Lockedunofficial Pa.record burbot
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unofficial Pa.record burbot
Alaska 24.12 lb Manitoba 22.8 lb Minnesota 19.6 lb Superior 18.2 lb Michigan 18.25 lb Ohio 17.33 Erie Pa. ????? The two burbot pictured above with the Kane hill Billy measured in at 39inch and 40inches and some change.I would tell you how much they weighed but a couple sport writers out there stated "Burbot just don't get that big." We figure that these sport writer fellas just don't know how to fish for the ones that "just don't get that big". Burbot can be caught on just about any rod and reel combination. If one would be so inclined to fish for BIG burbot he or she would have to up size a little. Not because burbot are ferocious fighters but its close to impossible to cast a medium rig with 4-6 oz. of lead and a 1/4 to 1/2 pound of bait on each hook without snapping your line on every cast. The eel pout hit the best when the current is ripping through the channel and heavy lead is required to hold a pound of spinning bait on the bottom. I keep one 9ft. dipsy rod out for burbot, rigged with good 18 lb. line a couple of #1 long shanked hooks and a six oz. pyramid sinker. Attach a good wire crappy rig to your line add snap swivels to your hooks then snap them on the bottom rig and pinch tight. Big cut bait or a half pound dead bait will spin in the current and spoil your rig, swivels are a must when fishing big bait.The use of glow sticks has become a resent option and has proved to be worth the added expense. For a fin ($5.00) you can pick up a five pack with all the little attachment for rod, line or bobber. Place the glow stick just below the loop of the snell of your hook.Smaller burbot can be caught on just about anything from worms to chicken gizzards, power bait to emerald shiners. Fresh cut shad or smelt are by far the best bait for big eel pout. Fish after dark. Did I mention the 24.12 lb Alaska caught burbot was 42inches and some change! Caught South pier Erie Pa. By the Kane Hill Billy 41 1/2 inches.Why doesn't Pa. have a state record burbot?  These anglers are holding averaged sized burbot.Caught on a typical rig, 2 oz, flat sinker crappy rig with #4 hooks baited with emerald shiners.
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/06 18:21:08
When were the pic's taken Andy?
Over the Hill
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/06 21:52:03
This past Sept. I saw some very similar in size in the Oswego River along the wall. Congrats to the fisherman in the pictures. Those fish must have huge teeth, steel leaders a must! OTH
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/06 22:17:39
do they actually eat them? how are they eaten?
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/06 22:22:33
Those r some dam big burbot. If PA has st. record carp and cats, they should have a state record burbot. JMO.
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/06 22:37:40
I heard they taste like lobster when cooked right
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 13:51:34
Taz, Your right they are very good eating
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 14:58:15
That link that was posted on the other thread, had these listed as endangered species. Might want to verify the legality of keeping any. I'm pretty sure any fish in the cod family is going to taste pretty good. I wouldn't doubt that they are the tastiest fish in the lake. I love perch too. taken from bingsbaits post - http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/wrcf/brbt.aspx
post edited by Porktown - 2007/12/07 14:59:29
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 15:25:07
i love idiots who post pics with endangered fish... edit... i love idiots...
post edited by KJH807 - 2007/12/07 18:05:12
egg sac
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 15:42:04
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 17:23:20
LOL.....endangered???? Go to the north/south piers during a run and you'll see how endangered they are! There are tons of them in Lake Erie and are legal to keep. So before people start calling people idiots, educate yourself with the laws.......
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 17:24:39
BTW...They taste horrible
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 17:34:50
okay some say they taste like lobster some say they taste horrible which is it? lol
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 18:49:38
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 19:09:49
Calm down Mikey, that's like sayin the spotted gar & softshelled turtle are endangered. ACEDisplayMenu(); Home Fish  Boat  Non-game Species  About the PFBC  Grants Learning Center  Partners & Links  Permits & Forms  Pubs. & Products  Regulations & Laws     Regulations by Location LAKE ERIE AND TRIBUTARY STREAMS (Lake Erie and tributaries, Presque Isle Bay and Peninsular Waters) Species Seasons Minimum Size Daily Limit Muskellunge and Tiger Muskellunge (Hybrids) Open year-round 40 inches 1 Northern Pike Open year-round 24 inches 2 Walleye Jan. 1 through March 14 and May 3 through Dec. 31 15 inches 6 Bass* Largemouth Smallmouth Jan. 1 through April 11 and June 14 through Dec. 31 15 inches 4 (combined species) April 12 through June 13* 20 inches 1 Sturgeon No open season ENDANGERED SPECIES Yellow Perch Dec. 1 through March 31 7 inches 30 April 1 through Nov. 30 No minimum Sunfish, Crappies, Catfish, Rock Bass, Suckers, Eels, Carp, White Bass Open year-round No minimum 50 (combined species) Burbot (when taken by scuba divers by use of non-mechanical spears or gigs at a depth of at least 60 feet) June 1 through Sept. 30 No minimum 5 Burbot (when taken by hook and line) Open year-round No minimum 5 Smelt (when taken by hook and line) Open year-round No minimum None Trout and Salmon** Jan. 1 through April 10 15 inches 3 (combined species), only two (2) of which may be lake trout 8 a.m. April 12 through Sept. 1 9 inches 5 (combined species), only two (2) of which may be lake trout Sept. 2 through April 16, 2009 15 inches 3 (combined species), only two (2) of which may be lake trout Baitfish/Fishbait Open year-round No minimum 50 (combined species) Spotted Gar No open season ENDANGERED SPECIES * It is unlawful to conduct or participate in a fishing tournament for bass on Lake Erie or Presque Isle Bay during the period from opening day of the trout season in April until midnight the first Saturday after June 11. ** It is unlawful to fish or possess trout or salmon in or along any Lake Erie tributary stream from 12:01 a.m. on April 11 until 8 a.m. on April 12 (32 hours total).  Special Regulations - Lake Erie Tributary Streams - Designated as Nursery Waters are Trout Run and its tributaries, Godfrey Run, Orchard Beach Run, and Crooked Creek (where posted). It is unlawful to fish, wade, or possess fishing equipment while in or along Lake Erie tributary streams designated as Nursery Waters.
- Archery fishing or spear fishing is prohibited in or along Lake Erie tributary streams.
- From September 2 until the opening day of trout season in April, all Lake Erie tributary streams are closed to fishing from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day except for Walnut Creek and Elk Creek north of Route 5.
- It is unlawful to fish from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day within 50 yards of the mouth of both Trout Run and Godfrey Run while fishing the Lake Erie shoreline.
 Lake Erie Permit All anglers fishing Pennsylvania waters of Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay, and their tributaries are required to possess a valid Lake Erie or Combo permit. The main tributaries where a permit is required are: Cascade Creek, Crooked Creek, Eightmile Creek, Elk Creek, Fourmile Creek, Mill Creek, Raccoon Creek, Sevenmile Creek, Sixmile Creek, Sixteenmile Creek, Twelvemile Creek, Twentymile Creek, and Walnut Creek. Conneaut Creek, although partially in the Commonwealth, does actually enter into Lake Erie within the border of the state of Ohio. Therefore, anglers are not required to possess a Lake Erie Permit. Anglers fishing the East and West Basin ponds (Waterworks Ponds, Presque Isle State Park) are not required to possess a Lake Erie Permit. Anglers fishing inland ponds, lakes, and reservoirs in Erie County are not required to possess a Lake Erie Permit. Transportation of VHS-Susceptible Fish Out of the Lake Erie Watershed An infectious fish disease, caused by a variant of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHS), has caused fish mortalities in the Great Lakes. The initial list of fish species that are susceptible to VHS includes black crappie, bluegill, bluntnose minnow, brown bullhead, brown trout, burbot, channel catfish, chinook salmon, coho salmon, emerald shiner, freshwater drum, gizzard shad, herring, largemouth bass, muskellunge, northern pike, pink salmon, pumpkinseed, rainbow trout, redhorse sucker, rock bass, smallmouth bass, walleye, white bass, white perch, whitefish and yellow perch. It is unlawful to transport or cause the transportation of VHS-susceptible species of fish out of the portion of the Lake Erie Watershed in this Commonwealth into other watersheds of this Commonwealth except when certain conditions are met. It is illegal to use VHS-susceptible fish species, fish parts and eggs taken from the Lake Erie Watershed as fishbait in Commonwealth waters outside the Lake Erie Watershed except when the fish are certified as VHS-negative. It is legal to transport dead recreationally caught fish out of the Lake Erie Watershed solely for the purpose of human consumption. Because of diseases and invasive species, the Commission recommends as a good conservation practice that anglers not transport any live fish out of the Lake Erie Watershed and introduce those fish into other watersheds. For more information on invasive species, please see “Stop Aquatic Nuisance Species.†For more information on VHS, please contact the Commission’s Northwest Regional Office.  Summary Book Index  ACECreateMenu();onload=ACELoadMenu; Fishing Fundamentals Fishing Near You Stocking Pennsylvania Fishes Fishing Regulations Buy a Fishing License Water & Ice Safety Boating Basics Boating Near You Boating Courses & Safety Certificates Boating Regulations Boat Registration & Titling Water & Ice Safety Amphibians & Reptiles Aquatic Nuisance Species Species of Special Concern Non-game Species Regulations Agency Overview Agendas & Minutes Careers & Employment Directory Press Room Fishing Fundamentals Boating Basics Aquatic Critters & Habitat Educators Students & Kids Instructors & Volunteers Water & Ice Safety Frequently Asked Questions PFBC Partners PFBC Agents Conservation Programs Government Non-profit Fishing Boating Boat Registration Non-game Publications & Products Commercial, Property, Water PFBC Agents The Outdoor Shop PA Angler & Boater PLAY Publications PA Fishing License Boat Registration/Title Fishing Boating Non-game Species Rulemakings & Notices Legislation
post edited by crappiefisher - 2007/12/07 22:16:12
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 19:29:32
Tastes like chicken
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 21:42:12
ORIGINAL: cp13 okay some say they taste like lobster some say they taste horrible which is it? lol Catch one and try it....different people have very different tastes. I don't fish for them so I can't give an opinion on the taste
I have the right to remain silent.....I just don't have the ability
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/07 22:39:26
Im thinking of trying after these creatures, this is my setup so far... 7 foot baitcasting rod with baitcasting reel spooled with 14 lb line with a 2oz pyramid sinker then a swivel then a crappie rig with size 2 hooks and cut bait (small bluegill and chubs?)
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/08 00:06:45
ORIGINAL: mikeg LOL.....endangered???? Go to the north/south piers during a run and you'll see how endangered they are! There are tons of them in Lake Erie and are legal to keep. So before people start calling people idiots, educate yourself with the laws....... yawn.....................
Trap Jaw
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/08 17:43:17
Mike, Every year when this subject comes up you start bashing those of us that actually like them. So do what your mother should have told you to do... If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. CP, I've never tried a baitcaster. I just use my perch stuff, 6.5' med action w/ 6lb magna thin. Makes for a fun fight when the fish outweighs your line by a factor of 2, hahaha. One thing to watch, get new hooks on your crappie rigs, those hooks they use suck. Make sure you have a selection of weights. 2oz up to 4-5oz. If you want to catch them stop over and see Andy, he knows his stuff, or drop me a line I've got a couple buddies that would go at the drop of a hat. Oh, one other thing. Make sure you have a good net with a 6-8' handle to heft them up with.
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2007/12/09 13:37:46
When will the burbot come into the bay like to try for them.
fish whisper
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2011/12/08 19:42:26
ORIGINAL: KJH807 i love idiots who post pics with endangered fish... edit... i love idiots... LAKE ERIE AND TRIBUTARY STREAMS Burbot (when taken by scuba divers by use of non-mechanical spears or gigs at a depth of at least 60 feet) June 1 through Sept. 30 No minimum 5 Burbot (when taken by hook and line) Open year-round No minimum 5 who's the idiot now...just sayin'
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2011/12/08 20:21:08
ORIGINAL: capcity_tim Thread is 4 years old...who cares Guess you do since you had to comment
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RE: unofficial Pa.record burbot
2011/12/08 21:47:39
ORIGINAL: psu_fish who's the idiot now...just sayin' you?