What flies? When?
I have been searching and cannot find adequate information. Can anyone help explain what flies perform best in the different seasons for steelhead? Also, any suggestions on where to find fly usage info for bass in the spring, summer & fall? Thank you.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/19 13:43:30
i am not an expert, but i have honestly not seen much of a difference in catching steelbows in Erie whatever the season. egg patterns, streamers, a few nymphs work for me anytime of the year. when the water gets muddier, real egg sacs do the trick.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/19 14:32:18
Forget the pattern confidence is all you need. Presentation is more important then what your putting in front of them to eat. Thats my take as a non fly fisherman.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/19 20:19:32
ORIGINAL: papinner Forget the pattern confidence is all you need. Presentation is more important then what your putting in front of them to eat. Thats my take as a non fly fisherman. agree
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/19 22:44:25
Well all the "confidence" in the world won't make a fish bite the wrong offering, but I get the point. Fish do some strange things and once in awhile they will bite even a bare hook. But I do believe there are certain things that work better than others.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/20 22:45:11
I like to keep things simple so here is my take on fly choice: If the flow is high and stained, I use something on the larger scale and sometimes a bit brighter(this is where the bright pinks, oranges etc. come into play) All I mostly fish is clearer water with moderate to low flow, so I am always using smaller and more "natural" offerings. For me, this is a size 16 egg tied on a size 14 or 12 hook in a cream color with an orange blood dot. An egg pattern similar to the one just described is almost always accompanied by a nymph in the sz 14 range like a standard hare's ear. I agree with the previous comments about presentation over fly selection. These fish are moving into the streams to spawn, not to eat. This isnt a spring creek where fish are keying in on size 20 midges and ONLY size 20 midges. If you present a fly with reasonable deceptive qualities, with little to no drag, and right on top of a fish that is in a feeding mood, then you will most likely have a strike. Dont be afraid to cycle through flies or bait. If you are in a great looking stretch of water and you do not get any strikes drifting orange egg sacs, then maybe you should switch to another presentation before moving on to the next stretch of water and repeating the same strategy. You have to be creative and willing to adapt to be a successful angler. There is no panacea fly.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/21 08:59:33
good advice pwk, i'll go through 6 or 7 different patterns/colors before I give up on a stretch that I think is holding fish.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/21 09:05:59
Remember though it may not be the offering it may be that your presentation isn't correct or your fly simply isn't getting down to the fish. This time of year its more critical to get your offering down to the fish as they are sluggish in the colder water. Unless your on fresh chrome fish.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/21 09:20:28
you know pinner, i was always a firm believer in super small split shots. was fishing with my buddy who's an excellent steelheader and his rig had some honker split shot on. he said you gotta get down to the fish. so i started using larger shots and whammo, been catching alot more fish.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/21 09:22:37
xXbeast, sent you a pm regarding your question. for all others, IN FISHERMAN mag, if i remember correctly, the Sept. issue had an excellent article dealing with winter steelheading. started on page 56.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/21 13:30:15
I fished 4 days straight twice this year. Did a lot of walking and tried a lot of different things trying to see what would work. The most important thing I found out was right drift and right weight. Weight was the biggest lesson learned this season. I always went light not wanting to spook the fish. I can pretty much say now that I had a lot of unproductive days cause I was blowing the fly right by or right over the fish. I really think we can all learn a lot form the pinners who seem to get drift right more often that not.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/21 17:04:22
"I really think we can all learn a lot form the pinners" Somebody just threw up in their mouth
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/22 00:52:59
ORIGINAL: fisherofmen376 "I really think we can all learn a lot form the pinners" Somebody just threw up in their mouth  Oh, I think more than one.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/22 06:43:00
I really think we can all learn a lot form the pinners who seem to get drift right more often that not. Thanks for the pat on the back at least someone is able to take advice from us knuckle dragging pinners.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/23 12:16:25
Three major fly patterns are really all you need to catch steelies and they will bite one or more of these pretty much any time. As noted above, size and color matters when the flow is high or low, off color, etc... Pattern one - streamers These would be the woolly buggers, minnow patterns, picket pins, mickey fins, polar shrimp, salmon flies, etc... The idea is something that looks a bit like a minnow. Size usually around an #8 to #12, but increase or decrease according to conditions. Colors that have been successful for me have been silver, olive, blue, orange, gold and black. Pattern two - eggs These would be your sucker spawn, glo bugs, moe eggs,etc... I like a #14 most of the time with up to #10 for the high water and #16 for low and clear. Colors, pink, yellow, white, orange and light green. Pattern Three - nymphs These would be pheasant tails, prince nymphs, hares ears, caddis, small stoneflies, etc... Size #14 to #16. I usually do not fish these when the water is high. I prefer to fish nymphs in low and clear. Most patterns are in natural, dull colors like black, dark gray, olive, brown, tan, etc... As noted above getting the right drift and weight is very important. You need a natural drift where the fly is not being dragged along. You should also try to keep the fly near the bottom. Tandem rigs can work as well. Try a glo bug with a nymph dropper. Put the dropper about 12 inches or so behind the glo bug. Good luck fishing.
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RE: What flies? When?
2011/12/29 06:26:08
Another thing to keep in mind is to change it up. If everyone else is drifting pink egg patterns and the action is pretty slow, try fishing streamers or put on something chartreuse.