Lake Arthur

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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/04 16:03:49 (permalink)
 I find that a 3 million candlepower beam directly into their face, makes my presence more easily seen. 
The shoal is going to be lit up like an airport now. I think i'll anchor nearby, this will be fun to watch.
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/04 16:15:13 (permalink)
I only fish there when special circumstances afford me the opportunity to basically have to myself.

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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/08 10:31:50 (permalink)
i havent been to arthur since the 70's I have been wanting to get up there but i have to get the 60 of the boat and the 9.9 on it. so when i do i will post that i am ready and spoon and bighead if you could just post when you will be there so i can follow you around the lake and just stealth into "your spot"  like i told my buddy its called fishing for a reason not catching i bought a boat so i could get out to spots that i can't fish from shore . i bought a fish finder with a gps so i could help my chances.  not that the fish finder is going to mark every fish in the lake or i going to catch every fish it marks. I didnt get a boat to drive up and throw at the people on shore or sit beside another boat. if you guys could just make it easier and set out markers fish here for musky or fish here for striper it would be a great help. i could sell the fish finder save gas money oh and please note on the marker what bait to use otherwise i would just be throwing blanks
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/08 12:07:36 (permalink)
Actually, if you didn't approach it/me like a smart arsed, snotty little girl. I might very well likely take you on a tour of the lake, and show more than a few primo spots. As well as give you some tips on what to throw, where to cast, what type of retrieve works best.  Though there ARE a few you'll never get to see. And should you be in one of those spots, throwing most of the same lures the next time I'm out.  I'll just wave, and drive on to my 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th spot. Maybe 'we'll even run into each other back at the launch, where I'll hope you tell me you slammered them.
Lots of fish out there. Not as many as there used to was, but sill lots. Lots of places to catch them too. Not as many as there used to was, but still lots. And the best thing is. I know enough of those spots, to catch enough ( though I might LIKE to catch more ) of those fish.

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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/08 12:27:14 (permalink)
On another note, previously mentioned. Please use diligence in reviving ANY fish you catch durring these hot days. There are fish kills across the country from high water temps, and the resulting low O2 levels ( with out the added stress of battling an angler ). One tennesseee lake saw a kill of 10,000 gills.
Oh, and those buoys in front of the da m at Arthur, with the word RESTRICTED on them. Mean STAY OUT.

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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/08 14:23:23 (permalink)
Yeah you wouldn't be the first sap to try that and won't be the last I'm sure. and a sidenote for ya, better get something bigger than a little 9.9 to keep up with me LOL

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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/08 17:18:06 (permalink)
hmm not quite sure how to take all that. was I just called a snotty arsed little girl and a sap ? perhaps the intent of my post was misunderstood i was trying to agree with you wilst poking some fun at the people that do the type of things that was being complained about on this thread. but if everyone is 100 percent literal 100 percent of the time i will keep that in mind for future post
thank you for your time and input
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/08 19:10:32 (permalink)
3 nights in a row been skunked gotta be doing something wrong but also new to fishing this lake

Lets Go Pen's!
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/09 05:26:32 (permalink)
Wanna_ Fish take it as you will. your post is  Very typical as the norm on here. If you looking for tips on lures/bait,spots your post is not the way to do so. But just this one time I will help ya out  go buy some night crawlers,6inch stick bobber,worm inflater.  Inflate night crawler,cast as far as you can (not at a another boat,shore fishermen) retrieve in a JERKING motion and there you have it GOOK LUCK   Oh yeah for ths spot ahhhh just go where ya see all the boat lights

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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/09 09:28:00 (permalink)
or go to the nearest lock there hitting there good. Large ones also.
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/09 20:57:22 (permalink)
wow ! ok then. i wasnt even going to respond to that but its my nature to do so. chances of me making it to arthur this year are slim but if i should and if i should run into you i will buy you a beer or a soda,water, ice cream cone or what ever just my way of saying thanks. and just so we are straight i wasnt looking for tips or spots and naw i think if i do make it to arthur i will look for my own spot to fish and stay away from all the boat lights. I did however learn not to try and post some humor on here.
if your ever in the Monroeville area gimme a shout
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/10 20:39:17 (permalink)
well just wanna fish not to sound like an arss but if you have been to arthur in the last couple years you would understand that there is nothing humorous about it. don't get me wrong i'm glad to see people using and enjoying the lake just wish half of them had some manners and respect for others or just some common sense.
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/11 08:40:56 (permalink)
i totally understand catchnfish. I quit fishing for many years due to rude people. as i stated in my first post its called fishing not catching. my buddy will ask everone he sees questions were & what even at that he is respectfull of boundries. but if he is not catching fish he wants to go. as i also stated i got a boat and a fish finder to help my chances in areas i havent fished before. i was trying to be totally off the wall by suggesting to mark areas and what bait to use. if there are people at arthur are like this i dont want to go there. spoon and bighead seemed like they fished the lake a lot thats the only reason i referanced them. it was not my intention to P.O. anyone.
when asked " are you seriouse ? "   almost never
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RE: Lake Arthur Stocking 2012/07/13 05:40:27 (permalink)
cryers forum at this point. rude people are everywhere deal with it.....and just because you live close to a lake doesn't make it your lake, if noone went to it but you "locals" it wouldn't get stocked nearly as much as it does now. Is alot of the stuff you're talking about completely ridiculous?? YES....once again deal with it. Just keep in mind, just because you people tell or don't tell someone a lure to use or a portion of the lake to use, guess what YOU STILL HAVE TO GO OUT AND DO IT AND ACTUALLY does take skill, So sick of the spot burning crying from the same people over and over and over. The lake is BIG enough for everyone to fish, help one another out and so forth. I've been going to Moraine since I was 6 years old. The good,bad, and ugly are everywhere. WAHHH WAHHH WAAHHH

Got Walleye???
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RE: Lake Arthur "Locals" 2012/07/13 15:49:07 (permalink)
 A good bit ov the time I fish it in solitude & sometimes I fish it near or watch other anglers. It's my choice & very simple either way. A lot ov times if I venture towards the "rude" ones they might be great guys having fun their way while fishing & not "rude" at all. Just out to have a good time & can be a howl if you take the time to talk to 'em & can be super great guys or gals. Not every fisher out their has to be serious while fishin' & I can be right up there with the best "Bull Crappers" on the lake "rude" & have a blast & still catch plenty ov fish doing so. It's all good to me except the litter bugs, & my one kid that is trying to be Angler ov the Year for the lake
Fishin' is Fun
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RE: Lake Arthur "Locals" 2012/07/13 17:00:19 (permalink)
nicely put blue and crappie  best of luck to your kid crappie. how does that work over all catch or certain species ?
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RE: Lake Arthur "Locals" 2012/07/13 18:50:27 (permalink)
  Sorry 'bout that, my writing skills are way below the avg. Shudda wrote for Angler ov the yr. for the Butler Basscasters Bass Club. He & his buddie are going to try for it this yr. as a team. They have been down the Mon. the last couple days practicing for tomorrows K.B.B.C Tournament. So far they entered 5 Tourn. & have been in the top 5 each time. Sortta hope they finish last tomorrow  
Take Care
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RE: Lake Arthur "Locals" 2012/07/13 21:48:58 (permalink)
nice i hope he does well
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RE: Lake Arthur "Locals" 2012/07/14 22:05:13 (permalink)
must'ta  not hoped enough... 3rd. place Finnish today
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RE: Lake Arthur "Locals" 2012/07/15 05:10:12 (permalink)
Are we at Kinzua?
Allegheny Reservoir is way under-used
So many people are afraid that others will take their fish.\
The  area needs tourism: Lighten up!

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RE: Lake Arthur "Locals" 2012/07/15 17:22:25 (permalink)
third place outa how many ? sorry  short notice on the hoping
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RE: Lake Arthur "Locals" 2012/07/18 13:14:26 (permalink)
  Sorry 'bout that again, I meant to say I must'a  not hoped enough for a LAST place finish   The one other KBBC Tourn. they entered at Pymatuning this yr. had 103 teams, don't think the Mon. 10 mile had as many. The Wed. night ones prob. avg. 70 teams depending on the weather.
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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/07/19 14:09:57 (permalink)
did well on cats friday night....livers and stinky paste bait
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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/07/19 15:19:24 (permalink)
post edited by rsquared - 2012/07/19 19:02:15
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Re:Lake Arthur 2012/07/21 19:30:08 (permalink)
  Should work now Dave...
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Re: RE: Lake Arthur 2012/08/12 21:47:24 (permalink)
  Looked like they were still looking when we came in from the lake late this evening.
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Re: RE: Lake Arthur 2012/08/13 14:13:20 (permalink)
One PF&BC boat on the water just out from the launch. Another boat & a couple of officers AT the launch, and the road TO the launch blocked off. Assuming they are still searching as of 15 minutes ago.

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Re: RE: Lake Arthur 2012/08/13 20:37:52 (permalink)
Yeah I doubt they will find that guy for a another day or so and I'm sure it will somewhere trout cover or down a bit. that currant under the bridge is stronger than most would think. Did some cutbait fishing there before. the currant was strong in the creek bed. It is Quite the shame.

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Re: RE: Lake Arthur 2012/08/13 22:30:49 (permalink)
 He was found this evening 'bout 40' from the dock
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