Saturday's blood bath

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RE: Saturday's blood bath 2011/12/13 10:52:48 (permalink)


No, the guys that hunt the fields have mostly tagged bucks and many don't shoot doe,

Earth to Kype--your words not mine----hunt the fields----33 deer six miles apart---all posted--- no shooting and you want us to believe that group was the only ones hunting and they really were not hunting----No I don't get it----what I get is some BS ----- love to continue but I have to set a stand for late archery for my GS---I'll let you have the last word on this.

My previous post is pretty clear. Also, I did not say "no" shooting. Let me know when you want to stop putting words in my mouth then maybe we can continue.

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RE: Saturday's blood bath 2011/12/13 10:56:06 (permalink)
the game comm don't stock on saurdays only on mondays that's why you didn't see deer lol
post edited by peacymike01 - 2011/12/13 10:57:02
redneck steel
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RE: Saturday's blood bath 2011/12/13 11:00:01 (permalink)

I don't mine shooting doe,when you see several a day but this year was bad. I hunted all day the first day and 18 out of 22 morning or evening sits the rest of the season,total deer 49 of them 4 bucks none legal.1st day best 8 doe 1 6pt.1st Sat. 7 doe,hunted behind my house saw 7 doe 1 small buck,next day behind the house 6 doe 1 small buck. I always wait to shoot a doe the last couple days,well I messed up this year hunted all day Fri. saw a whopping total 1 spike,hunted all day the last day saw a whopping total of 1 adult doe and let her walk at 40 yards. If everybody keeps shooting the only doe they see,well I think you all know the answer. LESS DEER S-10 I'm with you.What's it going to be like in 5 or 10 years of more HR

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RE: Saturday's blood bath 2011/12/13 20:20:18 (permalink)
Slow year for me also in buck department. The buck hunting and quality of buck have went down hill in my area since they eliminated doe the first week(2D). I spend a lot of time scouting and have camera's about. By far worst year for antlers and has declined the last couple. I saw 2 really good ones scouting and some small scrubs but nothing in between. The tweeners would be legal 15 to 18". Fortuneatly my neighbor's boy shot the 19" 4 point on the last day at 4:30 that had been running around the last several years. Seem to be plenty of doe, counted 12 in field this evening while driving around at dusk. All areas are differemt, so my observations are based only on the area I hunt. Also not near the buck sign as previous years.
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RE: Saturday's blood bath 2011/12/13 21:57:20 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: World Famous

I vote for the wolves also.They are doing the job expected of them..WF

You could say, they are doing a howl of a job...
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