Lockeddeer season

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2011/12/11 14:55:17 (permalink)

deer season

I know this is a fishing forum but gotta rant...
First time in 32 years I didn't get at least one deer, has to happen sometime but I hunted a lot harder than years past and only saw four does during the whole rifle season hunting saturdays and evenings after work.  Is it just me or anyone else feel that the game commission has trashed the deer herd by balancing their budget with excessive antlerless allocations 

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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 15:18:37 (permalink)
    Well if you are hunting in an area that there are excess tags given out and people take more that one deer that could be the explanation.

    Brown and down as the saying goes.  Same as the fish, take them all out and then there are no more to seek out.

    Then there is the TV to satisfy the out-of-doors experience!!!!
    post edited by Rnglgdj - 2011/12/11 16:12:34
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 15:40:13 (permalink)
    Although I agree with you about too many tags being issued,when was the last time you saw a WCO shooting a doe,or brag about "filling the freezer"? sam
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 17:05:42 (permalink)
    What I'm getting at is the deer herd in SW PA has obviously declined to the point where surely someone within the commission in the position to make a decision has to say ENOUGH already and drastically lower allocations. The legislators in Harrisburg have not allowed an increase in license fees for well over a decade and the commission is forced to keep the allocations high just to make ends meet, not a good management practice for sure. 
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 19:22:33 (permalink)
    if you hunted as much as you say so and only see that amount of deer, i highly suggest relocating to a different area.
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 20:13:50 (permalink)
    I hunted in Wash Co and I personally killed 13 doe this season, some tagged some not. I cut the back straps off and left the rest lay on most.

    If you can't kill a single deer with a rifle in sw pa you need to sell your guns and camo.
    post edited by LoganWade03 - 2011/12/11 20:15:37

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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 20:24:33 (permalink)
    No deer in southwest, no steel in Erie...PA might have the title for the state with the sportsmen who are most difficult to a appease.

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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 20:36:45 (permalink)
    The GC doesnt pull the trigger they just give the tags. How many doe have you killed in the past 10 years? You want more deer let the doe walk. Very simple.
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 21:30:42 (permalink)
    I hunted the first week mon-fri and the last sat. and have seen alot of deer didn't keep track of how may and i know of at least 6 or 7 bucks i had to pass cause of antler restriction, i thought everything looked in balance to me.
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 21:34:45 (permalink)
    "I hunted in Wash Co and I personally killed 13 doe this season, some tagged some not. I cut the back straps off and left the rest lay on most". Next to the tenderloins thats the best part anyways. sam

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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 21:58:48 (permalink)
    Not enough deer???????? I had one...a big one...brush the hood of my car tonight on Brownsville Road , Carrick, tonight!!!!! No woods in miles.....
    post edited by Swans500 - 2011/12/11 21:59:14
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 21:59:15 (permalink)
    Best year I have ever had of hunting in SW Pa. Seen many deer.
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 22:03:56 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: mr.crappie

    "I hunted in Wash Co and I personally killed 13 doe this season, some tagged some not. I cut the back straps off and left the rest lay on most". Next to the tenderloins thats the best part anyways. sam

    Sam I don't even really hunt, just making a comment as the people bridgeman has the issue with.  Everything I have witnessed in my time outdoors suggests there are plenty of deer to kill.  People constantly playing the blame game and trying to pin their short comings on someone else is getting ridiculous..

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 22:57:42 (permalink)
    I fish...

    never leave fish to find fish
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 23:01:14 (permalink)
    Logan, I did not believe your post anyways, though I do know of one slob in 2b that does kill 10 to 15 deer a year on posted property & brags about it.I suggested that he get a job in a slaughter house to satisfy his urges. BTW in my opinion, outrageous posts on the board, lower your creds when you want to be believed. sam
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/11 23:43:26 (permalink)
    I see alot more deer on private land, go on public land were the majority of people hunt there is barely anything. I only went one day, but my dad and brother went several times, and they only saw 4 doe in all, only one that would have been more than 100 pounds. I know there is still deer, but if you dont have private property it can be really hard to find them

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    RE: deer season 2011/12/12 10:41:39 (permalink)
    The secret to 2B is finding the land that you can get on (pretty much open to the public) that not a lot of other guys hunt on. Plenty of it around if you look hard enough but I won't be spoon feeding anyone hunting spots in 2B. Lots of door knocking and networking required but if you put your time in, you'll get on some good hunting ground. Just like anything else in life, hard work will be rewarded...
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/12 11:07:30 (permalink)
    Sam quote: " I suggested that he get a job in a slaughter house to satisfy his urges."

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    RE: deer season 2011/12/12 12:02:13 (permalink)
    Seen a ton of deer, both on public and private ground, with and without people pushing.  It has been a good deer season for me, looking forward to second season.
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/12 12:20:26 (permalink)
    I hunt 2A...Saw LOTS of deer...Shooter bucks - non shooter bucks...lotsa does...not as many as I saw last year - but WAY more than I used to see in the 80's...back then just seeing "A" deer was something...let alone a buck...since antler restrictions we have shot really nice MATURE bucks...

    Wish they would have left it 4 per side...we still "enforce" this rule among ourselves...Ya gotta put your time in and scout...

    Cant expect to step out of the truck at 6:45...sit behind a tree at 7...and expect to shoot a buck...

    Same thing with steel...went 0 for 2 on "fly rod only" trips this year...I got ALOT to learn - and I'm cool with it...I understand that there is not a steelhead behind rock...
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/12 13:03:44 (permalink)
    My Son & I have a saying" The Harder you hunt,the luckier you get" surprises me to hear that on this board about putting your time in,because most of the time when someone tries to plan something on here, all you hear is lamenting about thier Honeydo list or how busy they are.Can't figure out where they get all this time to knock on doors. That is why I mostly hunt Game lands & parks.Back in the sixtys there was a chart that showed how they deer pop. was migrating from north to south in Penna. I too remember when it was extreemly rare to even see a deer track in Westm'd Co. now we have them in our streets, while the northern co.s suffer from a lack of deer.As far as A.R. goes, our gang has shot many more mature bucks before A.R. than after. Also more bucks period before. Just remember, before, you were not forced to shoot a small buck if you didn't want to.The main thing that I noticed is that there are more bucks being left to get hit by cars now. sam
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/13 21:29:53 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: bridgeman

    I know this is a fishing forum but gotta rant...
    First time in 32 years I didn't get at least one deer, has to happen sometime but I hunted a lot harder than years past and only saw four does during the whole rifle season hunting saturdays and evenings after work.  Is it just me or anyone else feel that the game commission has trashed the deer herd by balancing their budget with excessive antlerless allocations 

    I've got a herd of about 20 deer in my subdivision that are wreaking havoc on my shrubs.  There is definitely no shortage of deer around here, if anything there are too many.   I literally had a 12 point mating with a doe on my back porch earlier this year, and I live in a residential area.
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/14 09:25:15 (permalink)
    Way 2 many deer here and way 2 many pieces posted. We have approx 400+ acres posted on each side, which makes us the feed lot, and this year was the worse in many. If we had a good patch of woods, I'd say come all ye and blast away. Would greatly save out pocket book from those destructive brown little *#&R%*#$)#! 2 of my buddies are in the red tag program close by, if anyone is interested PM me and I'll send you contact info once the tags are in. Mind you, this program is only in effect when hunting season is not, Butler Co. area.

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    RE: deer season 2011/12/14 10:54:41 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: AndyLee

    I've got a herd of about 20 deer in my subdivision that are wreaking havoc on my shrubs.  There is definitely no shortage of deer around here, if anything there are too many.   I literally had a 12 point mating with a doe on my back porch earlier this year, and I live in a residential area.

    Besides the hanky panky on my back porch, this is the same issue with my neighborhood. We drink beer and pee on each others bushes, to try to help...
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/14 12:54:14 (permalink)
    This was the worst rifle season in my opinion. I hunted 5 whole days and only saw 2 doe and a scrub buck. I worked my****off to see those deer and no I am not one of those guys who walk 50 yards in the woods from my car. The deer population has been diminished greatly but there are still deer. Another problem, is the lack of hunters in the woods. Without guys to get them moving, it is much harder these days.
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/15 00:36:56 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: TheSlamminSalmon

    This was the worst rifle season in my opinion. I hunted 5 whole days and only saw 2 doe and a scrub buck. I worked my****off to see those deer and no I am not one of those guys who walk 50 yards in the woods from my car. The deer population has been diminished greatly but there are still deer. Another problem, is the lack of hunters in the woods. Without guys to get them moving, it is much harder these days.

    Did you move your stand or continue starring at trees for all 5 days?

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/15 11:30:56 (permalink)
    Logan, You mean you are supposed to move? Who would have ever thought about that? No, I don't sit on my****all day. **** bag!

    ORIGINAL: LoganWade03

    ORIGINAL: TheSlamminSalmon

    This was the worst rifle season in my opinion. I hunted 5 whole days and only saw 2 doe and a scrub buck. I worked my****off to see those deer and no I am not one of those guys who walk 50 yards in the woods from my car. The deer population has been diminished greatly but there are still deer. Another problem, is the lack of hunters in the woods. Without guys to get them moving, it is much harder these days.

    Did you move your stand or continue starring at trees for all 5 days?

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    RE: deer season 2011/12/15 15:09:24 (permalink)
    Lol..where are you slammin those salmon?

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/15 19:28:54 (permalink)
    Still have a chance to get one with a flintlock I guess
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    RE: deer season 2011/12/15 20:56:39 (permalink)
    i live in 2b outside of allegheny co i hunt for deer tracks around my place
    high power rifles are legal here and they shoot at anything till the end of jan deer dont stand a chance here
    my back yard was a good spot till a few yrs ago now i get excited when i see tracks out back
    i hunt alot and and normaly fill my tag but i dont see very many deer no matter where i am hunting [i dont hunt around my house anymore thats just a wast of time]

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