman. lmao!

Reason I was driving is because I filled my buck tag archery season for the umteenth year in a row. So does that mean I too am an official "Jackie Bushman Jr. wannabe" or .... does it just mean hunting in Pa is super duper fantastic? ... lmao!

Gotta love the internet experts. Their advice and a quarter might get you a gum-ball.

Btw, way to contribute to that "trashing" of a thread. It was getting back on topic, and you were the one whining about the ruining...see if you can add about 15 more, all "whining" instead of telling fantastic stories and such. That'll really show you practice what you preach! lmao!.
post edited by wayne c - 2012/01/01 11:08:35
wayne c
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2012/01/01 10:57:16 (permalink)
This is what really starts the bickering and you know

Nope. Try again: "Plenty of deer if you go in the woods."

Most of us have just learned to deal with the lower numbers and see no point in continuing to post/complain or compare about the "good old days with lots of deer" ...

Do whatever you like Doc. I would like that same courtesy, without being bombarded with whining. Im sure others feel the same, thanks.

"Some complain others kill deer...."

And others do both, and both much better than you do. lol.

It's called PA DEER HUNTING....

And Ohio is called OH deer hunting, Missouri is "Missouri deer hunting" and New york is..you get the point.....

And It would also still be called "Pa deer hunting" whether there were 3 deer or 3 million.


And to you, as well Doc!

post edited by wayne c - 2012/01/01 11:18:30
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RE: How did you do muzzle loading 2012/01/01 12:51:48 (permalink)
Spent Friday afternoon with the bow and had a coyote get past me at 25 yards.  I managed to stop him twice but both times brush screened the shot.  I want a Pa. coyote bad. I almost dove headfirst out of the stand when I couldn't get a shot.
Spent Saturday sneak hunting and driving with the flintlock with a few of my buddies. Everyone had the hammers back but no shots fired.  Came close but passed on iffy shots.  Never heard a shot.

My rifle is a black rifle
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