a sad day

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2011/12/07 20:51:55 (permalink)

a sad day

well, i lost my father today after a 3 month hospital stay. He will be missed VERY much. He was a tough old marine but he lost this battle. hunting and fishing will never be the same again without his smile or jokes. i hope he meets-up with Terry (CRIP) and are waiting for me farther down the road.MISS YOU DAD....

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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/07 20:54:48 (permalink)
    So sorry for your loss. I pray the Lord gives you comfort in your pain, and joy in all the memories which will never fade.

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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/07 20:54:49 (permalink)
    sorry about the loss Rich, that's a tough one.  prayers to you and the family.

    go back to spain
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/07 21:03:41 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: coldfront

    my heartfelt condolences. i have felt the same pain when i lost both of my folks, but even though sadness possesses your heart today, know that we will all meet up again. there is little that i am sure of in this world, but this i am sure of. long story, but i know.

    there are so many guys and gals who grow up without the love of a parent or with a negative memory of one, that through your loss, you were truly blessed to have such a great guy in your life. the more you love someone, the greater the loss is to take.

    today, my prayers will include you and your family. the world is a lesser place when an ex-marine takes up guard watch in heaven.


    Well said!!! My prayers are with you too.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/07 21:18:35 (permalink)
    Sorry for your Loss .. You and your family will be in our thoughts


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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/07 22:17:36 (permalink)
    Condolences from a fellow Marine brat. I'm very sorry for your loss.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 07:59:11 (permalink)
    I am sorry for your loss. May God be with you and your family at this time of need. PRAYERS.

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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 08:27:30 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: fisherofmen376

    So sorry for your loss. I pray the Lord gives you comfort in your pain, and joy in all the memories which will never fade.

    Well said... so sorry for your loss 300.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 09:33:24 (permalink)
    My condulances...thoughts and prayers with you and your family. So sorry for your loss.

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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 09:41:04 (permalink)
    May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

    I lost my dad almost 18 years ago. It was hard at first to realize he was gone. He died of prostate cancer and his last year was hard on him as well as the rest of us. While we all agreed his passing was a blessing and ended the suffering, there was hole in our lives he fill that was large and painful. For quite awhile after he passed, all of my thoughts of him were of his final days, but with time those images became less and less and I began to remember him more when he was a vital man, my strong dad.

    I still miss him, but as weird as this may sound, he is still with me. I have a tradition that has developed over the years that helps we keep his memory alive. Each Thanksgiving I take his old L.C. Smith double barrel, a hand full of shells, a thermos of tea and head into the woods for a hunting trip with dad. It is our quiet time to walk, go over the year and just hang out. I look forward to that day as much as any holiday because for some reason he seems close to me then.

    300mag the pain, anger, sadness, sense of loss, confusion, etc... that is swirling around in your head at this point will calm down and pass just as a bad storm comes to an end and when it does a new day will dawn for you. It will be different than before, but it is not all doom and gloom. Your dad will not physically be with you any more, but in this new day his spirit will be there, every step you take. You will hear his voice in a whisper of wind, or catch your self repeating a phrase he said to you, or when you give advise to someone his words to you will be your words. You see we are all formed by those we love, especially our parents and they leave a bit of themselves in us when they move on. Your father will be a part of you always.

    May the peace of God be with you and your family at this time and remain with you always +

    pax vobiscum +
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 10:22:54 (permalink)
    Many have expressed their thoughts and condolences so well that there seems little that I can add . I believe that loved ones that are no longer with us in our physical world  remain with us in cherished memories and can be comforting in troubled times . Bughawk possesses a strong sense of the Stages of Loss and although we all progress through them in steps in order to heal , it's not unusual to fall back into a previous stage for a short time , eventually reaching the Acceptance Stage . Yes, it is difficult , but necessary in order for us to heal . Remember that it's OK to cry . Too many people mistakenly believe that men shouldn't and that is a fallacy . It also is part of the healing process . You have my deepest sympathy 300mag and also empathy as I have experienced the same .    
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 11:47:36 (permalink)
    Sorry to hear about the passing of your father. The death of a loved one tears a hole in your heart that only time will heal. My dad left this world 40 years ago, and I still miss him very much. I still think of him often and remember the times we had together, hunting, a little fishing and just hanging out. I hope the pain of your fathers loss will pass quickly, and that you cherish the memories you have of him forever. May God be with you and your family at this sad time in your live's.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 12:16:51 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: fish5000

    Many have expressed their thoughts and condolences so well that there seems little that I can add . I believe that loved ones that are no longer with us in our physical world  remain with us in cherished memories and can be comforting in troubled times . Bughawk possesses a strong sense of the Stages of Loss and although we all progress through them in steps in order to heal , it's not unusual to fall back into a previous stage for a short time , eventually reaching the Acceptance Stage . Yes, it is difficult , but necessary in order for us to heal . Remember that it's OK to cry . Too many people mistakenly believe that men shouldn't and that is a fallacy . It also is part of the healing process . You have my deepest sympathy 300mag and also empathy as I have experienced the same .    


    Pretty soon will mark 3 years since the passing of both of my parents. They never really leave you. Just know your Dad is with you now and smiling down.

    The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987

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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 12:39:14 (permalink)
    sorry for your loss...cherish your memories...tough sleddin from here on out...

    one of the hardest things I had (and still have) to deal with was trying to keep the family together...

    wish I could be half of what my old man was...

    keep your head up
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 13:33:42 (permalink)
    Very sorry that you lost your dad.
    My sincere condolences to you and your family.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 13:56:26 (permalink)
    Prayers to you big guy! May God Bless and comfort you and your family during this time.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 14:10:51 (permalink)
    Been there my friend, just cherish all the good times . The first time we fished together, the first time we went hunting, you will be surprised how many things come back to you that were great times. Cherish them all. Most of all remember all the things he taught you. It always amazed me that the older I got the smarter my Dad was. He was a wise man.

    There will be days when fishing is better than ones optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 16:52:22 (permalink)
    A day none of us wants to face, thoughts and prayer to you and your family...
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 18:05:03 (permalink)
    Sorry for your loss.
    Having just lost my Father-in-law last week I feel your pain.

    Your family will be in our prayers.....

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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 18:16:31 (permalink)
    From a guy going through the same thing.  Always remember you're not alone.  From the responses on here you definitely are not.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/08 18:51:39 (permalink)
    sorry for your loss your dad will be with you always I lost my dad the first day of deer season last year. it is tough but he still there when I fish & hunt & sometimes you know he is getting a good HA HA HA
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/10 06:53:32 (permalink)
    Sorry for your loss my dad passed away just this past christmas its coming up on one year ago and I still miss him dearly may god bless you and your family.Remember the good times you had and enjoy the memories and know that your father will always be right beside you in lifes journeys
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/10 17:33:52 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: coldfront

    my heartfelt condolences. i have felt the same pain when i lost both of my folks, but even though sadness possesses your heart today, know that we will all meet up again. there is little that i am sure of in this world, but this i am sure of. long story, but i know.

    there are so many guys and gals who grow up without the love of a parent or with a negative memory of one, that through your loss, you were truly blessed to have such a great guy in your life. the more you love someone, the greater the loss is to take.

    today, my prayers will include you and your family. the world is a lesser place when an ex-marine takes up guard watch in heaven.


    I'll second this as I could not have put it any better,Been almost 20 yrs for me and I still miss both of mine.
    My thoughts and prayers to you and yours,
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/10 19:22:42 (permalink)
    With deepest sympathy on the lost of your father.
    May the peace that comes from the memories of love shared comfort you now and in the days ahead.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/10 21:20:31 (permalink)
    Sorry for your loss Bud, remember the good times and enjoy new ones with your son as I know you will.

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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/11 18:29:00 (permalink)
    Sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace.

    Born to fish, Forced to work...

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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/12 09:25:59 (permalink)
    300mag- My deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences.
    Take Bughawk's advice and you'll be able to keep your Dad with you always.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/12 22:25:00 (permalink)
    Keep them in our hearts and they will live forever
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/24 19:07:15 (permalink)
    THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts and prayers,i hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.
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    RE: a sad day 2011/12/24 21:18:13 (permalink)
    May you have a Blessed Christmas. +

    God Bless +

    pax vobiscum +
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